Need Help Got Double Charged On Gotvapes(dot)com

HI im new to this forum and how to use it but today i tried to buy a present for someone on and got double charged and never got a order conformation anyone know how i could i get into contact other than support or phone number as i tried both of them and im in a rush to get the money back as i really need the money back as now im down $100 and i cant buy anyone presents anymore as im a broke boy  

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Xtar Vc2s Charger Question

Hey guys,

I finally updated my charger a few days ago (I think before I had the VP2) or something like that. Quick question on something I'm noticing that seems a bit odd to me.

When I charge (for example 18650's), a battery that's fully charged in channel flashes FULL/0.00 mA, I remove the battery. A few minutes later, I'll put the battery back in the same bay, and all of a sudden there are a few hundred mA's that show up on the screen that need to be charged back into the battery and it takes a few minutes for channel 1 to recognize the battery is fully charged and flash FULL/0.00mA again (although it does show above that's fully charged at 4.2v).

If I take that same battery and do the same test but this time in channel 2, within a few seconds it recognizes that the battery is fully charged and flashes FULL/0.00mA. So it seems channel 1 is not working as well as channel 2 is, when it comes to recognizing information from the battery.

Is this normal for this charger or do I have a defective charger?  

Has Anyone Use Www(dot)buyeliquid(dot)com?

I placed an order 4 days ago. Never received order confirmation but was charged or course. Still no shipping confirmation. No number on the site but they do have a "contact us" form. I have tried 2 times with no response.

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Pissed. - My Turtleship V3 Firing Pin Broke And The Store Wont Find A Replacement. Please Help

I paid $250 bux for a full set up a while back, and the little inner copper firing pin contact broke, right where the thread screw into the bottom button. I got the broken piece out of the button threads, but I need a new copper contact pin. I went to the store and they said they don't have it, and they cant contact the manufacturer.

I am so irritated at the customer service there. I have spent well over a couple grand on crap from them over the years and they basically told me "oh well, that sucks, buy a new one"

Im hoping that someone on here can either help point me in the right direction of someone to talk to that makes the Turtleship V3 Mod, or someone that might have a replacement part. It cant be more than a couple bucks for the little piece. I would of expected them to contact the manufacturer and just give me the replacement pin for free.

Once I have the money I am going to buy something like a hexohm or similar 100w box mod, but until then, I need to fix this, and plus I want to have it as a back up for if my boxmod goes out and needs to be fixed. Given that, I have a seperate question on who you guys think has the best customer service and warranty for box mods? What are the "flagship" devices on the market with all the bells and whistles and most reliable / durable build design?

Thanks a lot for any help you guys can offer as far as being able to get my mech mod fixed. Id have to just throw 200 bux in the trash.

Help! :/  

Fasttech Dual Battery Mod??

could some one be kind enough to look at
I want to know if this 2 18650 will provide double the vaping time (what I want) or double the voltage (which i don't want)

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Help With Sigelei 100w

So I just received a 100w seigei box mod and I fully charged my 2 18650 batterys that worked fine in my mech mod. When I put them both in my sigelei the battery percentage only tops out at around 50% charged?!!! Like what they are for sure both fully charged. Anyone know what the problem is?  

I'm Not A Troll

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The reason why I have not posted in over 2 years is that I thought ukvapers would be my home for everything. So I also created a forum for myself and others at MVR Forum.

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I would like users here to egg me on and that is all I wanted in the first place.  

Is A 100w Mod Enough For Double Coils?

Hello guys,
I recently purchased a single coil RTA, my first rebuildable experience. I love it!! .
I saw at the shop a double coil RTA and a Double coil RDA, was planning on buying one of them until I thought I only have a 100W mod. Do you guys think it is enough? Are there some specific ohms coils that could make it work etc? Or is a 100W enough? I am new to this so calculating ohms law and all the other stuff I will learn, I just need a answer from the double coilers if you guys use higher wattage mods or not.
Thank you in advance!  

Some Series 18650 Questions

I bought my Sigelei 100w Plus a few days back and ordered 2 Sony VTC4's on my same order (I'm confident they're legitimate, I've bought some before) to be able to marry them together and use them with my Sigelei. Upon receiving the batteries, I labelled one A, and one B and put them into my charger at the same time (charger was off, put both in and turned it on), one battery is slightly more charged than the other (it's 2/3 bars, while the other is still 1/3). I'm a bit worried about using married batteries, I understand rotating A and B in my Sigelei and charger but will they be the same charge when they're done? They're new batteries and they both went on at the same time yet one of them is charging a little bit faster.

When both of the batteries are fully charged, will they be safe to use and cycle accordingly? I heard about if one battery has even a tiny bit less, the batteries will take an uneven load and it will make it risky. How do I ensure that these batteries remain married?  

E-pipe Problem

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