Home Vape Store Organization

Hey everyone.

My bag going to work is quite heavy with juices and tanks and mods I want to bring. Any box organization ideas?

Also my garage shelf is looking bad too. Anyone make a shelf specially for vape stuff?

Pictures are welcome!  

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Are You One Of The Lucky Ones? Vape At Work?

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What about you?  

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SO my question is…..how long of a shelf life would be expected out of a new Kanger eVod twist and new V4L Zeus batteries? I realize I really have no idea when they were actually manufactured, but if they were with in the last say 8-12 months or so, what kind of shelf life would they still have left? I would like to stock up on some to go a little longer before changing over to mods!


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Atomizer Seats - 101 Vape

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Vape Store Usa ?

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The #1 Vapor Website Online
Vape Store US is the best online portal to quality e-cig and vaping. Check our information on atomizers, rechargeable vaping batteries, replacement coils, e-cigarettes, e-juices, e-liquids, vape battery mods, and other vaping accessories.

Affiliate Publishing
Vape Store US operates as an affiliate publisher.

An affiliate publisher promotes advertiser products or services (creative content) in exchange for earned commissions.

Advertisers contractually agree to work with a publisher, then provide the publisher with technical methods (content delivery) to incorporate into the media they publish and distribute.

Vape Store US does not keep an inventory, take orders, or ship products.

Instead, we partner with the largest e-cigarette manufacturers and advertisers in order to get our visitors quality vape content.

Vape Store US does not make any guarantees or representations about any transactions with third parties.

Contact Information
If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions please contact our offices. We’d love to hear from you!

Email us:

Write to us:
Vape Store US
PO Box 25373
Federal Way, Washington USA 98093-2373  

Finally! No More Urges To Buy New Gear!

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Atlantis V2
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Kay fun v4

Ipv mini 1
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My go to juices are all from itcvapes. 20$ for 120ml for the win.

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Wonderful feeling!  

New Gear Box

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What else should crusty old farts who have been vaping longer than their store has existed try to convince the vape shop owner (manager) they should at least look into ?
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Petition The World Health Organization To Stop Lying About Vaping!

In 2006, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in order to promote policies to member countries with the aim of reducing tobacco use. Representatives of member countries meet every two years to discuss improvements and implementation of the FCTC. This meeting is known as the Conference of Parties (COP), and the ninth such meeting, COP 9, will occur between November 9-13, 2021.

The WHO is recommending extreme measures like high taxation, flavor bans, and outright prohibition as their preferred actions to curb the adoption of these safer nicotine products. To put a finer point on it, the WHO’s influence is being disproportionately leveled at low- and middle-income countries (LIMCs) which are home to more than 80% of the world’s population of people who smoke.

