Help Please. Mtl Device Suggestions.

Hello everyone.
My girlfriend is about to quit smoking cigarettes and start vaping and I was looking for pod systems online but couldn't decide which one to go with. I myself have been using the Aspire avp for sometime now. I like the device it's an amazing piece. But I do smoke as well I use the vaping system just for the flavor and high mg hit that's all.
So I was thinking to get some recommendations from the vaping community a friend of mine asked me to check out smok Novo 2 but I've read a lot of reviews regarding the leakage of the pod.
She will be using it long term so I'm not sure if the Novo 2 would be a choice considering the pod leakage. But still if it's a bomb device like many people say it is, and doesn't leak that often. Then I can consider buying that for her.
But I'm open to suggestions because I'm not so educated when it comes to vaping devices.
So any help will be appreciated.  

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I went back to the store and asked if I can exchange for one with a higher Nic. He told me he can't take it back because I opened it, strange that if it's his own brand, couldn't he just refill it and reseal it in another bottle? I only used about 2ml so far.
But anyway, he told me the ejuice has smoother draw that's why there's no throat hit as NIC salt, I did some more research and found that it's the opposite of what I've read, everything I read are saying that ejuice has more throat hit than Nic salt.
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A Humble Plea To The Ecf Community


I've been a member here on ECF for nearly 4 years now, and one thing that keeps me coming back is the positive atmosphere and sense of community. There are many helpful, knowledgeable, and kind people here that go above and beyond when it comes to helping out fellow vapers, and for this I am extremely grateful. Unfortunately, for some time now I've noticed an increasing trend of being judgmental and condescending towards other people's vaping style and preferences.

Whether vaping with an eGo battery at 7 watts or a .2 ohm build on a 150 watt box, we are all still vapers. We all made an extremely positive change from smoking cigarettes (well, most of us) to the fun and enjoyable world of vaping, but it seems some people are forgetting our common interest and accomplishment and instead focus on the differences, and use those differences to deride others.

Not everybody needs a high-powered device, plenty of people are perfectly happy with a more moderate vape and they aren't any less of a "real vaper" than those with high power or high-end setups. Alternatively, not everyone is satisfied vaping at lower power levels or with cheaper gear, and it does not make someone an immature showoff because they seek out higher performance and/or higher end equipment.

I have seen more examples than I can even begin to remember of thinly veiled insults aimed at people looking for bigger clouds or more power, just as I have seen plenty of useless suggestions when people pressure someone into a piece of equipment that they have made perfectly clear they have no interest in.

So I make a humble request of my fellow vapers here on ECF:

Please show respect towards the vaping style/preference of others.

Thanks for your time  

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Not sure I can do that.

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We the people didn't support vaping enough...
ok maybe we the vapers did but I mean the majority out there don't......people are scared and they don't like to change their habits easy....even if it's for their own good.

I know politics are corrupted and all that....but some of us live in democracies maybe not perfect but still....if all people wanted to stop smoking and switch into vaping to make their life better then they couldn't stop us...
Worst case they would do it to get votes like they usually do with everything they do... not that they care for us...

So yeah vaping will go very big the next year's..

What To Replace The Juul With?

I began vaping in 2013. It was a basic setup: Ego Twist with a couple of Vivi Nova tanks.
It took some trial and error but found a couple of juices that I liked and stuck with them. Started
at 18 mg and settled on 12 mg nicotine level. The Ego was nothing special, but it seemed to work well at the time as I quit smoking for an entire year with it. As time wore on, I began getting to get more and more burnt / dry hits. Seemed to be happening all the time. Went through countless coils and it became such an issue that I finally got tired of messing with it and quit vaping. Went back to cigarettes. Looking back, I believe I was using a High VG or possibly Max VG liquid which may have been the cause. Desperate to get off cigarettes again I tried again last year. Bought several starter kits including Innokin IO and Innokin Endura T22. Did not like either of these. Just seemed to give me a headache even after just a couple of puffs. I tried both with 12mg and 6mg. Did not notice much of a difference. I just did not get the satisfaction I remember from years earlier. So gave up on vaping again and went back to analogs.

