The Final Count Down -- Are You Ready?

That's the number of months we have left until the new PMTA deadline.

Personally, I've been ready for a bit over three years. This thread is mostly intended for people who realize they aren't ready yet but would like help getting there, who aren't willing or able to wade though 23,000+ posts in the Deeming Regulations thread or 24,000+ in the Stocking Up thread.  

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I'm Surprised The Shipping Ban Doesn't Have It's Own Thread

instead of hanging on to the Deeming thread. They really Aren't even close to the same thing.

Rightfully so, I L'dMAO at all this Deeming sillyness. Everything I've been using was Still totally available for the usual reasonable prices. Those places that blamed Deeming for their going out of business would have gone its up Anyway. (I put Juice Mixing in with owning a Liquor store or a Boobie Bar. How can you Possible eff that up??)

I'm not laughing anymore though.

This shipping ban will Likely bring a Screeching damn HALT to the vape world as we know it. I saw a poster say Well at least we still have our Local shops. Oh really, how do you think They're gonna get new stock shipped to Them??

If UPS starts Enforcing their Already Existing tobacco products Ban, that's IT folks, the Last even slightly open shipping door Slams Shut. And pretty damn soon too.

Thankfully I have about 2 years of hardware and about 1.5 years of juice left. I think my Plan B will involve a Bud in Canada shipping me stuff IF it's even still available There by the time I Need it.

I sure have missed the Demoncrats running my life for me. Not. I can't thank them enough for this shipping ban.

Bruce in Ocala, Fl  

Pmta's: Who Did, Who Didn't, Who May, Who Won't

I don't know if there is already a thread on the PMTA submissions. If there is, please remove this thread.

The List:  

So - What Is Going To Happen ?

Given some of the discussions in other threads that have taken over the original posters reason for the discussion and purpose of that thread . . . AND - Although there are other threads already having this type of discussion/discourse that people ignore or pass on (Don't really know their reasons why they refuse to post there where the same discussion is happening) . . . SO - This thread is only being created to hopefully move the ongoing disruptive conversation in other threads and have a specific thread opened for that discussion - instead of having it spread through-out so many other threads - in effect changing the main topic of discussion and why People are there in the first place . . .

This threads main purpose is to discuss and/or further debate - of course following ECF (This is NOT "OUTSIDE") - these personal opinions and commentaries . . .

SO - What is it that you perceive is going to happen - once Deeming Regulations, Federal, State, an even Local laws/restrictions are passed (or already have been passed) . . . AND - Are actually finally enacted . . .

The Government Does Nothing - Only the present Rules & Regulations go into effect, People over 21 will still be able to continue to purchase vape products (maybe with some limitations), Vape in their home/cars/designate areas out in public . . . Will there be current or even more - Grey Market - Black Market . . . Will there be Police Raids (both on commercial venues/private homes) - Products Seized by Customs - Arrest made for "Vaping" in public and or for distribution when sharing with others/passing along equipment/e-liquids, etc. to Family & Friends - Or for "Vaping" while driving . . .​

OKAY - If Ya' got something to say or an opinion or better yet actual FACTS to share - here is the thread to do it . . .

JUST REMEMBER - This thread is NOT "OUTSIDE" and Civility is a MUST for everyone - NO, Matter what your personal views are . . .

Have Fun. . . .

EDIT: BTW - I have absolutely no intentions on participating in this discussion/discourse - nor provide any personal insights/opinions/feelings about this subject - this thread is here to allow everyone else a place to do so and keep it out of other on going threads that have nothing to do with future conjecture/s of their personal perceived opinions of "What Is Going to Happen" . . . Just Sayin' . . .


Stocked And Ready For Whatever :)

I finally am at that point, happy with my choices, comfortable with my vape supplies, ready for whatever!  

