Special Day For A Very Special "classy" Person . . .



" @classwife "

Demeber 22, 2020


NOW - Remember to Blow Out The Candles . . .


Well - Really There Is Only 1 Important "Candle" Left . . .

SO I DID . . .

Just Sayin' . . . ​

OH BTW: Did I Say . . .


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Is There Still Some Support For E-cigaretes & Vaping . . .

Okay - I found it very interesting that with all the recent hoopla, hysterics and diatribe & condemnation of E-Cigarettes and "Vaping" (inclusive) on all major Media oulets - that one of the local 3 PBS Stations here in South Florida - WLRN (out of Miami) has actually been showing a very good older educational/documentary program from BBC that I saw a couple of years ago :

"E-Cigarettes: Miracle Or Menace" (2016):
Can't embed video here - So here is the link to video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5875ke

(BTW: It is also shown on Netflix: Netflix)

AND - Then online there was a repeat of CBS Sunday Mornings Report last year:
"Clearing the air on e-cigarettes" (Oct 2018)

Besides Canada's Networks: CBC News - 5th Estate:
"Investigating e-cigarettes: a less harmful way to smoke?" (2016)

Also, there is an excellent documentary (mixed languages - sub-titles) :
"Beyond The Cloud - Documentary film about vaping" (2016)

AND - IMHO - While these maybe older videos, i do believe they are still relevant. SO - I hope this info will be enlightening and open the conversation to the general public and "You", your Family & Friends that keep asking you if is Ok / or that "You" NEED to Stop, and can be especially helpful about what "Vaping" is and is not when and if Ya' are ever confronted by others. That is if they are willing to watch and learn . . . Just Sayin' . . .


The Elusive Oval Shaped Drip Tip...

An oval shaped drip tip makes sense to me, considering it's a natural fit, thereby being more comfortable than a standard round shaped one. After spending hours searching the web, I was surprised to have only found two options. And they're pretty far apart on the spectrum...
The first one I found was a rather generic one from Cloud9Vaping in England that cost £3.95 (plus shipping to the US)
Link: Stainless Steel Oval Shaped drip tip - Cloud 9 Vaping

And then there were the "Cro Tips" from Crovape that come with the "AMS" system which are beautiful, but a bit expensive, plus shipping. ​

Link: Crovape

Any suggestions for oval shaped drip tips are appreciated! I just can't believe there aren't more of them out there. Although, I have to admit, despite the price, I might actually get a Crotip. They look sick, lol!  

Nic Base $3k/liter - March 2020...

...if you do nothing.

Federal Flavor Ban & Vape Taxation
Goes Up for Vote This
Thursday 2/27/2020 in the House.
HR 2339

Go here to notify your Congress people and the President (easy peasy)...
Vaping Prohibition & Taxation is On the Table in Congress

From CASAA...
"This [Federal Flavor Ban] legislation is being supported by an army of Bloomberg-funded anti-harm reduction groups to the tune of $160,000,000.

At the same time, it is likely that a tax bill, HR 4742, which is attempting to enact tax parity between vapor products and combustible cigarettes, will also be taken up by the full House."

Text - H.R.4742 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose a tax on nicotine used in vaping, etc.
‘‘“(h) Nicotine.—On taxable nicotine, manufactured in or imported into the United States, there shall be imposed a tax equal to the dollar amount specified in section 5701(b)(1) (or, if greater, $50.33) per 1,810 milligrams of nicotine (and a proportionate tax at the like rate on any fractional part thereof).”
Click to expand...

You wanna pay $2,780.00 extra (plus any state taxes)
for 1 liter of 100mg/ml nic base?

You wanna be forced to vape "tobacco" flavors only?​

By all means, do nothing.


Tootle Puffers, Part Three! (the Sequel Of The Redux)

TPuffers!!!!!! What have we done! Part Three? Already?

Hello to all the old and the new Tootle Puffers! Welcome to our newest abode. Please make yourself comfy -- there are drinks at the bar, and snacks on the table. We've even got a T-shirt and a wristband for the 1st person to come in here.

(oh, that'd be me. sorry.)

After more than 30 THOUSAND posts, we're still going strong! (Altho I'm not sure we know the meaning of "Tootle Puffer" yet...) (and we might never know! )

If you'd like to offer up what it means to you, then go for it! If you'd like to discuss the color of your water heater, ride a camel on Wednesdays, or divulge the secrets to a great love life, feel free!

So turn down the wattage and blow some wispy little plumes! Have fun, make friends, learn and teach vape, and Tootle On.

And please join CASAA!!!!!!!!!!!! www.casaa.org

Thank you sincerely, my sweetie pies, one and all, for making this one of the most incredible threads on ECF! I appreciate every single one of you very much.

