Is March 28th The Cutoff Date For Vape Products?

MisterE sent out emails saying,"
On March 28, 2021, we will no longer be able to send vapor products to our US customers."

Is that the legal date the ban starts?  

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Us Shipping Cutoff Dates - Usps, Fedex & Ups

I believe these are the dates that shipping to US consumers ends:

Fedex - March 1, 2021
UPS - April 5, 2021
USPS - April 26, 2021

USPS - after March 22, on the date the final rule is published, no later than April 26, 2021

It looks like vape shops will be the only way for most US consumers to get devices, coils, nicotine base and premixed liquids going forward.

Time is near to get creative or be fully stocked up!  

Us Vape Mail Ban - Usps/fedex/ups/dhl

Thanks to @440BB for starting the first thread, but it got out of hand and was closed.

But this is an important topic and I believe we should have an active thread about it as it is still currently underway. And as events unfold (and possibly change) we should be discussing it.

Lets try this again without so much emotion and political beliefs such that it changes the thread's topic and deters other from participation. And maybe "reptilian shape shifters" might be better-off discussed on some other forum or in the "Outside" section of ECF.

And remember, this is a shipping ban, nothing to do with the FDA deeming regulations - there's a thread for that.

Effective dates for the following major carriers...

FedEx - March 1, 2021
DHL - March 1, 2021 (unclear)
UPS - April 5, 2021
USPS - after March 22, on the date the final rule is published, no later than April 26, 2021. There seems to be some major conflict among what various sources believe as to when this effective date will occur. However, it is for sure, as @440BB stated in the original thread, after March 22 and no later than April 26.

Note that all carriers accept USPS are not actually disallowed by law from transporting vape supplies, they volunteered not to, most likely for a combination of reasons - requirements are strict and probably not profitable (but politics most likely plays a role, too).

Here is a link to the legislation that was passed that made this shipping ban possible.
Text - S.1253 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Preventing Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Children Act
Notice that all vape is being banned for shipment by USPS as it states "any other substance", not just nicotine vape.

All online retailers that have sent notice about this seem to be saying they will refuse to take new orders after March 22. The dates each retailer has set range from March 23 to March 27 from what I have seen, so time is running out fast to order supplies online.

There is talk by some of the larger retailers that they have secured a new carrier that will be focusing on major urban areas. It remains to be seen if it will fly and if it will be a viable solution.

After this, barring some other major nail in the coffin, where B&M stores cannot get inventory, the only way to get anything will be in a local B&M storefront, where selection will be limited and priced high, and it will be rare to find nic base stocked for DIY.

As @440BB said in the original thread... "Time is near to get creative or be fully stocked up!".

But we are getting too close now that you don't have much, if any, time to make an informed decision on what hardware to buy and stocks are running out. As far as atomizers go, rebuildable atomizers WILL be your salvation as we enter into the vapocalypse.

But if you have enough gear and/or if money is tight, you should focus on nicotine base so you can DIY your own juice, unless you prefer store bought juice and are willing to vape whatever your local vape shop has in stock at any given moment. A list of nicotine base and glass bottle suppliers can be found here...
List of US Retailers Still Shipping 100mg Nicotine Base | E-Cigarette Forum

Please keep in mind that person to person (consumer to consumer aka C2C) shipments are still allowed but the current postal regulations severely restrict it. A summary of the C2C tobacco products postal regulations (well actually, only cigarettes and smokeless tobacco) (as I understand them) are as follows, but this could possibly change.

- Total package weight must be no more than 10 oz.

- Must be shipped using face-to-face service. In other words, must present package to postal worker at USPS counter. No pickups allowed. Proof of age and identity of sender must be verified with govt issued photo ID.

- Must be sent with "Express Mail" (I take this to mean Priority Express? - expensive, minimum $25 but more if Adult 21+ Signature service is required to be purchased - not clear on that. You will be paying retail rates since you have to buy this postage at the post office, so it might even be closer to $30+ all tolled just to ship one small package).

- Shipping label must bear real, full names of both shipper and recipient.

