Nicotine Intake Calculation On Vaping

I read somewhere that for a pod system at 15W with a 25mg juice,the intake here is high of course.Lets say I am using sub ohm,60W@6mg,which I read that is equivalent to 6X4 compare to the pod system,so my intake of nicotine per ML is 24mg,is that true even though many people doesn’t care...  

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There Is A Way To Reducing Morning Hang Overs.

For those of you that like to drink and vape at the same time, there is a simple way to eliminate morning hang overs by ten fold. I have done a lot of experimenting over 6 month, and the best way to avoid the worst hang over or simply not have a hang over. Is by vaping juice with 0mg Nic while you are drinking.

The next day you will wake up far more refreshed, and you will feel as if you only had 3 beers instead of 10 beers.

There is something about Nic intake from vaping, that makes the morning hang overs far worse after drinking. My guess, is that we intake more Nic during drinking, thus our bodies are toxic in the morning from large intake from Nic.  

Clear Something Up For Me...

I've just been to a local vape shop poking around. The clerk told me something that I don't believe is true.

Is vaping a 3mg juice at 50 watts the same nic intake as 6mg at 25 watts?

The Math sounds reasonable, but I don't think it actually works that way, right?  

A Herniated Disc- Nicotine, And ,trying To Go Down??..

Hi everyone,
a question. At the moment I have a herniated disc. I have been going for spinal decompression, and physical therapy and they appear to be helping a bit.
Here is my dilemma. They say that nicotine is really bad for this and the disc healing .And of course it is very bad long-term for discs in general.

I always Vape 18 mg on my joy Tech ego one with 1.0 atomizer .
At the moment, I do not want to drop down to 0mg completely cold turkey. Vaping is one of few things that gives me pleasure now while I have to deal this pain.
My question is this. I just bought a 6 mg. In theory, if i vaped exactly as much as I normally do, let's say 120, 3 second hits a day .. I would now be reducing my nicotine intake by about 66% or so. Is that correct?
Which at least is a start, i guess

Many thanks for your advice  

Does Decreasing Nicotine Level To Quit Work?

A few month ago I was vaping 24mg juice, been doing that for a few years. I started strong to quit cigs. My biggest cravings happen when I wake up, and after a meal.

I made the decision to quit vaping so I cut the strength down to 10mg 2 month ago. Then a few days ago I cut down to 5mg. I plan do cut down further to 2.5mg a month from now, and then 1.25mg...etc. I do DIY juice so all I have to do is dilute my jar when I have 50% left.

Right now I still get some craving at trigger time, and each time I cut down, I need to puff more in the first few days.

I wonder if my cravings will decrease as my nic level decreases. Once I'm at 1.25mg I plan to quit cold turkey, and I wonder how hard it will be? I should also mention that I vape menthol, so each time I dilute my juice I'm also weakening the cooling sensation that I'm used to.


0mg Nicotine

Hello! So, for whatever reason, pre-employment nicotine testing is becoming a thing in my field. I use 6 mg juice, so I'm just going to switch to 0 mg. Everything I've read says 2 weeks should be good to pass the test. My question is, how much residual nicotine will be left in the vape from previously using 6 mg? I took it apart and cleaned it.... Is that sufficient? Or am I still consuming enough nicotine to fail a test?

How Much Nicotine Am I Getting Per Vape Hit?

Okay, so I Vape in very “precise” ways but I cannot figure out how to calculate (do the proper math) on how much I nicotine I am consuming. Can someone help? I have been vaping the exact same way daily for a long time, but still don’t know how much nicotine I get (just an estimate) per session because I suck at math...

1.) I vape 3mg (3mg of nicotine, per ml of juice) of nicotine using a “Smok Nfix” that holds a 3ml pod of nicotine juice. So that’s 9mg of nicotine, per pod.

2.) I set the wattage to exactly 22W on the vape, always, and it is a MTL pod device.

3.) I take EXACTLY 5 puffs over a period of 5-10 mins. Every puff is EXACTLY 5 seconds. Sometimes only 4 seconds, but just say 5 to make it easier. I use my watch or phone’s timer to make certain the timing is exact. I inhale the same way every time. So 5 puffs X 5 seconds, per puff, equals 25 seconds total for each vape session. After those 5 puffs, I don’t vape again (at all) for 1-3 hours, just depending.

....But how do I figure out how much nicotine I am getting in those 5 puffs? I know that in my Nfix pod there is 9mg of nicotine, in each pod.

I also believe 1 full pod (3ML) gives approximately 325 seconds worth of puffs, with each puff being only 1 SECOND. I only tested this one time so I am not certain, but it’s an estimate.