And without further ado or hoopla, here ya go...... TOOTLE PUFFERS, PART THREE! (The Sequel of the Redux)

Hop on!

And for those who would like to trip down the memory lane...............

Part 1: Are YOU a Tootle Puffer??

Part 2: Tootle Puffers, Redux (The Sequel)

Link to her story of how the Tootle Puffers came to be:
Tootle Puffers, Part Three! (The Sequel of the Redux)​

It's Called "social Engineering"

I'm not proud of this, but I broke down and had a cig this morning (been months since I quit, but still "slip" once in a while)
The next door neighbor came by (she knows I vape) and there I am smoking. She said " just don't vape... it's very dangerous!" It almost killed me... and she didn't seen concerned at all that I was smoking (I think her husband used to smoke and had heart issues... he passed away) I made one of my "bad jokes"... said "it will drive you to smoking again" She didn't even get it. It's called "social engineering" and is very powerful (at least to the "sheeple") We have all discussed this. Your average person doesn't read or listen to the whole story, just knows "vaping is dangerous!" I give up... just can't get through to some people  

No More Paypal On Sourcemore

Got this email from Sourcemore at 2:01 this morning and thought I'd post it for those who aren't subscribed to their newsletter emails.

"Important Notice About Payment Methods - Sourcemore"​

"You should have heard of the ban of PayPal towards all vape-related payments.
Unfortunately, our PayPal account was just restricted. We are unable to use PayPal to make or accept payment any more. Our balance is frozen for up to 180 days.
We have to remove PayPal from our website.

New payment methods such as Credit Card will be added ASAP.
Please check us back in a few days for further information.
You may also write to us if you want to get the latest update: service@sourcemore.com.
We will make sure to contact you once the new payment methods are online.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please let us know.

Thank you so much for you trust and support all the time.
We believe we will overcome this together!"  

Recent Vaping Bans In Your State / Local Area . . .

As the thread title suggests, Let people know where Vaping is being "Banned" . . .

List of vaping bans in the United States - Wikipedia​

7th Person Has Died From Vaping

California man dies in 7th vaping-related illness as CDC steps up e-cig probe - CNN

The latest California victim had been sick for several weeks after he suffered a "severe pulmonary injury associated with vaping," Dr. Karen Haught, the Tulare County public health officer, said in a news release.​

More links ...
‘It is time to stop vaping’: California man dies in 7th vaping-related illness 7th death linked to vaping reported A 7th person has died in the U.S. from a vaping-related lung illness  

Mount Baker Vapor Shocked Us.

I ordered some unflavored juice and some flavorings from MBV and explained in a comment what it was for," Please ship as soon as possible. My uncle has had a stroke and has been in the hospital rehabbing for three weeks. He goes home March 6, 2015 and i want to make sure he has supplies on hand to make the switch over to vaping as easy as I can make ity for him. Thanks Guys." Here is their letter back.... ​

So - What Is Going To Happen ?

Given some of the discussions in other threads that have taken over the original posters reason for the discussion and purpose of that thread . . . AND - Although there are other threads already having this type of discussion/discourse that people ignore or pass on (Don't really know their reasons why they refuse to post there where the same discussion is happening) . . . SO - This thread is only being created to hopefully move the ongoing disruptive conversation in other threads and have a specific thread opened for that discussion - instead of having it spread through-out so many other threads - in effect changing the main topic of discussion and why People are there in the first place . . .

This threads main purpose is to discuss and/or further debate - of course following ECF (This is NOT "OUTSIDE") - these personal opinions and commentaries . . .

SO - What is it that you perceive is going to happen - once Deeming Regulations, Federal, State, an even Local laws/restrictions are passed (or already have been passed) . . . AND - Are actually finally enacted . . .

The Government Does Nothing - Only the present Rules & Regulations go into effect, People over 21 will still be able to continue to purchase vape products (maybe with some limitations), Vape in their home/cars/designate areas out in public . . . Will there be current or even more - Grey Market - Black Market . . . Will there be Police Raids (both on commercial venues/private homes) - Products Seized by Customs - Arrest made for "Vaping" in public and or for distribution when sharing with others/passing along equipment/e-liquids, etc. to Family & Friends - Or for "Vaping" while driving . . .​

OKAY - If Ya' got something to say or an opinion or better yet actual FACTS to share - here is the thread to do it . . .

JUST REMEMBER - This thread is NOT "OUTSIDE" and Civility is a MUST for everyone - NO, Matter what your personal views are . . .

Have Fun. . . .

EDIT: BTW - I have absolutely no intentions on participating in this discussion/discourse - nor provide any personal insights/opinions/feelings about this subject - this thread is here to allow everyone else a place to do so and keep it out of other on going threads that have nothing to do with future conjecture/s of their personal perceived opinions of "What Is Going to Happen" . . . Just Sayin' . . .