- Outside of package must be labeled with wording "PERMITTED TOBACCO MAILING – DELIVER ONLY TO AGE-VERIFIED ADULT OF LEGAL AGE"

- USPS will not deliver package to recipient. Package will be held at local post office for pickup and successful pickup will require proof of age and identity of recipient, verified with govt issued photo ID. Recipient must sign PS Form 3849.

- One person cannot mail more than 10 such shipments a 30-day period (meaning, you will likely be put in a database in order to track your identity and how many C2C tobacco product shipments you made in the last 30-days, which is why you have to ship it via a trip to the post office).

DMM Revision: Treatment of Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco as Nonmailable Matter​

Tax Hikes In Many States

Alright, so I was reading over a house bill that just passed here in Hawaii "with amendments"

Not exactly sure what the amendments are, so this could be irrelevant, but the concept still holds true.

The legislature imposes an 80% tax on "Tobacco Products" which they have conveniently bundled electronic cigarettes into.

So, what would stop a vape shop from selling all 0 nic juices, and adding nicotine as a separate purchase. For example, I buy a 30mL bottle of juice with zero nic, and then I buy enough nicotine concentrate to bump it up to say 6mg/ml

They sell me the juice for $15 (Hypothetical here) and sell me the nicotine for $1.00

So all that would get taxed is the nicotine because that's the only "Tobacco Product" (by their definition). So we only pay 80 cents in taxes rather than $12.80

If I ran a vape shop, this is what I'd be doing to prevent my customers from taking their business out of state, or worse going back to stinky sticks...

As far as I know, they would be hard pressed to define any of the electronic equipment as tobacco products, or juice without nicotine.

Is selling the nicotine as a separate purchase a viable strategy for defeating these ridiculous laws that are being proposed all over the country?  

Words That Should Be In Our Vaping Vocabulary Aka The Urban Vaptionary

Hey folks. This is not going to be a "game changing" thread so don't expect too much, but I was toying with some words that I think should be included in "our" language.

If, at the end of this new year, there are enough new additions to our vaping language to warrant it, I will make a handsome leather-bound, display worthy, book and give each person who added a definition a free* copy.
*Some restrictions may apply.

I'll start:

Game Changer- (adj?) Any and every vape related product reviewed by YouTube personalities.
Vaperita - (n) A young, sexy lady vaper.
Vapeur- (n) A classy vaper.
Vooping (v) You figure this one out...;
Toiyl- (v) Working for an inordinate amount of time on a coil that turns out to be not that great
Darth Vaper- (n) Any vaper who takes multiple, heavy "toots" back-to-back-to-back-to-back. He/she will make the darth vader breathing noise as they vape. Darth Vaping (v).
Date Vaper- (n) Any vaping friends who wants to try your new juice and then end up over-vaping your juice and/or vaping you dry. Also: Date vape (v) "Dave came over because he knew my January VapeBox came in and he vaped 5 ml of everything. I think I just got date vaped". Not to be confused with Vape-raped.
Vape-raped- (v) Being sold shoddy, sub-par vape gear; usually done on purpose by questionable vendors (vape rapist)
Vapommelier- (n) A vaper who pretentiously describes and advises the best drink/food pairings for ejuice.

Have fun adding to the list!

EDIT: If you do add a word, please also use it in a sentence. A brief study recently conducted proves (eh... suggests?) that hilarity is increased by at least 34% when these words are used in a sentence.

This is a bold lie and I have no intention of making, or giving away any such book. My lawyer/GF advises me that I am under no legal obligation to follow through with my wild claims.  

Mount Baker Vapor Shocked Us.

I ordered some unflavored juice and some flavorings from MBV and explained in a comment what it was for," Please ship as soon as possible. My uncle has had a stroke and has been in the hospital rehabbing for three weeks. He goes home March 6, 2015 and i want to make sure he has supplies on hand to make the switch over to vaping as easy as I can make ity for him. Thanks Guys." Here is their letter back.... ​

Casaa's Call To Action

Received this email this morning...

