What I Miss ....

Do you know what I miss... I miss walking into my favorite Vape store and the people there are tooting over the latest and greatest Mod or device that just came out.
I miss seeing the group of trick vapers testing out there New " O " or " Jellyfish " and everyone taking videos or photos.
I really miss when I could sample flavors and get real genuine feedback on what others tasted like. When there were no Bans, No Hate demonstrated by the media, and the FDA trying to shut vaping down.
Here is some words for thought. . . With all the ban and all the hate why the F*** are cigarettes still around? I mean I know they follow guidelines but that .... is KNOWN to cause CANCER and DEATH! Why stop the only thing keeping me, you, family from them?
Backwards, this human species of law and order is so backwards.
I just want to Vape in Peace...  

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How Important Were Flavors To Help You To Quit Smoking?

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Why You Don't Need an E-Liquid that Tastes Like Cigarettes

So I'm asking everyone in this community to voice their opinion on how important flavors were to get you off of cigarettes when you began vaping, and how important are they to you today to keep you from returning back to smoking? Will you be able to use just "tobacco" flavors if the FDA bans flavors?

Sign the Petition

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Howdy friends of the clouds,

can anyone help with this?

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How do these differerent settings affect coils life? What is the benefit?

Much appreciated!

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