Re-wicking Rtas And Rdas

I'm a bit lazy with my re-wicking. Especially RTAs. Usually leave it until it's a bit past due.

I'd be interested to know how many of you have a timetable for changing wicks or do you just base it on flavour or maybe the number of refills of the tank or squonk bottle?

Do you do it in batches of attys or one at a time when needed?  

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Why Are The Juice Channels On Rtas Always On The Bottom ?

Just look at this pic :

I will probably do that to mine too . Im pretty sure this is will be better than the orig RBA . So why do you think RTAs dont have that , RTAs like the Subtank , Lemo , Orchid etc. , even kayfuns ?  

Desktop Heater - Winter Vaping

I keep my vaping storage area pretty cool during the winter, like low 60's F. I find getting the PG ratio and wicking just right is a big headache. I've started using a desktop heater to warm up my mod and tank.

I am curious if anyone else has tried this? I find it's been a tremendous help, especially if you don't want to use high PG.

One thing I notice though is with RTAs with the tank above the build deck, if you get it too close to the heater, juice pours out the airflow, so you have to be careful with that. I think it has to do with air pressure increasing in the tank as it heats up.  

Lemo - Drilled Out Air Holes (with Pics) lemo was my #1 RTA, until I got the subtank mini and delta 2 (although I haven't tried the delta 2 yet, but have heard very good things about it). I have been sad, because I have put my lemo to the side, because my newer RTAs have more airflow. I would vape my lemo most of the time between 25-30 watts, and could get it up to about 38 watts without a dry/burnt hit. Anything over 40 would give me a dry/burnt hit, which is still impressive. (with my old wicking method)

Long story short, I decided to drill out my airholes on my lemo. I found another guy that had already done this, so I followed his bit sizes. He claims that he now vapes his lemo around 70-80 watts without dry/burnt hits. I had my wisdom teeth out about 3 days ago, so I can not vape as I usually do (in fear of getting a dry socket) so I have had to barely hit my tanks to vape. I hit the lemo, after modding it, last night, at 40 watts with a wussy vape and no dry/burnt hit at all. I can't wait to actually vape like I usually do and see how high in wattage I can go. By the way, I am trying something new and using Drip Trippers pancake wicking method on this as well, and a 0.78 build.

So here are the pics, with the sizes, if anyone wants to do this. It took me about 15 minutes:

4 External air holes (pic 1) - 3/32 drill bit

Vertical stem shaft air hole (pic 2) - 1/8 drill bit

Vertical stem 4 air holes (pic 3) - 3/32 drill bit

Pancake wicking method.


I Am Back On Vaping

Two weeks ago I was rewicking my rta because I wanted a change of flavour and was changing flavour every 2 days as I am using only one mod.Anyway,I am always frustrated when I wicked badly,meaning it leaked or the vape quality is not up to my usual standard.I had wicked this specific rta for hundreds over time the past 3 month as it is my first rta.I learned to wick properly after almost 30 trial...that day after I wicked,it leaked when I am about to go out to play sports with my friends.I thought my wicking had no problem before I leaves but I find that it leaked all over my bag,and I was in a very bad mood because of that...that prompted my gf to asked me to quit and I promised her that I will do it.The next day I passed all my mod to her and started to used nicotine gum,I don’t planned to quit nicotine as I find it really benefits my mental health and make me focus on work better.While using nicotine gum,I started to use lesser and lesser and then wanted completely off it as it was so boring even though I got my nicotine fix well.Yesterday I couldn’t take it anymore,somehow I convinced my gf to return my vape and promised her I will quit in the future if we got married or had babies.

In the meantime,I also ordered a new mod and now a sub ohm tank so that I don’t need to wick everytime I change flavour as I will be switching different coils on different flavour.I am excited, and hoped that this mod and tank will be able to keep me satisfied.I am addicted to vaping,not smoking and to me personally,vaping is harder to quit simply because I enjoy vaping a lot more then smoking.I love vaping,I am also worried if I had to quit someday...  

Wicking Speed And Liquid/atomiser Temperature

Hello everyone.

Now that I'm stuck at home I have been observing some things that I never realised before.

Where I am now it has been very cold (0°C and a bit lower sometimes) and my wicking is behaving differently.

When in normal daily routine/home, my atomisers are usually warmer when I give them first pulls of the day or pulls after some longer inactivity time. House or weather is warmer, because the setup was in my pocket or car, etc.

Now because the atomisers are reaching much lower temperatures, I have to be carefull on first pulls and avoid some chain vaping before they heat a bit (overall heating liquid included). If I forget and give some sequence pulls there's a big risk of dry hits.

I vape 70/30 or 80/20 vg/pg and it's very noticeable that the wicking speed changes a lot with temperature. I know the atomisers I'm using inside-out and know the wicking is perfect for my normal use. This is new to me.

