2021 - New Year - New Goals . . .

So - What are your Goals for 2021 ?​


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Special Day For A Very Special "classy" Person . . .



" @classwife "

Demeber 22, 2020


NOW - Remember to Blow Out The Candles . . .


Well - Really There Is Only 1 Important "Candle" Left . . .

SO I DID . . .

Just Sayin' . . . ​

OH BTW: Did I Say . . .


Happy New Year To All 2021

Happy new year 2021 to all you fellow vapers.  

Us Shipping Cutoff Dates - Usps, Fedex & Ups

I believe these are the dates that shipping to US consumers ends:

Fedex - March 1, 2021
UPS - April 5, 2021
USPS - April 26, 2021

USPS - after March 22, on the date the final rule is published, no later than April 26, 2021

It looks like vape shops will be the only way for most US consumers to get devices, coils, nicotine base and premixed liquids going forward.

Time is near to get creative or be fully stocked up!  

World Vape Day 2021 | Complete 3-hour Show | Regwatch

World Vape Day 2021 | Complete 3-Hour Show | RegWatch (Live)

Complete 3-hour North American Coverage hosted by RegWatch in partnership with Rights4Vapers and presented by DViNE Laboratories.

Live Streamed: May 30, 2021
Released: June 1, 2021

See it he


The Elusive Oval Shaped Drip Tip...

An oval shaped drip tip makes sense to me, considering it's a natural fit, thereby being more comfortable than a standard round shaped one. After spending hours searching the web, I was surprised to have only found two options. And they're pretty far apart on the spectrum...
The first one I found was a rather generic one from Cloud9Vaping in England that cost £3.95 (plus shipping to the US)
Link: Stainless Steel Oval Shaped drip tip - Cloud 9 Vaping

And then there were the "Cro Tips" from Crovape that come with the "AMS" system which are beautiful, but a bit expensive, plus shipping. ​

Link: Crovape

Any suggestions for oval shaped drip tips are appreciated! I just can't believe there aren't more of them out there. Although, I have to admit, despite the price, I might actually get a Crotip. They look sick, lol!  

Is There Still Some Support For E-cigaretes & Vaping . . .

Okay - I found it very interesting that with all the recent hoopla, hysterics and diatribe & condemnation of E-Cigarettes and "Vaping" (inclusive) on all major Media oulets - that one of the local 3 PBS Stations here in South Florida - WLRN (out of Miami) has actually been showing a very good older educational/documentary program from BBC that I saw a couple of years ago :

"E-Cigarettes: Miracle Or Menace" (2016):
Can't embed video here - So here is the link to video: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5875ke

(BTW: It is also shown on Netflix: Netflix)

AND - Then online there was a repeat of CBS Sunday Mornings Report last year:
"Clearing the air on e-cigarettes" (Oct 2018)

Besides Canada's Networks: CBC News - 5th Estate:
"Investigating e-cigarettes: a less harmful way to smoke?" (2016)

Also, there is an excellent documentary (mixed languages - sub-titles) :
"Beyond The Cloud - Documentary film about vaping" (2016)

AND - IMHO - While these maybe older videos, i do believe they are still relevant. SO - I hope this info will be enlightening and open the conversation to the general public and "You", your Family & Friends that keep asking you if is Ok / or that "You" NEED to Stop, and can be especially helpful about what "Vaping" is and is not when and if Ya' are ever confronted by others. That is if they are willing to watch and learn . . . Just Sayin' . . .


New 'baddie'. Mint/ Menthol Flavor Causes Cancer.

E-cigarette cancer warning as new study finds mint and menthol flavour risk

The study of menthol and peppermint vapes revealed high concentrations of a carcinogenic additive called pulegone that US watchdogs recently banned in food.