Who Voops? Resurrection Thread

Somebody started this thread 2 years ago. I figure it is time for a resurrection thread. The year is now 2015 and Vaping has come along way and I'm sure there are more people Vooping now then in 2013. So how many people Voop now? I myslef like to Voop at home and sometimes I even Voop in my customers restrooms as well A good Voop is so relaxing I can't describe it but it is like that feeling you get after you go to the barber and you get a hair cut and a shave. Something about it just makes you feel good. I have a Heatvape Invader Mini just for special occasions since it is water resistant. Nothing like a nickel build and your favorite juice while you are having a Voop  

Smokeyjoe Interview

On last Sunday's show, Kevin interviews SmokeyJoe on VP LIve regarding the deeming regulations and other nonsense.

Can't link to it since there's swearing, but might be worth a listen.

Look on iTunes or Soundcloud for VP LIve Final Countdown To The Deeming Regulations.  

Disgusted, Wth Is Wrong With Some Suppliers?

So I see Todd do a mod review on a nice little 18350 hybrid, he really likes it, I really like it. I need another mod like I need another hole in my head. But I know this is a small upstart and they have a cool idea, it's half stolen idea and the other half all been done before, but it's a nice combo, I LOVE hybrid mods and I LOVE 18350's, so I decide I'll spend the $200 or whatever it is and get one.

I do some research, CRAP, they only have a Facebook page and some Google list they sell them through. The old Google list from the first batch is now closed and no new list available. When you sold it your first 100 or 1000 or whatever run, wouldn't it make sense to put up another list and take deposits so you could at least gauge the demand for your second production run? Or maybe you could use some of the money you made to get a small one page website... What do I know?

So I Facebook Message them to please let me know when they have them ready for sale I want one, AND post right in the thread on THEIR Facebook page announcing they will soon have a new batch ready for shipment, that I want one. Please let me know when you are ready to sell. In both places someone answers and says they will let me know.

Fast forward 35 days, I've heard nothing from them.

So I message them again and ask any of the new Hybryds available? Someone answers me back yeah we have them, sorry I wasn't able to message you back. NO LINK FOR THE LIST. NO PRICE. NO LINK TO A WEBSITE. NOTHING ELSE. End of message.

I don't know what economy these idiots live in but here in Virginia where I live and ran my own business for 13 years, when someone is slapping me in the face with their hard earned cash I promise you, if I have to work 20 hours a day I'm going to answer every e mail, every Facebook post, every Facebook messenger post, every phone call and every thread here as kindly and as politely as possible and take ALL the money I can get my hands on, till every grubby little mod is sold.

But that's just me.

And before some of you start defending them with this and that excuse....I know EXACTLY what it takes to design, source materials, production cost's, percentage of scrap, pay electric bills, taxes and employee payroll, insurance, shipping costs and get business loans. There is no good excuse except they just dropped the ball.

If you're going to submit your mod to Todd for review AND he raves about it shouldn't you be ramping your production up so you can meet the demand.

Blah, blah, blah......  

"long Time" Since Ive Ben Here. Hopefully This Thread Even Posts...

Had issues with members and moderators years ago for idr what problems. "Banned" from creating a thread and replying to 2/3 I was active in...

Im currious way years later.... how many own and use the "new" billet box rv4 clone(s)? Also the bridges, and what is your "favorite" configuration of bridges plus build?...

I have both sxk clones, 60dna and 70w sku chipset. As far as bridges, the exocet is the only thing to seem worth while... even after all the new bridges afterwards...

Edit: just seen there is no longer a link to the ECF chat.....
maybe thats why it's dead without rbot.  

The Fasttech Thread For All Fasttech Posts (part 2)

As the first FT thread will be closed as it has reached the 15k post limit I thought I would start a new one.

Tell us what you are buying, if it is good or bad value. Please pay special attention to the length of time every single order takes to arrive with you as I know you guys love to chat about that  

Vamo 510/ego Thread

Hi guys,

So I Got my Vamo v5 and pt2 a few days ago and I have read that the 510 thread wears down easily on the Vamo. So, I ordered a Nautilus BVC as I find my Pt2 is going through juice really fast at about 5ml a day with less usage than before, and I see it comes with an eGo threaded cone and I was just wondering if it will help keep the 510 thread intact or if it is purely cosmetic?