Never realised how much liquid temperature influences wicking speed. This could explain a great number of people having problems with fast burned coils or fast burning cotton. Not only how you wick it matters but also we have to take into account environmental variables and vaping habits/timings.

Any thoughts on this?

Stay safe everyone.  

First Experience With Rdas - Some Advice Please

I got my first Derringer today. Wanted to try it immediately although I bought it with the DAY AFTER (May 2106) in mind... but you know how it goes, you get a new toy and you want to try it out.

I'm really not into very low ohms so first I went for a single coil - 26 AWG Kanthal, 9 wraps for around 1.3 ohms. But I didn't like the way that could be wicked in an rda. So then I put in two 28 guage coils which I had previously coiled for my other atties. Together they gave me .8 ohms which is sort of ok. But I still am not quite happy with the wicking. These coils are 2mm internal diameter and there's not a lot of cotton you can put in there. The taste is good but my wicking is nowhere as fat as I see in some pics online.

Any advice?  

At My Wicks End!

I'm at my wicks end with this whole rebuilding thing!

Having given up anologs with my Nautilus Mini, I thought I'd treat myself to an authentic Kayfun v4.

My first rebuildable. It vapes great, lots of dense smooth vapour, but the cotton tastes awful!!

Tried cheap cotton from the chemist. Tried Koh Gen Do. The best so far has been Klaud cotton, but there's no denying it. While the vapour is superior to my Nautilus the taste is no where near as good.

Everything in my Kv4 tastes of cotton with a hint of the juice flavour.

I've watched all the videos on you tube, it's wicking fine, but cotton just tastes bad!

7wraps, 3mm ID, 28g Kantal, 1.4 Ohms.

Promised myself a Vapor Flask DNA40 for the Kv4. But if I can't get it tasting better
then this the Kayfun can go in the bin, I'll stick with the Nautilus Mini's on iStick 20w's.  

Berserker Mtl Rda V2 Vs Vapefly Galaxies Mtl Rda, Bf

I was thinking of buying a MTL RDA that is a BF so I can squonk and use it on my Luna and other Squonkers. After some research I came across the Berserker MTL RDA V2 and the Vapefly Galaxies MTL RDA, both are BF. If the bans ever happen and go into effect I will be able to use 24mg juice as in Tribeca by Halo and still be able to use my Squonkers. In the past I had the Berserker MTL RTA. One thing that I didn't like about it was that sometimes no matter how I wicked it I would still get dry hits and I literally tried like five to ten times in a row and I'm experienced in building and wicking. Would I see these issues with the Berserker V2 BF? Which one of these do you recommend overall? Thank you very much for your time and have an amazing day  

Different Nautilus Bvc Coils Floating Around..picture Included

Hey all,

So, I've been really happy with my new setup (iStick 50w and 30w, Nautilus and Mini Nautilus). Everything has been working smoothly, but I have a problem with the replacement coils I purchased (and cannot return).

Went to go change out the coil in one of my tanks this evening. Filled the tank up as usual, made sure the air shaft and drip tip were clean, screwed on my new coil, filled the tank, and let it sit and wick up for half an hour. Took some pulls without firing, dropped it to 8w (to "step up" and prime the new coil), and immediately got a nasty burnt hit that I can still taste an hour later. Unscrewed the tank to see what was wrong, and noticed the wicking material was bone dry.

For the longest time, I could not figure out what happened, why it wasn't wicking...until I looked closer. The e-liquid holes on the replacement coil I have are TINY! The coils that came with the tanks have holes that are at least twice, maybe three times the diameter. The holes are so small that my e-liquid will not even enter them to soak the wicking material. I checked the serial number scratch off on Aspire's site and both boxes of replacement coils I have came up as authentic.

I'm displeased. $22 down the drain, now I have to rush and find a dealer who has the "correct" coils. I cannot use these coils whatsoever, and the dealer I purchased from does not accepted returns on atomizers.

On the left is the coil that came with the tank (both of my tanks came with this exact same coil, and two replacements that look exactly like it, but I've used them up and am on the new ones). On the right, the coil I purchased in a replacement pack of 5. You can see they look nearly identical, except for the size of the wicking holes. Also, the piece at the bottom seems a bit more flimsy, as you can see in the picture, it's not exactly straight with the rest of the atomizer.

So, can anyone point me to a dealer that has the coils I need? I'm afraid of ordering from somewhere and getting the ones on the right, which are useless and do not soak up any e-liquid whatsoever.  

Aspire Atlantis Question

Hi all.

When I screw the atlantis together, the wicking holes aren't exposed between the little cut out grooves on the chimney. I have to unscrew the base a little bit for them to actually be visible.

Do the wicking holes need to be visible within the grooves, or should I just screw the thing together completely and not worry about them being exposed?
