Back To Celebrate And Looking For A Little Info

Hi All,

I passed the 4 year mark last month without even one cig thanks to this group after 40 years of smoking.

Here´s my situation. I have been using an e-go type tank with a 1.8 atomizer stuck of a 40 watt iStick. I have 5 of them that I rotate around so I am never without. It´s been fine. I get use to something and don´t want to change. I make a batch of flavorless juice that last 3 months and I´m all set.

Anyway, along comes covid and after a while I needed more atomizers and I couldn´t find them. I picked up some tank that uses a 0.3 om thing and put it on my Istick 40. I have been using it for a month or so. It was a big change. Before it was mouth to lung and now it is like taking a big .... hit like when I was young haha

Now I´ve found the 1.8 atomizers again but I´m not sure which way to go. I do know I want to keep using the 5 Istick 40´s I have. I am am way out of date on what is available. I do know I am sick of 2ml tanks. I am sick of filling them all the time.

All thoughts welcome and thanks for being here 4 years ago when I had had enough of smoking.  

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Here We Go....

Apart from the problem of getting juice in the future my problem now is that total strangers are starting to come up to me and just say ¨that .... will kill you¨ or something similar. It is really starting to annoy me.

It doesn´t matter that I haven´t had even one cig in over 3 years (after 40 years of smoking) and save over $3000 a year. Nothing matters because they have watched the nightly news and know best.

I am not a conspiracy type person but it makes my think of the expression "follow the money."

I make my own unflavored juice but I think this is just the beginning. I think I will put away another years worth of nic.

I hope you all are having a great day.  

Cigar Box To Store Eliquids

Hello All...

I´m planing to store some eLiquids in a Cedar Cigar Box that I have from my old days

Do you know if the Cedar smell can change the Flavor of the eLiquids? I´m planing to keep them with their caps on, but just wanted to be sure that I will not change their original flavors

Thanks in advance for your feedback  

Very Disappointed With Sub Ohm Vaping!

I started vaping ages ago back in 2007 or thereabouts.
The only ecigs available then were either 510 or older type 801 atomizers.
We then bought the chucks and vaped on 6 volts with 5 ohm atomizers for a while. (Custom made Vivi Nova 5 ohm coils)
This "while" lasted for years, and I am a little "out of the loop".
I recently bought an IPV mini 70 watts with a few subohm tanks (Kanger, Artic, Herakles etc, 0.5~1.2 OHMS).
The internet is riddled with videos of guys blowing huge clouds of vapor with these sub ohm systems. This intrigued me.
What they do not tell you, is that it is impossible to take a mouth to lung puff, because these tanks afford too much airflow.
Personally, I feel very uneasy breathing anything directly into my lungs. My older 801 and 510 atomizers sometimes spurted out liquid.
I would like your thoughts on this one?

I find that a mouth puff gives you more taste. It's sort of wasted if it goes directly into the lungs.
Another thing I discovered is that these sub-ohm tanks vape much hotter than my previous e cigs. I cannot get a cool/cold vape no matter what wattage I use.

Thirdly, The kanger sub ohm mini coil crackles loudly, sort of Pops loudly from time to time. This greatly annoys me and adds to my lung inhale paranoia.
I'm a little stuck at the moment, and do not know what ecig/tank/coil system to transition to.

Lower Nicotine When Doing Lung Hits?

So I've been mouth to lung vaping since I started vaping. Started at 24 mg with the Halo Triton and when I upgraded to the iStick and the Nautilus I lowered my nicotine down to 15 mg. It's been fine.......getting enough nicotine so I don't crave analogs, not getting too much nicotine so that I start feeling sick. Throat hit has been fine and not uncomfortable.

Yesterday I started doing lung hits with the iStick and the Nautilus and with the greater amount of vapor I can produce, I stepped the nicotine down to 12 mg since I also started to get a little lightheaded (I suppose with the greater amount of vapor I am also taking in more nicotine, even though nicotine absorption through the lungs is not supposed to be as good as through the mouth and nose). The juice that I am using is also a 70VG/30PG mix as compared to the 50/50 I was vaping before. However this morning I woke up with an irritated throat and the vape (even when switching back to mouth to lung) feels more harsh.

