Oregon Now Has New Tax On The Ballot

Oregon Measure 108, Tobacco and E-Cigarette Tax Increase for Health Programs Measure (2020) - Ballotpedia

They have lots of funding as I viewed 4 commercials for the measure during the evening news.



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Block Of Wood + Drill = Vape-station (updated)

So I picked up a 'spade bit' set for my drill and a block of wood at a home depot, went to town and made a little vape station:

In case anyone is interested here's what I used:

Spade bit set 1.5 inch sq. block of wood (pine?) (they cut a yard into three pieces) random piece of what I'm calling 'molding' to beautify the thing a touch A drill Just line up the spade bits with your devices to see which bits to use. Roughly measure how deep you will need to go into the wood so as not to go through the other side. Spade bits have a long pointy tip that protrudes beyond the cylinder they create, so using a different bit set would probably be ideal, this is a cheap/easy way to do it. With this setup you will have little indents in the center of each hole, but it doesn't bother me.

I still need to sand it, glue on the 'molding', and stain it. Should look nice after. Also, for the eleaf istick (50W) on the right, I had to drill 3 times with the same bit. The hole isn't perfect but some sanding should help. Mark your wood with pencil before drilling (measure twice cut once!), and/or do what I did and get 3 pieces in case you make a mistake (or want to expand later!).

Of course you could buy something like this, but this way you can have it be custom to whatever devices you happen to own. Cheap, efficient, space saving, easy to do (seriously, took me like 5 min to measure and 15 min to drill the holes).

Here's the spade bit set:

It rolls up nicely.

Here's the 'molding' with one of the un-drilled blocks:

I'll also note I have no experience doing anything like this, just kinda had a thought at the hardware store = )


I sanded, stained, and poly-ed. It's not perfect but I'm happy:

He she is all loaded up:

Hellvape Grimm Rba Owners - Can You Help Me?

Can anyone that owns the Hellvape Grimm RBA, if you have a caliper, measure the diameter of the top barrel (in millimeters please)?

I would be grateful if you could do that.


Measuring And Buying Orings

I need orings as my Crown 2 tank is leaking. I have a digital caliper but I am wondering how do you measure them without distorting the perfect circle? Also since they are worn the size will be off a little. How do you compensate for that?

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What Is The Best Atty For Flavor? Period

What is currently the best atomizer flavor out there? Bar none. Doesnt matter what vape style it is. If someone wants to experience the best possible flavor an atty can produce, what is it?

Is it the newest and greatest Falcon 2, a Zenith, Zeus X, Dang rda, wotofo rda...? Or does an old classic still reign king?

What do you guys think? What atty is the measure for flavor?  

How Often Should I Charge My Battery?

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How Are You Preparing For The Vapocalypse?

Here in Oregon we have several bills that, if passed, would more or less make vaping illegal in its current form, and I know this isn't just happening here. I have to wonder how far they will be able to go with the bans and regulations, how "effective" they will be and how best to prepare for them. I think it's likely they will make high concentration nicotine solutions impossible to obtain for consumers, so at the least, it's probably a good call to stock up on unflavored nicotine, especially considering that whatever ejuice they do allow will no doubt be taxed to the point of being unaffordable.

The rest of their proposed bans would, in my mind (hopefully) be ineffectual in the long term. They want to ban flavored ejuice, but if the juice is zero nicotine, I don't see how they could get away with that since of course they can't ban PG, VG, or flavors, they just couldn't get away with that, yet, and the same goes for things like kanthal and cotton/rayon, too many uses outside of vaping.

They want to ban online sales from vape companies to our state which we all know would be a devastating blow to vapers. As for mechanical/regulated mods and other gear, what's to stop companies from selling them with a disclaimer that they are intended only for ornamental purposes, or for zero nic juice. What's to stop a vape shop from renaming itself "Functional Mechanical and Electronic Galleries" who operate on the assumption that people only use their products to vape zero nic juice.

It's insane to me that in a country that glorifies alcohol abuse, and has finally started to see the light on decriminalizing ........., that all this hysteria comes up about vaping, which is possibly the most benign chemical someone could enjoy (probably better for you than caffeine) and has given millions a way of breaking free from a habit that is far worse... you think the world is getting somewhere, but then something new comes out and the same old ignorance and fear rears its ugly head all over again, which is in turn milked by our politicians and backed by big tobacco, it all seems to be coming together for a perfect storm and it's not looking good in Oregon.

