Armageddon Time! For Admirers Of Armageddon Mfg/immortal Modz/other Madness

Armageddon/Immortal Modz has been running some great deals this year. I bought a couple of things. How about you? Show us your Armageddon and Immortal Modz, and other manufacturers of vaping badazzidnis--Kennedy Vapor, Vaper's Cloud, Purge, etc...

It's Armageddon Time!

One of several Redemptions that I bought. Once I tried one, I had to have a backup. And a backup to the backup. Plus another. I love 'em--they're easy to build to the mellow, cool, big and puffy output that I love. It's sitting on a Kennedy Vindicator 21.

I rarely ever buy kits, but this one with an Armageddon Oden mod and Apocalypse RDA is well made, well matched, and a real great vape.

Anybody else?  

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The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

I think we all have vape gear that will fit into the categories. I know I do. This will obviously be personally subjective so I ask that be no bashing in this thread. That being said I like some unusual gear that never really became mainstream. What do you have? Is it's good, Bad or ugly?
The Good
Vicious Ant Spade mech, Signature Tips SQ 217 and Clutch, All Armageddon RDAs, All Purge RDAs, TM24 PRO RDA, MDX B@stard Kit, Fossil Box mod. Those are my favorites
The Bad
Axial RDA I want to like it but I don't. SQ Topside mod it hits hard but the squonk bottle is bad.
The Ugly
VLX RDA the one I have is the ultem version. Wormhole RDA is a good RDA once you get it setup but it is ugly. Elder Dragon RDA is a nice little single coil RDA that I like but you have to admit it is ugly.  

Evcigarettes (dot) Com ?

Located in Jacksonville, FL. Can you recommend them?

Looking at a kennedy Vindicator 21700. They have colors here not available directly from Kennedy.  

Hana Modz Dna 50 Clone Voltage?

For all you brainiacs and problem solvers out there. I've just recieved my Hcigar DNA 50 Hana Modz Clone from our friends at Fasttech. Overall it seems like a niece piece for the price. I've only really one issues with it which is as follows. The voltage read out is fairly accurate up to 40w but can't seem to go higher than 6.4v all the way up to 50w. 50w should read at 7.07v given the below build.

I'm currently using purple efest 3100mah batts with a 1ohm dual coil on a plume veil.

Is it that the display is faulty, (doubt this), I need higher drain batts (probably not as not pushing the amp limit here), or simply just that it's a clone and the chip isn't all the way up to the job?

I'm leaning towards the last one but can't complain, as an (essentially) 40w mod for the price is pretty flippin good!

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.

Cheers folks!  

Sigelei 150w Is A Beast!

If anyone is on the fence about buying a Sigelei 150w... BUY IT.

This thing has been great so far. Absolutely no problems and I like it much much much better than my Hana Modz DNA 40. For $110, it's as good or better. All the problems other people have had with this thing, I have experienced none of them. I was vaping for four days with a .2 ohm build on the Doge v2 running between 60w-80w and it still had 50% battery life. The performance is ridiculous, especially for it's price tag. I'm so happy I didn't waste money by over paying for a VaporShark or Vapor Flask. Just because something is more expensive, it doesn't mean that it is better...  

How Bad Are The "slight Imperfections" Of Thr Hana Modz Dna30?

Hello, just wondering if anyone owns or knows anyone who has a Hana Modz Dna30 with S.i? I wanted to buy one but wanna know if anyone knows how bad are are they? Thanks to all responses.  

Backup Mod Recommendations

After Many months of searching, I have settled on my main out and about Mod as an MVP 30W and a Kanger Sub Tank Mini. I still love my e-pipes & drippers at home, but it is really nice just to grab the MVP and go, no extra batteries, parts, juice bottles, etc.

I have been carrying my old MVP2 & a Nautilus as a backup, but the vape and flavor is very different then my main, it really doesn't work as a backup.

After doing a ton of research I have decided that I will be going with the Subtank nano, but I am at a loss for what mod to get.

My only must have is that it needs to output at least 20 watts and stay around $70 or under. I want something smaller then the MVP 30W which is the reason I have not just picked up on of those.

I would like on board charging but it is not a must have.

I am open to either a box or tub style.

i have looked at the iStick 30, but I am not sure the lip on it will look good with the nano.

Okay EFC, let me know your thoughts!  

