What Are The Latest Knowledge About Toxicity Of Vaping Vg/pg ?

The toxicity of nicotine we probably all know about, but what are the latest news about the dangers of vaping VG/PG ?  

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Latest News On Flavor Ban

The latest news coming out today is that Trump will sign next week to enforce a Flavor Ban, leaving only Tobacco and Menthol flavors. Nobody seems quite sure if anything else is affected.

Please contact your Senators and Congressmen Today, send emails, send tweets whatever you can do, do it.

A Sad Day  

7th Person Has Died From Vaping

California man dies in 7th vaping-related illness as CDC steps up e-cig probe - CNN

The latest California victim had been sick for several weeks after he suffered a "severe pulmonary injury associated with vaping," Dr. Karen Haught, the Tulare County public health officer, said in a news release.​

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‘It is time to stop vaping’: California man dies in 7th vaping-related illness 7th death linked to vaping reported A 7th person has died in the U.S. from a vaping-related lung illness  

Latest Trend

Hi, i've been off the scene for the last year since i quit while on squonk mod.

Recently i'm looking at revisiting vaping only to find out that squonk mods are no longer easy to find.

Could anyone help to enlighten me on what latest trend and technology with similar convenience of refillable tank, rechargable batteries and self rewiring atomizers out there replacing the last one i was happy to use?  

Banned? Help!! I Have Been Out Of The Loop....

I just recently joined this community and have been reading the forums and I am scared! I live in Northern California, NOT San Francisco. I started vaping back in 2013 and quit cigarettes for good! I use Nautilus tanks and coils, Eleaf batteries (purchased on Ebay) and J-vapes out of Arizona. I have had no problems or warnings about getting these products. I use flavored tobaccos so I am not worried about a flavor ban....but what does this mean? I have just been vaping, oblivious to any problems or bans. Are all vaping products going to be banned? Will I not be able to purchase my items from Ebay or J-vapes anymore? Can someone please fill this out of touch person in with the latest news and what I should do? HELP!!!  

Creating Good Fake News

I was just thinking of all the bad press vaping has received and how the news always reports the doom and gloom and most of it is not accurate. It would be sort of funny to reverse engineer fake news.

Did you hear about the blind vaper who regained his eyesight? Did you hear about the wheelchair bound man who could walk again after he started vaping? Did you know vaping regrows hair in balding men?. Did you know vaping reduces wrinkles?


We Need Nation-wide Protests Against The Flavor Ban!!!

The news of a looming flavor ban is sickening! As an adult former smoker who used ecigs to liberate myself from cigarettes, I am appalled!

It is not my fault that kids are vaping flavors and nicotine intended for adults.
It is not my fault that people are vaping dangerous chemicals in THC mixes.
It is not my fault that people who lack knowledge about vaping consider it on par with smoking.

Parents need to own up to monitoring their own kids! These teens would be smoking cigarettes if they weren't vaping- just as they were doing before vaping came along. Teen smoking numbers are down because of vaping. It is this teenage generation's alternative to cigarettes. This should be part of our national conjecture on the topic!!!

We (legitimate adult users of vaping supplies) need to stand up for ourselves!!! There are millions of us.

Let us be heard!

We need to stand together and protest around our country on the same days/times to have our voices heard.

I say we all go to our local city halls and/or right outside of our workplaces near smoking areas on the same day/time with signs of protest to demand that our opinions be heard.

I also say that we compile lists of pro-vaping and anti-vaping elected representatives so that we may be able to vote our haters out of office!!!  

I Need To Rant.

So I just watched a video that Dash Vapes posted yesterday where they played a commercial or something about the dangers of vaping for teens/kids. They basically portrayed vaping as if it was a hard drug or something.

I understand vaping should not be available for them but, how is this okay? How is it okay to run such a campaign against vaping, but yet actual hard drugs, alcohol and cigarettes are completely okay?

Also, why are they blaming how kids behave on vaping? Perhaps they should promote better parenting. Just saying.

Okay, I’m mad. Sorry.


Vape Mail Bill Ban

So with the latest news banning vapes from being mailed by USPS and Fed Ex on board in the spring , also I am sure it won’t be long for UPS to jump on board , I am just wondering what people think of the vaping world coming soon ? I for one rely on all my vape supplies thru online vendors it certainly feels like this is the end or will there be a way that vape goods will still be able to be purchased and mailed ? Just wondering what some of the folks here are thinking  

What Is The Actual Toxicity Of The Juice?

The juice arrives in a bottle with the skull & crossbones toxic symbol and a couple of others.

From time to time, my Vivi-Nova V2 goes a bit awry and I get a mouthfull of juice - its not pleasant, but I'm not dead yet.

How dangerous is it in actual fact?


What's The Reasoning For Vaping 0mg Nic Juice? ... I Don't Get It

I was in a bar / restaurant a couple of days ago and noticed another person vaping (guy looked to be in his late 60s). The guy was using what looked like a non-adjustable EGO style stick battery with what looked like an 'old-school' Kanger T3 clearomizer on top.

I struck up a conversation with him for just a moment and asked him what type of juice he was vaping ... The guy never told me the brand or flavor, but said it was 0mg Nic when I asked him.

That was basically the end of our conversation.

My question to you folks is this .... Why would anyone keep vaping if they had no nicotine in there juice? For me, the reason I vape in the first place is to keep off cigarettes. I am obviously addicted to nicotine, and have replaced the nicotine from cigarettes for the nicotine found in my juice.

If I could wean myself completely off nicotine, I think at that point I would just give up on vaping altogether. Someday I would like to be nicotine free, but for now, I just can't see it in my future.

BTW .... I have not smoked a cigarette for 15 months, but I am still vaping on my fairly strong 16mg Nic DIY juice.