Hepa Air Purifier Getting Saturated

Random question for you guys...

Changed my air purifier HEPA filters back in April as they were moldy, but not really wet. Maybe damp. Tonight I went to change the carbon filter and noticed some pooling at the bottom and when I took out the HEPA filters they were SOAKED. I cleaned it up as best as I could and put it back together. I plan on leaving the whole mess in the sun all day tomorrow to dry it out.

I'm guessing this is due to my increased presence and vaping in my bedroom. I guess what I'm asking is are your air purifiers getting wet and is there a better option out there? I'm looking at dehumidifiers and considering running both of them. Anyone using a dehumidifer with success?

It's obviously more humid in summer but I don't think I have big humidity issues as I'm in Denver (dry) with AC on. I think 50 ml a week is just too much for this thing.  

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Njoy Ace Pod, Spit Back.

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Weirdest Bottom Feed Issue Ever. Long List Of Troubleshooting

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I have a boxer bf mod I have numerous Rda I am vaping mtl a juice I’ve been vaping 5+ years.
I didn’t use my boxer or any rda for a while. When I did a rebuild as usual I noticed a “bad” flavour. Like most of you I went through a series of steps to no avail

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Have any of you ever experienced this kind of flavour terrible all of a sudden? I have now tried 4 bottles with four tubes. I have cleaned every element at least five times. I have confirmed I’m not just tasting it wrong by dripping.

it’s clearly not the atomiser or build related. I have a hard time believing it’s bottle related after what I’ve done to them.

I just cannot figure this out. The next step of course is going to be to try and use the same bottles /atomiser on another mod but I thought I’d ping you all to see what your thoughts are - because in ten years of vaping I haven’t experienced this, and troubleshooting has taken hours so far.

Just a few final points
no shorting Very minor sparks as you’d expect from this mod and the way it makes contact at an angle Been vaping a very long time and building since almost day one The rda’s are authentic, stainless etc I’ve tried 3 of them at least It’s not wire or cotton
I’m stumped. Appreciate any thoughts.  

Some Questions After A Long Break Billet Box

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Was an active member for quite a while. Gave away all my vaping gear apart from two billet box mods. A 2015 and 2017.

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Y'all have fun!!  

Just A Quick Rant

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