French Researchers To Give Nicotine Patches To Coronavirus Patients

Well well well.

"French researchers to give nicotine patches to coronavirus patients and frontline workers after lower rates of infection were found among smokers."
French researchers plan to give nicotine patches to coronavirus patients and frontline workers | Daily Mail Online  

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Say What?!? : Smokers 'four Times Less Likely' To Contract Covid-19

Smokers 'four times less likely' to contract Covid-19, prompting nicotine patch trials on patients

That is just crazy. Nicotine patches to help prevent COVID-19.

Vape on and stay healthy my friends.  

Msnbc Reports On Nic And Covid

I was just watching MSNBC and they said (paraphrased) that a study from Belgium has noted that people who smoke seem to be much less likely to get COVID, and they believe it may be because both nicotine and COVID bind to the same cell receptors (or some thing like that - I'm not a medical person lol), so they think nicotine might block COVID from being able to attach to the cell. They're looking into the connection, but say it's waaayyyy too soon to know anything for sure yet. Meanwhile, in the interim, as I refill my vape...

Here's a link to an article (there were actually several articles on google about this): Smokers 'four times less likely' to contract Covid-19, prompting nicotine patch trials on patients  

Coronavirus And Ordering From China

I was going to order some stuff from fasttech and saw this on the website.

"Service alert: the ongoing coronavirus spread is placing China under defecto lockdown.
Local labor policy currently prevents staffs from returning to work as scheduled.
Customer service is available with limited capacity at this time as we work from home.
Shipping is now expected to resume normal service on February 10, 2020. More details to follow"

Is anyone worried about ordering from China?  

Do You Plan To Quit Someday?

Hello fellow vapers.
Here is a topic I was thinking of lately and I wanted to ask your opinion/plans.

Generally speaking, e-cigs were invented in order to help smokers switch from smoking regular cigs to something much less harmful and eventually help people quit this (one of the worst) habit of smoking / adding nicotine to your system.

Ideal plan was to give a smoker something similar (as a process) with enough nicotine to satisfy his needs but without all that sh@t that cigs contain.
After some time this ex-smoker was suppose to start lowering amounts of nicotine in his e-juice up until he is OK with 0 mg. nic vaping.
And eventually quit vaping as well, eliminating the habit.

In reality, I'd say about 80% of ex-smokers who became vapers don't even plan to quit vaping, they have their preferred nic. level and they keep on vaping it year after year being happy about it.

So what's your opinion on that? Do you also plan to keep on vaping or you might quit it in the future?  

Impossible Sweet Spot : Nic Buzz Vs Throat Hit


I vape since approximatly 2 years.
I think I got a lot of experience (Mods, DIY, etc).

However, I'm still not even able to find my "Sweet Spot".
Between a balance of "Nicotine Buzz" vs "Throat Hit".
For me, I would like to have the "Nicotine Buzz" of the 18mg/24mg.
But, with a small "Throat Hit" of for example 12mg/06mg.

I did notice that Nicotine BOTH strongly give the NicBuzz and Throat Hit.
Even with a 24mg(100%vg on small wattage), the Throat Hit is just too much for me.
I did tests mods, pg/vg, wattage, airflow, drink water, etc etc etc.
I chainvape nearly 10ml/day and since moths I'm killing my Throat.

Is there anyone with the same situation as mine?
Thanks, have a nice day! =)  

Dr. F. Responds To A New Study (help With The Math)

So there was a cell study published recently that took human and rat lung cells and exposed them to both cigarette smoke and e-cig vapor (with and without nicotine). Dr. Farsilinos responded saying that the study was bogus based on a detail he saw in one of the charts.

What happened is they were measuring the nicotine in molarity and not in milliliters. For those of you unfamiliar, 1M = 1 molar of solute in 1 liter of a solution. So, essentially 1 molar (1M) = 1 mol/L.

Dr F. concluded that they were using concentrations of nicotine that would never been seen in real life conditions (see the link above where he explains).

Dr. F's detraction resulted from a chart that listed the following concentrations of nicotine they applied to the cells. They we

.1 mM
.5 mM
2.5 mM
5 mM
10 mM

(A mM = millimole or 1/1000th of a mole).

Now, the molar mass of nicotine is 162.23g/mol. This means that 1M of nicotine = 162.23g. Since 1M = 1mol/liter, this means that there would be 162.23g of nicotine in one liter of their solution.

Now here's where I am wondering if Dr. F messed up his calculation. A millimole = .001 M. Thus a millimole of nicotine = .16223g (let's round to .16g). That would be .16g/L.

Now .1 mM of nicotine = 160g x 0.0001 = .016g/L. And so on for the rest of the chart presented in the paper. Here would be the conversions in grams per liter:

.5 = .08g/L
2.5 = .4g/L
5 = .8g/L
10 = 1.6g/L

Now, you are probably thinking, "Yes, but you have grams per liter. We need milligrams per milliliter. Therefore, you would need to move the decimal three places to the right. Hence, .016g/L would equal 16mg/mL. Right?"

Wrong. 0.016g/L = 0.016mg/mL. It's the same. It's something we learn in elementary school called cancellation.

The density of pure nicotine is 1.01g/cm^3. This equates 1:1 with mg/mL. Thus, the density of pure nicotine (undiluted) would be 1.01g/mL or 1010mg/mL.

Dr. F, is claiming that 10 mM =1600mg/mL. This is impossible as that is more nicotine than is possible to fit into one mL, even if it was pure and undiluted. (As I said above, pure nicotine is 1010mg/mL).

I conclude that Dr. F. is wrong when he says they were using 16mg/mL, 80mg/mL, 400mg/mL, 800mg/mL, and especially 1600mg/mL (impossible), etc. He moved the decimal place over when he shouldn't have. Or perhaps I am completely wrong and talking out my behind (I am not a chemist and admit I could be totally confused about molarity and the densities and masses of the chemicals here).

