Morning Erections Since Vaping (and Also Mouth Taping)

Earlier thread I mentioned I'm 32 days into no combustibles and only three puffs of e-cig. Was smoking a pack a day for 15 years on and off prior.

About a week into this 32 day streak I have had morning erections just about every morning. Have not had that in a long time. I'm also doing something called mouth taping which one benefit can be
"increase your intake of nitric oxide, which is crucial for brain function, cardiovascular health, and overall blood oxygen levels"

And we all know heart health can promote better and stronger erections. I absolutely know stopping combustibles is helping in this area. I am curious if the same is true by going to -e-cigs. I did a search and it seems to be the case but I figured I'd ask again. Which would mean that the nicotine may not be the issue regarding erection health and it's just the other stuff about smoking?

And maybe the combination of mouth taping and 32 days without a combustable have made the health down there quicker and better?

More info on mouth taping here
Mouth Taping: Does It Treat Snoring or Sleep Apnea?  

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P.s I know I don't say anything people here don't already know but just happy excited about vaping and sharing it  

Propylene Glycol-the New Villain Of The Day-

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Lower Nicotine When Doing Lung Hits?

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Mouth To Lung To Lung To Ear To Mouth

I enjoy vaping in the following way:

1. Mouth to lung
2. Lung to lung
3. Lung to mouth to lung back into mouth through left nostril
4. Mouth to right nostril back to mouth to lung to left nostril
5. Lung to mouth back to lung
6. Lung to lung to lung back to mouth through left nostril out right ear into mouth back to lung (personal fav)
What's your favorite inhale technique?