Do I need to step down the nicotine level even more to 6 mg? Is this normal when going from mouth to lung to direct lung hits? I'm not subohming, so I didn't expect that I would need to drop it down that much. I'm afraid that if I drop it down too much, then I'm going to have more cravings and will need to vape constantly.  

New Mod And Tank For 10 W Vaper

Hi everybody, I have lost track of new vaping gear and need an advice.
Finally one of my mods died. The newest one, Joyetech eVic Primo. Bad from the beginning (because of its faulty protection) it just stopped working. Another mod should die soon. It is a clone of iStick 30, 4+ years old. It's my best mode, but its battery already is at about of half capacity (after about 1500 charges).
So, now I use iStick 30, iStick Pico 25 and iStick Pico. Tanks (from best to worst) Kayfun 5, Siren 2, Ammit, OBS Engine NANO.
I need a new mod and, possibly, a new tank.
Thanks for reading.  

Quitting Round Two

After years of not smoking, I started again at the end of August. There have been a few times over the last seven years, that I have smoked cigarettes. Anytime this had happened, I'd switch back to my vape. Usually within 24 hours of smoking, I could drop it, and go right back to the E cig. This time was different. Here I was, right back to a pack a day. Of course I ended up getting sick. Cigarette smoking makes me highly susceptible to lung infections.
The last time I smoked was a week ago. I am back on my e cig. I can take a deep breath without my chest and lungs rattling. Round two has been a different experience, from the first time I switched. This round I had decent gear and plenty of e liquid.  

Some Very Bad Person Stole My Istick

So I have been vaping for a few months now. I started with the ego type battery starter kit bought from a brick and mortar ( you all know the deal, littile carrying case, 650mah battery, junk clearomizer, and bottle of funky juice). I knew after a week I would not stop smoking with that alone. I then went and bought the Vision Spinner 2 and a Protank mini 3. I was feeling quite happy with this setup and went from a pack a day down to 4-6 analogs. I was even feeling better health wise. I soon discovered the vast world of vaping and "needed" the iStick mod. I bought that and threw the Protank mini 3 on it and life was good. I had no problems with my iStick and it was a huge step up from what I was using prior. It "satified" my need of "smoking". Everything was going well untill one day I busted the glass on the tank. I was not gonna let that get me down though. My vaping buddy gave me a some sort of knockoff topper that used the aspire coils ( I beleive it was a Nautilus mini clone of some sort, branded with the local shops name ). Still it fed my habit well. Now let me say I live in a small town and there is 2 brick and mortar shops. I usally would buy my coils from them and a bottle of liquid every now and then but.....I bought my iStick online. Fast forward a couple months now and I live with 2 roommates (one is a total jerk, and the other is a party machine. We all are in our mid 30's). Well recently I get off work and come home to a "party" on a tuesday night (like usual). Now remember I live in a small town and everyone vaping is using the ego type with plastic clearomizer. The brick and mortar shops here selll those and $100 RDA (which only a few friends I know have). Well this particular night my iStick was the talk of the kitchen table. Everyone wanted to try it and push the buttons. "Who can hit it at the higest watt?" type conversations. The night is ending and Im getting ready to go to my room. I set the iStick on its "charger" (just a handmade cutout box I made for it) sitting on the kitchen counter. 8 hours later I hit the BREW button on the coffee maker and reach for the iStick. IT IS FREAKING GONE!!!!!!!!! Now here is the deal. Noone there the night before knew anything about using it or finding the "sweet spot". The thing is that the knock off tank I was using is a 510 thread and I was using the included adapter to ease the wear and tear on the threads. So I am left with a Vision 2 spinner and a tank that just does not fit it. I AM SO ANGRY! I bring it up to my roommate and she is like "no one stole it, you misplaced it". If anyone of you guys and gals are like me, you know where your setup is at all times. So that leaves me with a MARK 3 disposable for now.
Sooooooooo does anyone have a lead on a good deal right now online? I see threre is a 30 watt now available. So if anyone know of a great deal please PM me or reply. I have limited funds right now but do not want to go back to Parliment analogs. Thanks for looking and letting me vent.  

