What Were The Name Of Those Fancy Designed Carto Tanks?

I’m thinking a few years back. I remember that this military guy I think he was would sell these like acrylic?resin? carto tanks that had beautiful designs. There were auctions for them and people went nuts. What were they called? It’s driving me nuts lol.  

Similar Content

Does Anyone Still Use Carto Tanks?

I haven't seen one in person in about a year and a half. I was just wondering if anyone still vapes on carto tanks or if it has all gone to clearos for that type of vape.  

I Really Want To Quit Smoking, Been Vaping Since 2014

i quit smoking for about 3 months back in the carto tank days.

then they stopped making cartomizers. then all my juice vendors went out.

I've been struggling to find a replacement since. I've easily spent too much money on vaping. I"m getting tired of trying.

are these new pods similar to carto tanks?
I'm so lost.

I have lost interest in the clouds. I just want to stop my 30 year long smoking addiction. I miss my carto tanks. they worked for me. I'm frustrated. I'm tired. I'm lost.  

Carto Tanks

I know I'm probably 5 years behind here but i've just recently started to use cartos with tanks and I'm really digging the vape I get out of them. I'm normslly a tank user(Kangers mostly). I got some Boge cartos and a couple of their F-16 tanks. There's something really satisfying about the way they hit. Anyone else still using this ancient technology?  

Older Folks And Vaping Front Porch - Part 5

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 5

Welcome to the ‘Front Porch’ for Older Folks and Vaping. This thread is a continuation of the original started over 4 years ago by ˇTxtumbleweed’. It grew to over 21,000 posts and the ‘part 2’ continuation thread was begun about a year ago. The ‘part 2’ thread over the next 11 month’s hit 15,000 posts. Part 3 reached its max and now it’s time for part 4.

The original and continuation threads are still around and you can find them he

Original (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping

Older Folks and Vaping

Part 2 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed - Older Folks and Vaping Part 4

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Four

The Porch for Older Folks is dedicated to Txtumbleweed, Randal Fortenbury. He started the ball rolling and helped so many of us when we first started our vaping journey. He offered us encouragement, shared his knowledge and told us great personal stories ranging from riding the rails as a kid, working as a lineman, lumberjack and fishing the cold waters of the Bering Straits.

Randall (Tex) has since passed on and we are honored to continue the Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch in his memory.

The mods have asked us to stay on topic about vaping in this thread. Please adhere to this guideline.

Feel invited to join us in the lounge, on our Back Porch, where we can chat about vaping and any other ‘topic of the day’ that meets your fancy.

original, (closed) - Older People 55 and Up

Older People 55 and Up

Part 2 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Four

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Four[/QUOTE]

Part 5 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Five

Part 6 (Active) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch-Part Six

Please, don’t be fooled by the old folks in the title. The range of vaping experience and gear spans a wide gap. We’ve got folks content with basic setups using carto tanks and we’ve got folks using temp control mods and the latest RDA/RBAs.

So if you’re just starting out or your more experienced this is the place to be for us older folks. You got a question - we’ve got an answer or three. (And we good at spending other people’s money - so be forewarned). So pull up a rocker and make yourself at home.

And - oh, oh, oh - there’s no age limited or checking done here. Most of us can’t see good enough to read your legal id anyway. The only age criteria is that today your a day older than yesterday.

I going to ‘prime the porch’ with a few posts from the early days. It’s fun to look back just a few years and see not only where we where but were the state of vaping was w/ respect to equipment.  

Been Away A Long Time. Is There Any Market For Classic Mods?

Hey all, very few will remember me but I was one of the earlier on adopter mainstays here years ago, especially in the REO and mech mod arenas. Spent thousands on mods back then, but I don't regret it as it helped me kick a 23 year butt habit. I still have several higher end devices from about 5-8 years ago that I will never use again but enjoy looking at. I wonder if there is any market at all for 'classic' higher end devices amongst today's members?

I am talking about REO Woodvilles and REO Grands, Bogger Boxes, SUPER T ELA, Atom mechs, Provari Minis, carto tanks and carts and a couple others that I don't even remember the name of but were THE THING back in the day LoL.

I may let go of them if there is a market at all for them amongst today members. Just curious if there is a renaissance yet for these things.  

Premixed Vape Juice Shipping

With everything going on in the vaping world I was wondering if we’ll still be able to buy PG/VG premixed.
I buy premix PG/VG with nicotine already added so I’m wondering if I should buy 4 or 5 gallons to make sure I can get it.
Also I was told that if I buy a few gallons that I should freeze it or refrigerate it,is that right?
I sell mods and tanks so I have plenty to last years because I use to sell them on ebay until they ban selling them on the site.
I’m on private sights but don’t know what’s going to happen after April.
I live in New York so we already are have a juice ban so I mail it to a friend in another state and they forward it to me.
Now I’m buying premix so I can just flavor my own juice but I’m worried they might stop shipping premix PG/VG and then what will we do?
So any information on what’s ahead I’d appreciate your information. I’m new so I’m trying to learn how to find information on here.
Thank You  

Spouse Driving Me Nuts!

My spouse says he doesn't need anything fancy and is happy to vape with the tank and battery he has.... Great! He doesn't want to research anything, but will listen to me when I talk about gear and tanks and whatever.

Every time I upgrade, he gets jealous of my better flavor/vapor, look of gear or whatever has changed. No big deal, he gets all my old gear when I get new....

Except that gear he was once coveting is no longer what he wants because he is now coveting my NEW gear!

Problem is, he has already called me from the road (in the middle of the night) to trouble shoot his Nautilus/Vamo set up, is always getting me to fix his stuff and when I try to show him how to do it he just kind of wanders off.

There is no way I am giving him an RBA!!! I can see me now building all his coils and getting frantic calls when he is on the road!!!

Anyone else have this problem with their SO? If so how do you deal with it? I get soooo frustrated! The man would run out of juice and never have a charged battery if he had to take care of it himself. Maybe I should just let him flounder for a while?  

Imaginative Bystanders

Well, I heard of people coughing next to a vaper like it's actually second hand smoke but I was sort of stealth vaping in a room, and some guy started looking around and stated that he was smelling bacon, lol.

I was using a sizzling Boge carto and vaping unflavored....

Hint- carto sounded like a frying pan and he imagined bacon frying.  

Not Sub Ohm.

I have decided that sub ohm isn’t it for me. I have been using eleaf tanks on Aspire mods that I got for cheap. My question is are there still any tanks available that aren’t sub ohm? Be kind. I’m old.  

New Here,...again,.....

Hey everyone! I took a substantial trip down cigarette lane and I want to find my way back home. I’ve not been keeping up to date with the new tech out there but I’m really wanting to get back off cigarettes. I’m going to be lurking around to try to relearn everything so I can get an up to date picture on which mod I should be getting. My biggest concern is falling off the wagon again, and having the same problems as before which made me leave. Mainly leaky tanks and bad atomizers. I’m hoping the quality control has gotten significantly better.

Anyway, I’m super excited to be back with you guys! Say hi if you see me around!