Rta Vrs Rda

Wanting to take a poll or get some feedback on what some of you all think about RTA's. I have had the Profile Unity mesh rta for several weeks and other than getting the build right its freaking fantastic. I also have the Cleito 120, Crown IV, Falcon King which the M1 Coil to me is the best coil for Falcon, but the RTA is by far has the best flavor at of all of my tanks. I am thinking about buying another one and the one that is catching my eye is the vandy vape Kylin 24 mm. Anyone have it or think there is something out there with better flavor. I have stayed away from RDA's due to I do not care for hot vape. A friend has told me if I do try an RDA to go with the Profile Unity Mr Right RDA or Apocalypse RDA 25mm by Immortal Mod.. Biggest issue is I travel a lot and not sure I really need to be messing with RDA. ..

Thanks for all the feedback on last thread  

Higher Wattages (50+ Watts) Useless On Voopoo Drag X Plus?

I've been using only twin-18650 mods for some time, and before the shipping ban came into effect, I bought a backup of my most-used mod (a Geekvape Aegis X), but since the 100W single 21700 / 18650 Voopoo Drag X Plus was only $35, I also picked up one of them as another backup.

I vape exclusively on RDA's, typically with a 3mm dual coil twisted build with 24 or 26 gauge Kanthal or nichrome-80. 5 or 6 wraps with 24 gauge, 6-8 wraps with 26 gauge. I typically vape these between 90 and 110 watts.

I did not expect to get a 'true' 90-100 watts out of the Drag X, so I set a target of around 60 watts. I mounted a 3mm dual coil twisted 28 gauge build with 6 wraps, which on my Aegis X vapes great at 60 watts, and very good at 50 watts. It measures at 0.45 ohms.

But on the Drag at 60 watts, it only vapes at what feels like 30 watts on my Aegis. Setting it higher makes no difference either, it seems to 'top out' at ~30 watts regardless of the setting. 60 watts @ 0.45 ohms is only around 11 amps, so I doubt I'm hitting an amperage limit.

I am using 18650 batteries (VTC5A), and it is about time to replace them, as I am only getting around 70% the battery life as I did when new. I will be picking up some 21700 batteries at the same time, which hopefully help with things on the Voopoo.

Does anybody have any good experiences with ~60 watt builds on a Drag X Plus?  

I Just Made My Own Coil!!!!!!!!!

lol I know I sound like an idiot but I'm proud of myself!!!

Ive vaped over 2 years now and always used clearos for convenience. Somebody at my job stole my mod with my subtank on it and I was kind of pissed to have to wait a month to get a new one from FT. So Im sitting here trying to finagle a iclear 16 onto an old Vamo with stripped threads over and over and I'm getting even more irritated and then I remembered- I had this old $8 Octopus RDA that I bought when I first started vaping and never used because I couldnt build anything under 1.2 ohms on it because I didnt have a mech mod, and I could never get it right and the vape sucked and it took 2 or 3 seconds to even fire. But I remembered I had just bought this cheapo $10 Sentinel mod a few weeks ago that I hadnt messed with yet!

So I tore off the 2 year old build that was still on there, punched another airhole in it with a nail and hammer, did a 4/5 wrap on the screw that came with the subtank, ran some koh gen do through it, tested it on the vamo, got 0.9ohms, dripped on it, rigged it up and put a fresh battery in my WHAT I HAVE CREATEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!

I still want my subtank back though dripping is a PITA I dont wanna carry a bottle around for a month. But it beats that iclear16. I always thought the vape sucked so bad because I didnt know how to build it correctly, it was just I was building high resistance coils on a VW mod that didnt go above 15 watts.

I know nobody cares, whatever, I feel pretty damn great about it lol...  

8 Year Vaperversary Today 3/28/21

8 years without a puff of smoke, also...
8 years without bronchitis or even a chest cold
Go figure

I dual used with a Green Smoke kit for a couple of weeks and smoked my last cancerstick 3/28/13 when I bought a Mini Vivi Nova on a VV ego battery & all the 24mg/ml Ginger's E-Juice Atomic Fireball the (closest) vape shop 35 miles away had.


I bought a backup rig as soon as I could afford it. Probably a week later.

This morning's typical 2021 daily rotation

Thanks ECF - I can now afford to have my cake & vape it too