Trying To Find A Buttonless Cig-a-like

I've been ordering from smokeless image since 2012 - the last few years, in bulk a couple times a year. I didn't know we lost them until today.
I prefer the automatic cigar size cig-a-like batteries without a button . like the X2 volt.
I really don't like box mods.. or the pod things.
Might anyone know where to find this kind of battery anymore?

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Si Volt User Returns! I'm So Lost! Help.......

I quit smoking with the help of Steel Jan and Smokeless Image a few years ago. Now with stress and quarantining I find I'm dying for a cigarette. So here I am. Couldn't help but notice everything has changed! I want to find something similar to my old Volts and clearimizers. Is it hopeless? Anyone?  

Vaping In

Hi Folks
I read a good post informing me all about the different items, batteries , systems etc. for vaping when I first joined but cannot find it again. Help please.
I am looking for a supplier of the larger batteries for use with 808 cartridges .
I have a Volt 120mm unit at the moment but Smokeless Image have shut shop.

Will Batteries Be Next?

Yesterday Lightning Vapes sent out an email informing customers of their impending business and website name change to - WIREOPTIM. Excerpt -
"We will continue to carry many of the products you have come to know and love, however e-liquid will soon be a thing of the past, and batteries are likely to be absent as well."

I'm going to call them and hope to chat about this tomorrow - the owner is quite up on battery tech. I don't recall the details or exactly when, but I do remember some condemnation and warnings and label changes concerning 18650 bat use in mods. A year or two, three... ago? Not sure.
As I DIY most of my lquids my largest concern in the past weeks has been nicotine availability and I'm adjusting my budget for a bulk purchase for frozen storage. I think/hope wire, cotton and PG/VG and flavorings will be somewhat safer from the insane one-sided ban happy wildfire sweeping the US.
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I'll report back if I get any thoughts from LV.
Until then any thoughts here? Is Mooch still participating on this forum? Guess I'll be re-researching longevity and storage of those cells in the coming days.
I began vaping 10 years ago this month - after smoking for 30 years - I'm 57 - haven't had a smoke since and I'm seriously f***ing pissed off. But that's for another thread.

How Do You Tell When Your Batteries Need Swapped For S Fresh One?

I've been vaping for almost a year; mainly regulated VW mods. Recently I discovered my affinity for Mech Mods and, in the interest of battery safety, I am having a tough time telling when I should swap out my batteries. I've heard that it's not a good thing to over-discharge them, but how can you tell if/when that might be happening? I tend to err on the paranoid side and swap them out every couple of hours or so. Any tips about this? Is it just kind of a "feel" thing learned with experience?



Having Bad Luck With Mods Lately

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Shelf Life

I popped in here a few weeks ago for the first time in months. I was shocked to read about the vape shipping ban that is quickly approaching. And I am in panic mode! I’ve just been happily vaping away for 8 years now and was totally oblivious to all this. (I am already stocked up on nicotine and have a lot of learning to do there with mixing my own juice. But that will be future posts) For this post my question is about stocking the batteries I currently use and the shelf life I should expect.

I have used Halo Triton with clearomizers for most of my years vaping (after moving up from G6) and loved them! When I found out they were no longer being produced, and the stock I had on hand ran out, I switched to Kanger eVod Twist VV and am pretty happy with those.

3 years ago I also had to find something similar to my Tritons, but only in auto battery because I was having surgery on both my thumbs and would be unable to use them to press a button on a manual battery. So I came upon the V4L auto Zeus with smilomizers. And I love those also, and continue to use those along with the Kanger eVod.

I know I’m old school, but I would like to use these 2 setups as long as I can before switching to and learning how to use external battery mods. (I am going to purchase and stock up on those within a week or two but that will be another post too! will need help! )

SO my question is… long of a shelf life would be expected out of a new Kanger eVod twist and new V4L Zeus batteries? I realize I really have no idea when they were actually manufactured, but if they were with in the last say 8-12 months or so, what kind of shelf life would they still have left? I would like to stock up on some to go a little longer before changing over to mods!


What Charger Is Best For My Apollo Valiant Vv & Vw 1300ma?

It's quite expensive and I can charge it with a better charger that will prolong it's usability then I'm all for it. It doesn't matter how long it takes to charge, because I have others I can use while it gets charged. The manual says not to use chargers that didn't come with it but I want to find a way to improve their lifespan anyways because their lifespans are short & they're very expensive.
It is quite expensive and if it can be charged in a way that will prolong it's usability then I'm all for it, it doesn't matter how long it takes to charge because I have others I can use while it is being charged. The manual says not to use chargers that didn't come with it but I want to find a way to improve their lifespan they're very expensive.
Apollo Valiant VV & VW 1300mah Battery is my battery's link. If there are any better batteries that are better I may be interested in upgrading, I strongly prefer the stick kind like this, but if they are super awesome they don't have to be but I don't like the idea of having to build a battery myself.  

Mods Wear Out?

I’ve been vaping the same 2 mods for over a year and 1/2. They are Geekvape Aegis 100watt with Cerberus tanks. I use a couple of tank fulls per day. Lately I’ve been getting short battery charge life regardless of new coil or not, old batteries or new. I recently changed from .3 to .2 ohm coils, does that make a difference? Do these things wear out? I thought the only thing that ever needed replacing was the coil. I have 6 of the same unit in stock. Is it time to replace and pitch?  

Been Away A Long Time. Is There Any Market For Classic Mods?

Hey all, very few will remember me but I was one of the earlier on adopter mainstays here years ago, especially in the REO and mech mod arenas. Spent thousands on mods back then, but I don't regret it as it helped me kick a 23 year butt habit. I still have several higher end devices from about 5-8 years ago that I will never use again but enjoy looking at. I wonder if there is any market at all for 'classic' higher end devices amongst today's members?

I am talking about REO Woodvilles and REO Grands, Bogger Boxes, SUPER T ELA, Atom mechs, Provari Minis, carto tanks and carts and a couple others that I don't even remember the name of but were THE THING back in the day LoL.

I may let go of them if there is a market at all for them amongst today members. Just curious if there is a renaissance yet for these things.  

Best Deal On High-end Batteries? Who Knows Where To Look?

So, I know that the Sony VTC batteries were the like "Go-to" battery. But they are being faked a lot and are hard to come by some authentic ones.

So whats the next best option?

I have a few different batteries and I definitely can tell the difference in the quality of the hit, and the life of the battery.

I have a red IMR 2000 mAh 18650 and it hits the worst out of all of my batteries.

Then I have a blue samsung battery (Can't really read the writing) but I can see it says 25r on it. This one hits decent.

Then I have a green 2600 mAh battery. Its a beast. Hits like a champ and lasts long. I would like to find a similar battery to this one. Im guessing this is the Sony VTC 5.

I really want to find something that is just as good as the Green one.

Does anyone know where to find these or a similar battery that is 2600mAh 30 amp? If so, are there any deals going on online where I could get a good price? Id like to order some new batteries.

Thanks for the help all!

Edit. One more question. Anyone know the difference between the Amps on each of the batteries? Just from guessing id say the red is 20 amps, blue is 25, and the green is 30? Does that sound right?