
I think I know what it is...a mod with a build in e juice bottle, right? How do the atomizers with with those?  

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Question Regarding Long Term E Juice Storage


I just bought a litre of 100mg/ml unflavoured PG E juice.

I calculated that if it doesn't go off it should last me 10 years. It came in a sealed plastic bottle.

I bought a dark amber glass bottle (which I have sterilized) to put it in but I was wondering if it would be better to leave it in the original sealed plastic bottle rather than breaking the seal to put it in the glass bottle? I took the lid off and it has a proper seal over the rim of the bottle like a Gatorade.

Also the glass bottle I bought came with a plastic lid but I doubt it will be 100% airtight.

Thanks for your advice, any other tips would be much appreciated.  

Warning! Don't Try Squonking

6 months ago, I finally tried squonking.

The result?

6 months later:

My RTAs are crying. My regulated mods are sulking. I now have more bf RDAs than my local vape shop

You've been warned  


Was hitting a very hot build hard, got a dryish hit, even a bit of cotton smolder. So I quickly whipped off the top cap and started painting some juice. I touched the tip of my juice bottle onto the hot coil and melted a bit onto it. Worse, I didn't realize till I took a big ol' hit...not the tastiest vape I've ever had.

Kanthal is cheap, experience is priceless.


Dedicated Atomizers To Select Flavors

Do you, or do you not, change atomizers between flavors. I myself do change atty's ESPECIALLY when switching between designer juices that I've paid close to $30 for a 30ml bottle. I am wondering if others do the same. If so, how do you store your used atty's and ensure they don't get mixed-up? Look forward to hearing from all of you!  

You Guys Set Juice Rules?

Just curious how you guys go about vaping through your juice bottles. I buy 30 ml bottles usually. I have a few tanks and dedicate a specific bottle to each tank. I make myself finish off a bottle before I go onto my next juices. If I decide to put a half bottle away and try a new flavor, I'd have a bunch of half bottles laying around and it would annoy the hell out of me.
I have a couple 60 mils on the way though, so I suppose I wouldn't mind stashing those halfway through. I suppose it could be way different for people that drip though.  

What Do You Look Foward To About Vaping??

Hi friends. It's been awhile since I posted a thread and thought this might be a fun topic. I will go first. There are a couple things I really look foward to regarding my vaping. The first thing is when I get a new RBA. I can't wait to get in and build that new tank. I track the package and it's like Christmas when it arrives. The second thing is if I order a new juice! I usually make my own juice but I will also buy a couple each month. Oh I can't wait to break into that new bottle of juice!! Those are a few of my favorite things. How about you??  

Aluminum For Atomizers... Is It Safe?

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Crystallizing Vg???

I always get juice from juice Mafia, my local brand..... well this time I got 100% vg no nic juice in Arctic Ice because I got my girl a new tank to use as an e-hooka. The strange thing is the juice is crystallizing both in the bottle and in the tank. It also is getting really cloudy, but if I leave it say in the sun warmed window of my car the crystals seem to melt back into juice. Anyone know what's going on with this??  


A big thankyou to Jamie at vandykevapes.com

The 50ml glass bottle of dragon punch that I had ordered arrived on Wednesday and disaster the bottle was smashed to bits

Emailed them late on Wednesday afternoon and got an almost instant response, new bottle posted out and was received today (Friday)

This was around the fifth order I have placed with them and the first time anything has been damaged, really impressed with their fast response and excellent customer service

What is their juice like? Well dragon punch my Mrs is absolutely addicted to the stuff and with my latest order tried another of their juices black ninja and yes she loves that one as well!

These guys and there juice are quality, give them a try you won't be disappointed.  

Pulse X 90w Sqounk Bottle

So I recently purchased a Pulse X 90w. And I've noticed that the squonk bottle is leaking inside the mod itself. And sometimes juice gets pretty close to the positive battery contact. Does anyone know what may be causing this? Whenever I fill the bottle I always fill it up to about 3/4 so that there is displacement for the tube itself. I get it all screwed down and back in then after a while, or my next fill I notice that it's leaked again. This is becoming a rather annoying problem. And I'd rather not chuck a mod that I just bought because of a stupid issue such as this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!