The pulegone additive, a constituent of oil extracts from mint plants, is believed to cause liver cancer if absorbed in high enough quantities.​

Mint, menthol e-cigarette liquids high in cancer-causing compound: study - Reuters

The findings, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine​

Vape Pods Taste Minty Thanks to Extremely High Levels of a Chemical Banned in Food

But despite all the evidence that pulegone is carcinogenic and causes liver toxicity, researchers found the chemical is present in mint and menthol-flavored e-cig liquid at levels far above a safe threshold.​

This study is the latest in a growing pile of proof to how little-regulated e-cigs and vapes are. To illustrate that, researchers compared pulegone levels in mint and menthol e-cig liquid to levels in menthol cigarettes. At all levels of daily consumption, pulegone exposure from vape pods are significantly higher than exposure from cigarettes, with rates ranging from 44 to 1,608 times higher.​

So much for Juul's best seller - menthol.  

Juul Banned In China?

Juul’s Valuation Is Going Up in Smoke After China Terminates Sales

Mere days after launching in the world's largest tobacco market, Juul, a leading e-cigarette producer, had its sales terminated in China; meanwhile, stock estimates have been reduced to little more than vapor, with the firm's $38 billion valuation slowly evaporating.

Just last week the popular vaporizer launched a range of its products on two of China's major e-commerce markets, JD.com, and the Alibaba-backed Tmall. However, things quickly came to a halt after Juul's products were removed from the markets, seemingly without explanation.​

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Ejuice Recipe Calculator Online (with Save/edit)

I'm sharing an online eJuice Recipe Calculator which I have developed to calculate recipes for mixing:

I've had good success with the outcomes of the formulas and besides being really easy to use and save/edit your recipes, the calculator has the following options:

- Create/Name eJuice Recipe with up to 7 Flavors predefined upon saving or manually named
- Set Amount to Create (ml), Nicotine Base (mg/ml), Target Nicotine Level (mg/ml)
- "Show Calculations?" feature which shows the math behind the mixing
- Save/Edit Recipe using password (with forgot password/password reset function)
- Optional - Ability to add Water & Alcohol as a percentage
- Optional - Set Drops/ml to override default (20drops/ml) in case you know your dropper size
- Optional - Add Recipe Instructions

I have put some work into this eJuice Recipe Calculator to try and make it as accurate as possible. Initially I was sparked to do this project as Tod Muller's calculator didn't quite meet my needs and I thought it would be really cool to have a calculator similar to his which could save the recipe and be accessible online. It does all of the calculations for you provided you are using the same PG/VG mix for your base and 0mg/ml thinner. All the calculations were programmed by me and can be modified if anything is off.

I've built the system in PHP and it connects to a MySQL database to save the recipes. The site is hosted off my dev/design portfolio domain; I do a lot of web development and I'm not advertising my services here. This was a personal project which I'm willing to share and I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks for checking it out and have fun!


Nic Base $3k/liter - March 2020...

...if you do nothing.

Federal Flavor Ban & Vape Taxation
Goes Up for Vote This
Thursday 2/27/2020 in the House.
HR 2339

Go here to notify your Congress people and the President (easy peasy)...
Vaping Prohibition & Taxation is On the Table in Congress

From CASAA...
"This [Federal Flavor Ban] legislation is being supported by an army of Bloomberg-funded anti-harm reduction groups to the tune of $160,000,000.

At the same time, it is likely that a tax bill, HR 4742, which is attempting to enact tax parity between vapor products and combustible cigarettes, will also be taken up by the full House."

Text - H.R.4742 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose a tax on nicotine used in vaping, etc.
‘‘“(h) Nicotine.—On taxable nicotine, manufactured in or imported into the United States, there shall be imposed a tax equal to the dollar amount specified in section 5701(b)(1) (or, if greater, $50.33) per 1,810 milligrams of nicotine (and a proportionate tax at the like rate on any fractional part thereof).”
Click to expand...

You wanna pay $2,780.00 extra (plus any state taxes)
for 1 liter of 100mg/ml nic base?

You wanna be forced to vape "tobacco" flavors only?​

By all means, do nothing.