Progress On Restoring Vapes!

It's been a few years since I joined the vape community. For the whole time I bought only new vapes, as older ones were left behind. Getting rid of my old vapes and buying new ones.

But recently it all changed, since I decided I'll try restoring old vapes!
That's the thing, people scratch them, maintain poorly them, but they're still usable. Their prices drop dramatically with their looks. But they still work fine!

So I decided on restoring scratched, beat up vapes and giving them a whole new look!

So this is a greatly aged, one of the first versions of Smok Alien 220W from 2016! It originates from the UK, coming all the way to Baltic states. It looks all beat up, got it for a really good price!

Did a paint job on the line metal, brushing the buttons as well as sanding down the metal. Wanted to do a Storm Trooper replica, but the paint started sagging, and overall, was an awful paint.

Next one is a Joyetech eVic Mini, don't have a lot of pictures of it, but overall was a scratched, bruised vape. So I sanded it down, painted it and gave it a new look!

The third one in progress is another Smok Alien 220W

Hopefully will turn out just as imagined! Stay tuned!  

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So if it would please the participants, I’m looking for suggestions.

- light weight. Small would be nice to
- reasonably high quality. He doesn’t need ruggedized necessarily but he wants it to last.
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- DL
- Doesn’t leak (yeah I know. Anything will leak.)
- Capacity over 3ml

I’d personally like to add no paint or gold electroplating over pit metal. He didn’t ask but they suck bad.

Gonna mail him a link to this thread.

Dude is an old ECF member and his account still works!
The person I was asking for is @rigorist

He will have more accurate data than me.  

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I'm desperate here.... I need my vape!!! I don't have the cash to buy new heads until around the 18th of the month and there's a carton of stinkys in the fridge and I do NOT want to resort to them if I start going bonkers Any assistance at all is greatly appreciated.  

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