I know we have chemists here. I would like it if an expert would show me the error of my ways, which I fully admit is possible. Again, I am no expert. I'm just a guy who thought that surely these researchers cannot be so silly as to use outrageous amounts of nicotine such as 1600mg/mL!  

What's The Reasoning For Vaping 0mg Nic Juice? ... I Don't Get It

I was in a bar / restaurant a couple of days ago and noticed another person vaping (guy looked to be in his late 60s). The guy was using what looked like a non-adjustable EGO style stick battery with what looked like an 'old-school' Kanger T3 clearomizer on top.

I struck up a conversation with him for just a moment and asked him what type of juice he was vaping ... The guy never told me the brand or flavor, but said it was 0mg Nic when I asked him.

That was basically the end of our conversation.

My question to you folks is this .... Why would anyone keep vaping if they had no nicotine in there juice? For me, the reason I vape in the first place is to keep off cigarettes. I am obviously addicted to nicotine, and have replaced the nicotine from cigarettes for the nicotine found in my juice.

If I could wean myself completely off nicotine, I think at that point I would just give up on vaping altogether. Someday I would like to be nicotine free, but for now, I just can't see it in my future.

BTW .... I have not smoked a cigarette for 15 months, but I am still vaping on my fairly strong 16mg Nic DIY juice.  

Vaping, A New Dawn For Former And Current Smokers

Why ? - The many varieties of devices, flavors, and nicotine strengths still available in many places not contaminated by the political whores who apparently hate all tobacco so much that they are willing to jeopardize the lives of many thousands, if not millions, of ex and even current smokers, by killing off the vape industry in favor of their hypocritical agendas of tobacco control.

The fact that vaping tobacco has been proven to be less toxic than lit tobacco products is, to them, all the more reason to restrict and eventually eliminate it. {As has been done in India where all vaping is a crime}

Vaping has been and is still being used by many to wean their way off of nicotine by gradually lowering nicotine concentration - For others who do not want to quit completely vaping offers a much safer alternative to the toxic stew present in lit tobacco, especially cigarettes.

And the fact that vaping for flavor with zero nicotine is available - seems to give them all the more reason to outlaw flavors ?!??!?!

Do they know what they are doing you may ask? - Sure they do, and its all about money. Apparently they make more in tax revenues from old fashioned cigarettes - Still as tax rates go up everywhere on vape products, they may decide there is enough to be made to keep it legal. But don't fool yourself, it has nothing to do with 'saving the children'. In a nation where it may soon become easier, in some places, to buy marijuana than tobacco - I ask who is going to save the children from the political whores who can no longer keep following the mantra that "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

Who will save the children from them ?

And no I am not against marijuana legalization - but still must point out that tobacco, a mental stimulant, is being downgraded by a drug often used to get 'stoned'

Maybe this is what they want - Not a thinking population of voters - When a stoned population is easier to fool!  

Should I Give It To Him?

My son sort of half heartedly wishes to give up smoking. He has tried patches and those didn't work at all. I gave him my Green Smoke cigalikes and those didn't cut it either. So without telling him I bought him an iStick 20 and a Nautilus mini thinking if he got the real benefit of more or less proper vaping he might stick with it. I even make my own juice so I can keep him happily supplied.

The equipment is due to arrive any day now but after what happened yesterday I'm almost having second thoughts about giving it to him when it does arrive. We know not even regulated mods are 100% safe. I can live through my own accidents but if something happened to my son because of something I gave him I would not be able to live with it.

Is this just PTSD on my part? What do you think?  

Trouble - They Found Out About Dripping

Concerns about dripping

Newer-generation e-cigs allow users to choose — and change — what flavorings they heat up in their devices. Most vapers choose a liquid with nicotine (that addictive, stimulant found in tobacco). To get the biggest nicotine hit from each puff, some vapers take the outside cover off of their e-cigarette and use an eyedropper to “drip” the liquid directly onto the device’s coil.

This is an atomizer used for dripping. A couple drops of e-liquids are dripped directly onto the hot coils to create a vapor cloud.

E-liquids reach higher temperatures when dripped directly onto the coil. This also creates a bigger vapor cloud and provides a bigger throat hit. A new study now raises special concerns for teens who drip.

Allowing the liquid to get superhot can transform harmless chemicals in the e-liquid into toxic ones. (Note: At least one recent study showed that the hotter the vaped liquid became, the more likely it was to undergo such a toxic transformation.) And dripping makes this super-heating likely. Some people even use attachments, called atomizers, to do this more effectively.

Vaping hobbyists that do smoke tricks may have popularized dripping, says Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin. A psychiatrist at Yale University in New Haven, Conn., she’s been studying vaping behaviors in teens. Many now drip, she and her colleagues report.

This team surveyed 1,080 Connecticut high schoolers who said they vaped. One in every four teen vapers said he or she had tried dripping.

This is the first time any study has reported on the popularity of dripping in teens. (Researchers don’t yet know how common dripping is among adults.) The new statistics appear in the February Pediatrics.

Most teens who dripped said they had hoped it would let them make thicker vapor clouds or give the vapor a stronger taste. At present, little is known about the health risks of this type of vaping, Krishnan-Sarin notes.

And that worries her. “There’s great concern,” she says, “that kids are being exposed to higher levels of known carcinogens this way.” Researchers don’t yet know if this is true. And that’s because no one has yet studied whether more of these compounds get into the body when people drip instead of vaping normally.

For now, Krishnan-Sarin says a bigger vapor cloud or more flavorful hit probably isn’t worth the risk. “You don’t know what you’re exposing yourself to,” she points out, and no one should assume that the e-liquids and the vapors they generate are harmless