Vaping In

Hi Folks
I read a good post informing me all about the different items, batteries , systems etc. for vaping when I first joined but cannot find it again. Help please.
I am looking for a supplier of the larger batteries for use with 808 cartridges .
I have a Volt 120mm unit at the moment but Smokeless Image have shut shop.

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Trying To Find A Buttonless Cig-a-like

I've been ordering from smokeless image since 2012 - the last few years, in bulk a couple times a year. I didn't know we lost them until today.
I prefer the automatic cigar size cig-a-like batteries without a button . like the X2 volt.
I really don't like box mods.. or the pod things.
Might anyone know where to find this kind of battery anymore?

It's Lonely Out Here

I live in West Central Florida, in a small community that has smokers and non smokers, and then there's me. I know of no other confirmed vapors, and I have a rather large circle of acquaintances. We've got one BM shop in town, run by people who are only looking to sell you the high dollar ($200 batteries) items. I have seen a few kids in this shop (18-25 yrs old) blowing massive amounts of vape out of their drippers connected to batteries I believe I could jump start my car with, but at 61 yrs old I can't relate to these kids. I've taken up vaping as a life saving measure, not a social thing. I have faced ridicule and prejudice from many who know nothing about vaping.

This is just a quick little note to thank ECF and our members for teaching me what I know about vaping and having lend a supporting hand when needed. I love going into the New Members section and seeing some of my old questions asked by newbees. Yes, I always take time to answer the best I can. Thanks again ECF.  



Haven't been here in quite a long time but I have a question.

I have had a good supply for batteries for about a year now and have bought batteries from the same place... rtdvapor since I started vaping.

Batteries are getting old, looking to get new.. but when I go to rtd it says it is unavailable.

So I guess I have 2 questions.

Anyone know if rtd vapor is still in business? and if not anyone know a reliable place I can go for batteries?

Thank you all in advance!  

Efest 18650 (purple) Questions

Hi folks,

I recently purchases a Sigelei 100w box, and got the purple Efest batteries that the vendor recommended.
I'm using this with a KangerTech Subtank Mini.
It's currently set to 42W - 5.0V, and the resistance it shows me is 0.6 ohms.

I have some questions about my setup.

- I read some reports that these batteries have different specs than what is reported, and it could potentially be dangerous. What should I do to be safe? Is there a max W/V that I can set it to?
- I have a TrustFire TR-001 charger (output: 4.2V / 500Ma). Can I charge those batteries with that? I read the charger supports 18650 batteries, but I'd rather be sure...
- If the charger is no good, any recommendations of what I should be using?

Thanks a lot!  

Need Help Finding An Apv That Works With Nautilus Tank

Hi, folks. I've been vaping since 2009 and certainly went through years of trying new devices (Anybody remember the Screwdriver?) But I stopped keeping up with new products and technology once I found a set-up that worked for me.
I use an original Aspire Nautilus 5ml tank with BVC 1.8 or 1.6 coils and flavorless liquid that I mix myself. I've been powering the tank with variable voltage batteries such as the Spinner 2 or, more recently, the Kangor Evod VV 1600 mah. Both the tanks and those batteries have become increasingly harder to find.
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I know the technology has advanced light years. Frankly, all the info out there is pretty overwhelming.
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Any suggestions for an APV from folks who also use the larger Aspire tank?

Banned? Help!! I Have Been Out Of The Loop....

I just recently joined this community and have been reading the forums and I am scared! I live in Northern California, NOT San Francisco. I started vaping back in 2013 and quit cigarettes for good! I use Nautilus tanks and coils, Eleaf batteries (purchased on Ebay) and J-vapes out of Arizona. I have had no problems or warnings about getting these products. I use flavored tobaccos so I am not worried about a flavor ban....but what does this mean? I have just been vaping, oblivious to any problems or bans. Are all vaping products going to be banned? Will I not be able to purchase my items from Ebay or J-vapes anymore? Can someone please fill this out of touch person in with the latest news and what I should do? HELP!!!  

Battery Reading Fluctuates

Okay so I did look this up and it appears that other people have mentioned this specifically with sigelei mods but I didn't see any that were more recent. I look at my mod to see what my batteries charge looks like to see if I need to go ahead and change batteries and I swear to God the thing starts jumping around as though the batteries are charging themselves and then going back to the 40%. Apparently that's a problem that the mods have and isn't something to be concerned about but it freaked me the heck out. They're doing just fine now that they're in their external charger thingy but I just want to make sure that that's not a sign of something going wrong with the batteries that it's just my mod being weird I've checked the connections and everything to make sure it was clean and that the batteries were fine and not dented or unwrapped and everything looks good. I just need some assurance that the batteries were not like failing or that a regulated mod would shut itself off if batteries were jumping around like crazy in reality if that's even possible
For clarification it was doing this when I was not firing it  

Best Deal On High-end Batteries? Who Knows Where To Look?

So, I know that the Sony VTC batteries were the like "Go-to" battery. But they are being faked a lot and are hard to come by some authentic ones.

So whats the next best option?

I have a few different batteries and I definitely can tell the difference in the quality of the hit, and the life of the battery.

I have a red IMR 2000 mAh 18650 and it hits the worst out of all of my batteries.

Then I have a blue samsung battery (Can't really read the writing) but I can see it says 25r on it. This one hits decent.

Then I have a green 2600 mAh battery. Its a beast. Hits like a champ and lasts long. I would like to find a similar battery to this one. Im guessing this is the Sony VTC 5.

I really want to find something that is just as good as the Green one.

Does anyone know where to find these or a similar battery that is 2600mAh 30 amp? If so, are there any deals going on online where I could get a good price? Id like to order some new batteries.

Thanks for the help all!

Edit. One more question. Anyone know the difference between the Amps on each of the batteries? Just from guessing id say the red is 20 amps, blue is 25, and the green is 30? Does that sound right?  

Looking To Get A Good New Setup, Been Out Of Vaping For A Long Time. Please Point Me The Way.

I've been out of vaping since about 2011. I'm looking to get a good setup to start up again, I might be starting a job which requires a nicotine hit now and again to keep me alert. What is going on these days? It looks like the laws have all gone stupid and I hear about people saying they only have tobacco flavors now and other lame stuff I'm hearing. I thought technology would have improved, not regressed. So back before I quit I was considering a custom titanium or otherwise setup with aftermarket batteries.

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"high Drain" Battery For 14 Watt Vaping?

I'm usually vaping at just 14 watt (mouth to lung, nothing heavy).

Now I'm soon getting a new mod that takes 21700 batteries, so I'm searching for the best batteries without spending too much or too little.
(aiming for Samsung, LG or Sony, to be safe)

I see some batteries hold 5000 mah, like the Samsung 50E (cyan).
But it only has about 10 amp discharge rate.
So less than half than "regular" 4000 mah batteries for example.

Is 10 amp more than enough for vaping at just 14 watts, or should I find a more "high-drain" battery?
I want to be safe and avoid risks or heat.