Your thoughts, what are you doing to prepare? What do you think is necessary?  

How E-cigarette Health Warning Labels Could Be Benefitting Big Tobacco

In the Huff post today

Big tobacco companies say their goal in pushing for firm control is not to hurt smaller competitors. Regulation will benefit consumers and e-cigarette companies alike by ensuring safety and quality standards and boosting confidence, they say. Small companies should not be exempt from responsible behaviour.
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Shipping Questionions

I really dont understand shipping . Let me give you an example : So this is my istick . It was sent from WA (state) and its destionation is Alberta, Canada . Right now it is all the way in Los Angles , California . You can see google maps if you want but why would it go all the way through Oregon and Nevada IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION of where it is suppose to go ?

Ive had something else happen to me once . My item literally went though my city twice before it came back and got delivered to me .  

What Do You Think About Thetruth(dot)com ?

So, I was watching TV with these commercials playing from TheTruth.com. They are a huge Anti-vaping compaigne. These commercials keep trying to get people to quit vaping. But I feel like if people stop vaping they would just start smoking.

What do you guys think? Do you dislike these commercials or do you agree with the messages and how they present them?  

Bt's Way Of Winning In The End?

I'm a 45yo New Zealander, and I have absolutely no axe to grind, except one:

I smoked for 25 years. Therefore the tobacco companies have had more than their fair share of my money, and more importantly my health.

Thanks to vaping, using RBAs and mods, and diying my own ejuices - I've been smoke-free for 20 months.

One company that looks like winning, with all the fake news and hysteria being dredged up in USA over vaping is Phillip Morris International. And I'm not talking about their cigarette products - but rather their IQOS product.

A Device That Heats Tobacco, But Doesn't Burn It, Can Now Be Sold in the U.S. Here's What to Know About IQOS

The FDA have already approved this product for sale in USA. And how does the IQOS work?

the FDA says the pen-like IQOS device heats, but does not burn, “tobacco-filled sticks” wrapped in paper, creating an aerosol that contains nicotine. Marlboro, an Altria brand, will make the tobacco sticks used inside the cartridge, which will come in menthol and unflavored versions.
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It's pretty much a cigarette, that goes into a device which 'heats' the tobacco, so you can inhale it.

Here's Why IQOS Could Completely Own the U.S. E-Cig Market | The Motley Fool

And how safe is it?

Comparison of Chemicals in Mainstream Smoke in Heat-not-burn Tobacco and Combustion Cigarettes. - PubMed - NCBI

There is little scientific data, however, of the hazards and toxicity of iQOS. In this study, we evaluated several harmful compounds (nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide (CO) and tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs)) in the mainstream smoke and fillers of iQOS, and compared their concentrations with those from conventional combustion cigarettes.

The concentrations of nicotine in tobacco fillers and the mainstream smoke of iQOS were almost the same as those of conventional combustion cigarettes, while the concentration of TSNAs was one fifth and CO was one hundredth of those of conventional combustion cigarettes. These toxic compounds are not completely removed from the mainstream smoke of iQOS, making it necessary to consider the health effects and regulation of iQOS.
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iQOS may not be as harm-free as claimed, study finds

The University of California study found that, since the device could only be used for six-minutes before it needed to be recharged, it may cause some people to shorten the interval between puffs in order to make sure they did not waste any of the tobacco stick which could increase the possible toxic exposure.

But of greater concern was that the polymer filter melted slightly during use and released formaldehyde cyanohydrin, a toxic substance which could be fatal to humans. The compound is metabolised in the liver and broken down into formaldehyde and cyanide.

"This study has shown that the iQOS system may not be as harm-free as claimed and also emphasises the urgent need for further safety testing as the popularity and user base of this product is growing rapidly," the study concluded.

University of Otago public health and marketing Professor Janet Hoek said the findings led her to question whether it really was a "reduced harm" product as claimed by the manufacturers.

If users inhaled more frequently as it was suggested, it was likely they would "increase their nicotine intake and exposure to harmful compounds present in the inhaled aerosol", she said.

She said those who had tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking were better off considering e-cigarettes.
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Just my