It is now 2019 and I am really sick and tired of smoking cigarettes. I hate them but can’t stop.
Along comes the JUUL, I decided to give it a shot and just figured it would not work.
At first I did not like it. Seemed WAY to strong at 5%. Stuck with it for a week and thought - hey this is not bad. Mainly was using Virginia and every once in a while a Mango pod was nice (Maybe ½ to 1 full pod a day). I was still smoking a couple of cigs in the morning but after that I would use the JUUL the rest of the day. It was by no means great but good enough. I would constantly struggle to get a decent hit off of it though. There always seemed to be air bubbles in the pods causing a problem or I had to pull the pod out and put it back in just to get it to hit decently. Like I said just good enough. After about 6 months or I started have stomach issues. Mainly really bad gas and thought it might be due to the higher nic level in the 5% pods. So I dropped down to 3% for a month or so and noticed no difference. Finally decided to quit the JUUL altogether to see if it made any difference. Within a week everything went away and was back to normal. No more JULL for me. I am guessing something in the Nicsalts didn’t agree with me. I never had this issue with freebase nicotine.

So, am now looking for a device to replace the JULL that does not use nicsalts and was hoping to get some recommendations. I do not need a big mod device to blow clouds or anything like that.
I want something very simple that hits well and does not burn. I am open to anything really as long as it works. I do prefer MTL style and have heard good things about the Joyetech AIO as well as the SMOK infinix devices. I am really open to anything that will work well. Prefer something small, easy to use and that fits in my pocket. Also, I prefer tobacco flavors and am planning to try out the Blacknote stuff which is a 50/50 PG/VG mix so looking for a device suited to that. Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks!  

Is High Wattage A Fad?

Hey guys. I've been into vaping since 2009 originally, but really got into it around 2013. From 2013 to 2015 alone, I've seen a tremendous change in the community. Some of this change is extremely positive. For instance, the race to create better technology and new types of devices. From that race has come many awesome companies, with new devices, and new types of devices popping up literally overnight.

Competition is a GOOD thing, for the consumer.

However, I am wondering about the wattage race. The companies who make bats competing to make a higher wattage device. I remember when the DNA20 first came out. I remember thinking, that's awesome, but will anyone ever need 20 watts? Then the dna30 came out. It wasn't long after, that we saw our first 50watt box mod. When a 100watt box mod came out, I thought they were NUTS. Surely no one would EVER need 100watts.

Now, we have what? 150watt devices. 200watt devices. Where does it stop?

At some point, the higher wattages won't keep equaling better quality vape. In fact, I think we already reached that point a while back. I would say 100watts would be a reasonable cut off point, but then again, who am I to say?

At what point does vaping cease to be a smoking alternative, and become a hobby? At what point does vaping cease to be a hobby, and become a SPORT?

I get with any technology ,there will always be a small group within the community that wishes to take things to the extreme. These are the people who take vaping from a simple hobby, to literally a "sport".

For me, vaping isn't a sport. It is a hobby. I don't see the appeal of vaping as a sport, but I have no desire to limit other people's imaginations, so long as they are careful, safe, and don't expose themselves or others to unnecessary harm.

I will say this so. For those of us who vape as a hobby. What does higher wattages do for you? I have a Sigelei 100watt box mod.....and I run kayfuns, RBAs, an Atlantis, and an arctic on it. Even running at my arctic at 0.2ohms , I never need to go past 50watts.

Also, I don't even buy 0.2 ohm coils anymore. For me personally, I find flavor to really come out at HIGHER ohms than that. I find the BEST flavor comes in at 0.5-1ohm. So what is the point of going past that? Just to increase the amount of vapor?

I'm just trying to understand why the vape community is going the way its going. What is the fascination with higher wattages outside of the tiny SPORT vaping sub-group?  

Device For 100% Vg

Can anyone recommend a good starter device that will work well with high VG juice?
I am looking for something relatively small that is easy to use. I am not interested in blowing big clouds or anything like that. Just a simple device to get started.
From what I have read pod systems will not work well for this and there are so many device options I am not sure where to start. Any help with this would be great.

Cheers To Ecf

I would like to thank ECF, and every member here, for helping me to quit cigarettes as an involuntary lifestyle. The information gathered here has been invaluable. In no other group that I've been involved with, have I seen such a gathering of the most informed and intelligent people. Without all of you, my success would have never seen the light of day. I'd been absent for a long time, because I didn't feel the need once I had an expert handle on all of this, but the new developments have brought me back. Vaping has come a long way since I began here, and traded my cigalike in for an eGo, and ECF provided me with the arsenal to make informed choices on what works for me. Than you again.

For those who haven't read any of my posts, I have been free from cigarettes for 10 years, thanks to vaping. I wouldn't say that I'm smoke free, but it's now my choice, on the very rare occasion, to smoke a cigarette. I know some will say it's always been my choice, but for the enlightened, it hasn't been my choice since shortly after I started 37 years ago. There have been pitfalls, and strides, and today I can honestly say that if I can't vape, I will never pick up a pack of cigarettes again.