Organic Vg Juice

My juice is an organic vanilla with all vg. No pg. Looking for advice on tanks/coils that don’t burn too hot. Right now I use the mt32 kanger coil 1.8 and its too hot. Batteries are ileaf. Thanks.  

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Why Does Everyone Have Problems With Max Vg In Rta/rba/occ

Just bought the Kangertech Subtank..... Was told I couldn't use my Max VG juice and I needed to buy some of their lower VG juice. I told the guy no thank you, I know what i'm doing and I can make it wick the Max VG.

Needless to say I got home, the STOCK OCC coil, .5 ohm, wicks my Max VG perfectly fine, even with chain vaping.

I ripped the pre-made coil out of the 1.2 ohm OCC head, and built my own .6 ohm coil in it, wicked it with Organic Cotton (Not KGD or Bacon, Just organic cotton from Walgreens) and it wicks perfectly fine with my Max VG.

I built a single coil .7 ohm spaced coil, wicked it with the double tails on each side, cut off to where it touches the deck, but not touching the threads, put the chimney cap on, and made sure the juice channel was free of blockage, and it wicks perfect with the Max VG.

No leaks, no dry hits, running each OCC head at 30 watts, and the RBA deck at 35 watts.

This is the original Subtank, 6ml for OCC and 4.2 for RBA, (NOT THE NEW 7.0mL version).

So let me hear it.... What have you guys noticed or seen about the wicking ideas, why has yours not worked?

WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE SAY YOU CANT USE MAX VG ON RTA's, especially on the Kanger Subtank????  

Confused On Kanger Coils

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E-juice Surfing

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As an example: After eating, I might go for a tobacco juice with high nic content, then switch to a tea flavor with little nic, then to a menthol with a nic content that's in between. I might end it with one of my ADV juice that's lower in nic content so my setup is also ready for the morning...

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Does Organic Pg Actually Exist?

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Kanger Sub Mini Tank/ Dry Hits Help

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What is going on here? Anyone else have issues like this? I am really getting fed up with this and ready to just throw it away. What can I do about the situation or why is this happening?

E-juice = 80/20 Clear Liquid all fruity flavors 3MG  

Used Up Coils Burn Juice?

Today I discovered one tank wasn't giving me much of a hit no matter what so, although I thought it might be too soon, I decided to replace the coil. Unfortunately before I did I had turned up my MVP 20w to about over 7 and I burned some juice?

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And how do I get that burnt taste out of the tank? Thanks!  

Why Do Cotton Based Coils Hate Me?

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On the flip side, if I vape old school Atlantis coils at 32 watts on the same juices, I get a full week before this happens.

Any ideas on how to make cotton coils last longer?! For this reason, I can't wait to get my Lemo 2 in. I'll be able to rewick daily and not worry about cost.

The way things are going, I am losing so much money on coils it's nuts. See picture to see whats happening.

Oh yeah, this is happening on all kinds of juices I vape. Mt Baker Vapor, Vista Vapors, 4 Pillars, The Milk Man. Some are budget juices - others are premium. No matter what juice I use, it happens.

The BIGGEST killer is Zeus Juice with 80%PG, 20%VG. This juice kills a coil in one tank full. I'm guessing the sweeteners in that juice do it.

It's frustrating because I LOVE my Herakles tank running at 55W but if I have to replace the coil every 1-2 days, that's SO expensive.  

Advice On Keeping Your Gear In Tip Top Condition

Think i might of burnt out a Alantis coil yesterday, still not sure. I stuck my tank in cup of hot water for 20 mins with 1 or 2 drops of washing up liquid. Then i dried burn the coil.

When assembling my tank and topping up with new juice i got a horrible burnt taste so i just swapped it out and put a new coil in. At the moment i only got 1 sub ohm tank and i i got a selection of juices. I do intend to get another sub set up waiting on ZNA 50 as i type this. But this going to take time as i went for the cheapest option ie Fast Tech.

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Any advice would be really helpful.  

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