50/50 Vs 70/30

I have been making my juice 50/50 from the beginning about 3 years. I can't remember my initial reasoning. Every atty I have leaks to one extent or another. It's about time to make up another 500 ml of juice. I was thinking about making it 70/30 hoping the thicker juice will stop leaking. Any advice?  

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Interesting Phenomenon

So I'm noticing that my drippers and tips are getting hot. Like HOT.

It's a recurring problem, and one that I am making much worse on accident, and didn't notice how or why until tonight.

If you over drip, filling the juice well, super saturating your wicks, and generally get too much liquid in an RDA so that it really wants to leak, well, all that juice gets hot and transfers heat to the rest of the atty pretty darn quick!

Also - if it should happen to drip, it can burn you. I currently have a second degree (blistering up) juice burn on my thumb.

Time to get a little more patient with more frequent dripping.  

I Got Fooled

Sooo last weeks I was able to wick my atty in a way that for me it's perfect...no dry hits no leaks or flooding or anything and I enjoy Soo much...
After vaping some strawberry cookies and chocolate....(very dark juice coil abuser) it was rewicking time...
Put fresh cotton and start vaping and dammm bad taste....dry hit
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Ok let's rewick...again same dry hit
Not anything crazy but just that light dry hit bad taste....
After rewicking 3times and using almost no cotton hahaha I was like ...... Cant dry hit now


WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA not exactly same taste but was very similar EWWWWWWW


anyways that's all....I make my own juice just forget my bottle and I was at work so I bought a juice from a store nearby  

Its Time To Upgrade The Pipe

Hi all,
I have used this pipe for a long time: 5pc 1.8ml Vision V.Tox BBC Bottom Coil Changeable Tank Cartomizer
it is leaking from time to time and taste burned after about a week use.

I use this juice: 30ml Dekang E-Liquid E-Juice VG Based with 21 flavor, DeKang eLiquids
Can anybody recommend a new ecig for me that is not leaking, not too expensive, and just work well? I did not follow the ecig evolution this last years

If anybody have any opinions about that ejuice i use please share. (Quality?/bad for health?)


Mouth Juice

Yeahh,okay so I ask this seemingly often...but it happens...coil is working fine but I get little bit of juice...I can't figure out y.I'm using my subtank mini with rba nd I take the tank off the base n hit the trigger n try burning off some excess juice n it's still getting juice in mouth...What cud b the reason or reasons nd what r some ways to prevent it or stop it  

I Have A Serious Question

So today I bought a pack of cigarettes . I havent smoked in a long time and i feel like vaping has turned me into a complete nicotine addict and this is why I bough the pack , I wanted to test myself since I know how much I use to smoke . Ever since I started vaping I have been increasing strenght and quantity of juice per day and I vape a lot , some days , I would vape between 10 - 15 ML of 6mg juice and absorb another ML though my skin while building . I smoked my first cigarette in almost a year and I finished it and guess what after that I wanted another one but I didnt take it .

Well before I started vaping I was smoking one cig every 2-3 hours and now I want way more . I am honestly considering quiting vaping and smoking all together , maybe 1 cig day , that would be it . Or maybe I should switch to non rebuiuldable tanks and stop making my own juice because I honestly feel like DYI and rebuildables is what made me vape more , trying different build on different attomizers , trying my new DYI e-liquids , trying other e-liquids that I bought , trying this , trying that , and at the end of the day 20ML of juice gone .

What would you recommend me ?  

Here We Go....

Apart from the problem of getting juice in the future my problem now is that total strangers are starting to come up to me and just say ¨that .... will kill you¨ or something similar. It is really starting to annoy me.

It doesn´t matter that I haven´t had even one cig in over 3 years (after 40 years of smoking) and save over $3000 a year. Nothing matters because they have watched the nightly news and know best.

I am not a conspiracy type person but it makes my think of the expression "follow the money."

I make my own unflavored juice but I think this is just the beginning. I think I will put away another years worth of nic.

I hope you all are having a great day.  

I Live In Ny.. Anyone Still Shipping Here?

Please help... I was wondering if anyone knows of a website that is still shipping to NYC?? I definitely wasn't as prepared as I should've been for what is going on here. I guess if things get desperate I will have to order stuff from China. When I started vaping I used to get juice from fasttech.. I really do not want to do that.

As far as the DIY thing goes I would have to figure out how to get all the stuff I need. I really don't want to quit or start making my own juice considering the time you have to steep... it probably takes a lot of time to have a good result.

Please advise... what would you do if you were me?  

Crystallizing Vg???

I always get juice from juice Mafia, my local brand..... well this time I got 100% vg no nic juice in Arctic Ice because I got my girl a new tank to use as an e-hooka. The strange thing is the juice is crystallizing both in the bottle and in the tank. It also is getting really cloudy, but if I leave it say in the sun warmed window of my car the crystals seem to melt back into juice. Anyone know what's going on with this??  

Aluminum For Atomizers... Is It Safe?

I have considered making my own replacement "tube" for glass part of atomizers (like my old PockeX that the glass is thin and breaks so easily) Also (after next May) might be making several hardware projects... even attys. Is aluminum safe around e-juice? I know (in general... like for cooking) I avoid using anything acidic with aluminum... I assume most e-juice (besides citrus/sour that I don't like anyway) should be fairly neutral. It's easy to cut and work with.  

Mtl Kit For My Bro

Need a little help on getting an mtl kit for my brother.
He currently has a pen style device and says it hurts his throat, I suggested that the nicotine level might be the culprit but he says even 6mg nic hurts his throat, I'm seriously thinking that as he vapes 50pg/50vg that the pg content might be the problem.
The question is what kit could I purchase that's mtl, stock coils and can take a thicker juice.
Mtl is not my bag so I decided to ask for some advice.