Best And/or Max Safe Watt Use

I have the Istick 50 with a Nautilus tank. 1.7 ohm coil. What would be the highest watt useage recommend for this set up? I read the user manual for the tank and didn't see a max safe watt. I don't want a melt down. I did however notice that once I get above 18 or 19 watts the flavor of the juice starts to diminish. is this something that could be rectified with a different type of coil in the tank that would allow for higher wattage and give a better taste. Or a different mix of juice?  

The Old Dog And His Old Dog

Posting a picture of my set up for today got me thinking as it featured my oldest original well used, worn, scratched and faded iStick 30w which has served me so well and has far outlived its projected lifespan.

A lot changed for me back in October 2015 - my grown up daughter and her husband had switched to vaping as they couldn’t smoke even in the grounds at work and had taken to vaping.

They liked it and gave me an e-pipe, tobacco flavoured vape liquids, a couple of 18350 batteries for it and a Nitecore Charger.

I thanked them, said I’d give it a try - with my fingers crossed and the thought in my mind, “Aye that’ll be right, I’ll stick it in the drawer and phone you in a few weeks saying it broke and I’m really sad about it.”

A week later my conscience got the better of me and I tried it on a Friday morning ( the 17th of October ), was amazed that I got through a day on it without a craving, thought I’d try it over the weekend, did, and have never smoked in the four years plus since. Amazing since I had smoked for more than 50 years previous to that.

I took the e-pipe to Spain with me for the Winter and while there bought a couple of the old style Ego batteries and plastic tanks with their trailing glass fiber wicks “just in case.”

The 18350s need constant charging, the juice soon destroyed the threads of the pipe’s plastic tank and the back up devices gurgled badly and so I went down to Fuengirola where there was a big vape shop and asked could they recommend a better tank - they suggested a Nautilus Mini and when I asked about a battery for it ( I didn’t know they were actually called “Mods” then) they gave me an iStick 30w … and the rest is history.

I joined this Forum about five weeks after I switched to vaping. In those days MTL was THE thing, the setup I’d bought was “flavour of the month” along with the GS Air Tank and one by Kanger. I learned a lot on ECF in a very short time, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

I tend to be a bit of a stick in the mud when I find something I like and my motto tends to be “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” I’ve experimented with mechs, squonkers, drippers, and coil building over the years but always come back to my old faithful Nautis and iSticks - simply because for me they work and they work well.

Having found kits that worked, I dropped out of the Forum for a few years until in Spain over the Winter gone I thought my Nautis were failing me or giving up the ghost ( in actual fact as I discovered when I got back to the UK I had had a batch of really really bad coils ) and started reading ECF again and found that the new best thing for MTL was the Zenith, so I gave it a whirl.

I was slow to take to the Zenith I have to admit - while it made my batteries last longer for some reason and was super easy to refill on the go, at first it vaped too dry for me, seemed too airy and the drip tip didn’t initially suit me at all but I persevered with it ( them) and now keep a set of seven for use outdoors or for when travelling or for when I simply feel like a change.

Here’s the Old Soldier!

Anyone else still using old kit?


What To Buy Next?

A quick back story to start. I was a 1-2 PAD smoker for about 5 years. I found vapes and quit smoking. I was able to stop vaping and smoking for 18 months until I picked up smoking again for a few years. I have once again been able to stop smoking and started vaping again. Simple transition, some willpower for sure, but I have kicked the habit completely. When I started vaping again I purchased an Istick 50w and a troll. Have been using 3mg liquid only. It's been about six weeks smoke free again and I want to, not only upgrade, but reward myself. I read and read and watch reviews non stop, my head hurts from all of the stuff out now. I use my mod consistently at 45 to 50 watts. I have a 0.4 dual coil build and a chuff top. The heat from the vape is less than perfect, but I like the vapor production. I am interested in temperature control as well. If I need to buy two mods to have everything I want, so be it. Not that money isn't an issue, but right now it isn't a factor. I have been looking at IPV3, Sigeli 150, IPV4, Mech Mods, you name it I have looked and can probably tell you the specs off the top of my head. I just can't decide! I need your help ECF! I know I want at least dual 18650, as my Istick lasts maybe half a day until I need to charge. Good flavor and large vapor production atty, temp control, and good ergonomics. Thanks in advance for all input and help.