On Monday, November 4, or early in the week, we are anticipating an announcement from the Trump Administration regarding FDA guidance about sales of flavored vapor products. According to recent reports, this guidance is expected to go as far as banning every flavor other than tobacco and menthol. In spite of years of communications from consumers and meetings with industry stakeholders, it is clear that officials remain unknowledgeable about how the vapor industry functions and what customers need.

Two flavors will not sustain independent vapor retailers and
will unnecessarily make vaping less attractive
to people who want to switch away from smoking.

The White House needs to hear from adult vapers and anyone who loves a vaper! A flavor ban won’t protect our children, but it will kill their parents.

We need to
Light Up The Switchboard
At The White House!
Ph: 202-456-1111
(Comment Line)

On your call:

The operator will likely ask where they can direct your call Simply tell them that flavored vapor products saved your life, Tobacco and Menthol aren't enough to save small businesses or help people quit smoking; and, tell them “We Vape, We Vote. Be polite, be brief, and say thank you.
On hold? Here's something to do while you wait: Send a Message! Share this Call to Action with your friends, family, and on social media!  

Washington D.c To Prohibit Flavored Vapes

In an email from Innokin today, was a link to today's Vaping Weekly by Benedict Jones. In addition to more news about Canada's up-coming restrictions on most flavored vape products...the following was included, about Washington, DC:

"On Tuesday, June 15, The District of Columbia Council voted to prohibit the sale of flavoured vaping and tobacco products (including menthol cigarettes and cigars).

The bill will be voted on a second time Tuesday, June 29, but it is expected to pass this stage without significant change. After the second vote, the bill must be approved by the mayor, and pass a 30-day congressional review period before the law takes effect.

The bill also covers synthetic nicotine products, which have, at times, been suggested as a way of side-stepping legislation which restricts “tobacco products” in the U.S. Since synthetic nicotine products are covered by the bill, it would appear that other next-generation nicotine products, such as pouches, will be affected by the flavour ban."

So, little by little it continues....  

Nic Base $3k/liter - March 2020...

...if you do nothing.

Federal Flavor Ban & Vape Taxation
Goes Up for Vote This
Thursday 2/27/2020 in the House.
HR 2339

Go here to notify your Congress people and the President (easy peasy)...
Vaping Prohibition & Taxation is On the Table in Congress

From CASAA...
"This [Federal Flavor Ban] legislation is being supported by an army of Bloomberg-funded anti-harm reduction groups to the tune of $160,000,000.

At the same time, it is likely that a tax bill, HR 4742, which is attempting to enact tax parity between vapor products and combustible cigarettes, will also be taken up by the full House."

Text - H.R.4742 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to impose a tax on nicotine used in vaping, etc.
‘‘“(h) Nicotine.—On taxable nicotine, manufactured in or imported into the United States, there shall be imposed a tax equal to the dollar amount specified in section 5701(b)(1) (or, if greater, $50.33) per 1,810 milligrams of nicotine (and a proportionate tax at the like rate on any fractional part thereof).”
Click to expand...

You wanna pay $2,780.00 extra (plus any state taxes)
for 1 liter of 100mg/ml nic base?

You wanna be forced to vape "tobacco" flavors only?​

By all means, do nothing.


Geek Vape Products

Hello! All!
I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy.
QUESTION? I have been buying Geek Vape products for a little over a year. For the past 10-12 weeks, I have been having a hard time in finding coils, tanks and Vaping devices. I went on 10 different websites and they are all out of stock. Does anyone know if there is a problem with Geek Vape or if the problem is for other companies or products coming to the USA.

The Simpsons Cartoon Attacking Vaping

In a recent Simpsons episode that aired a few weeks ago 5/3/2015:

Bart tries vaping and buys them from the quickie mart:

Apu: "Remember, this is not kid stuff. Now would you like Bubblegum Flavor, Strawberry Shortcake or Watermelon Dream?"

Maggie also vapes:

Bart: "It's still legal in this state! The bill's stuck in committee!"

"It's an e-cigarette. Care to vape?"

"Now, vape up."

Marge: Bart's smoking! e-Cigarettes!

Homer: (shrugs) Aw, those are totally legal. (gets excited) Tell me, does he like bubble-gum or strawberry!?!