Can anyone help me do the right math here?
I also still smoke ultra light Marlboro cigarettes (from what I read on multiple sources you only absorb about 0.5mg to 0.7mg of nicotine per cig on the ultra lights) but only 1-3 cigarettes per day.
But I am wondering if my 5 puffs on the vape (5 puffs @ 5 second each) is even remotely close to being equal to an ultra light cigarette that has about 0.5mg nicotine per cig?
Thanks, I suck at math so if anyone can help lol  

Please Explain To Me: Those Who Died, What Were They Vaping?

I apologize in advance if this is a question that has been discussed a lot, but the problem is that what I’ve read doesn’t seem to make sense: We know from experience that vaping PG/VG based juices are safe to vape, so I don’t wanna talk about that. However, when I read (in articles as well as here in the forum) that they have been vaping THC , I have to say that this kind of stuff has been consumed in vaporized form for quite a while now, probably since before people started vaping PG/VG. So it doesn’t make sense to me that all of sudden, vaping THC is killing people.
Do we have an explanation for these cases that actually makes sense?  

Kangerteck Modified

Two issues I wanted to fix. The first is the battery run time using the low ohm coils. Second is when the e-liquid gets to the top of the sub ohm coil housing in the Kangertech I've noticed a lot of dry hits when heavy vaping, ( I like a higher VG juice. ) I would find myself closing the air intakes and sucking hard to get the wick saturated, ( a real pain in the ***. )
NOTE: I like an airy hit and run the air intake ports full open.
So here's what I did.
I've drilled the wick holes out to 3.5mm in the Kangertech coil housing. Then built a 1.1 ohm coil with 4 strands of 32ga. kanthal, ( twisted together first ), 5 wraps around a 3.47mm screwdriver. The coil was very springy to work with but got a bit stiffer after torching t closed to 1/4" width using adjustable tweezers. I used regular ball cotton for the wick in this experiment. The coil came in at 1.1 ohm.
Primed the wick and filled tank with a little bit of juice, just below the top of the coil housing.
All I can say is WOW. The first 10 hits taste a bit crappy but after the break in, WOW.
Taste and vapor production are great. There's a bit of crackle but no pops. Crackle I don't mind, Pops I mind. The ClouporT8 counted 75 hits and now the e-juice level is just above the wicking ports by a hair and still working great with full open air intake ports.
I will add post after I've used this set up for awhile.
Curious what other think!

Preventing Residue In Pc Case?

I sit at my computer a lot during the day for university, work, and to play games. A few years back, a lot of residue from vaping built up in my case. Didn’t notice until my GTX 1060 stopped working one day. Looked inside and the micro capacitors on the card were sitting in a bit of it and had corroded off the board.

Hypothetically, it shouldn’t have done that. It shouldn’t be conductive or corrosive from what I’ve read, but that’s what happened, honest truth.

Few weeks ago I was swapping out my motherboard and noticed there is once again a bit of residue build up on fans in the case. Not as bad as before. I cleaned it all out with rubbing alcohol.

Is there some kind of way I can prevent this residue from building up in the case? Just been trying to keep a window cracked and blow my vapor out the window.

Maybe some paper towel over the intake fan ports? It’ll reduce airflow I’m sure, but my components usually stay well under harmful temperatures. None of my frequently played games are very intensive.  

A General Vaping Discussion !.

Would you consider chain smoking/vaping to be a habit formed out of Nicotine Abuse or out of Nicotine addiction ?. How much nicotine does a smoker/vaper need ?. Is someone who goes from sixty cigarettes a day to vaping the equivalent, or more, amount of nicotine per day an abuser or an addict ?. What would happen if they were to stop using nicotine altogether overnight ?. How and when did YOU start smoking, and how much ?. Was it through peer pressure when you were young ?, or did you just start smoking socially as an adult ?. Maybe you enjoyed smoking whilst drinking your morning coffee or whatever. Do these habit forming activites which become routine compound your addiction ?.

I'd just like to highlight the fact that substance abuse is a real thing and that the world seems to have conveniently forgotten all about it. Which i think is a perfectly good subject for debate in a forum such as ECF.

So maybe a yes or no might be sufficient. Should the use of nicotine via vaping or even smoking be considered by you as either substance abuse ?, or substance addiction ?. Nicotine is quite simply just a poison after all. It doesn't alter you consciousness, not that i know of, and serves no real purpose at all really. Unlike many other substances which i'd consider to be abused by many.

And i'm not sure how some members will respond if examples of the uses of other substances are used to describe what addiction can be like for some people. Because someone might report it as being off topic and have this thread closed.

Having said that, if you would like to use examples of addiction or abuse, (as a yard stick) of other substances as examples of how much control addiction to a substance can have over an addict, then maybe you should.

Questioning the belief of nicotine addiction could help people to think otherwise. Which is a good thing !. Writing it off as addction doesn't really help those who want to quit completely, it just serves to compound their belief in their own addiction.

A pre-emptive SORRY to anyone who doesn't understand what this thread is about. FYI, It's about whether the use of nicotine in vaping or smoking is considered to be either abuse or addiction by those who use it.
