Best Vaping Mods

Hello guys im using ehpro cold steel 100 MOD but now i want to change my MOD but there is so many in the market and i dont know which i should buy please help me this tell me some best MODS under 30 to 80 bucks .
Thank You  

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Mechanical Mods???

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Some Questions After A Long Break Billet Box

Hi ,

Was an active member for quite a while. Gave away all my vaping gear apart from two billet box mods. A 2015 and 2017.

I've dusted them off. Bought some eLiquid from old Old faithful halo.

What are people running in their BB? I've got a box of 510 cartomizers. Should I look at something else ?

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Thanks in advance!


Been Away A Long Time. Is There Any Market For Classic Mods?

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I Got The Impression Tc Is Unpopular - But Why?


I just tried to TC vaping - and it’s awesome!

it was harder to build the coil, took me couple of tries, but once I reached R of 1.3, everything started to work.
I used 26awg wire SS316L (that’s what they had ready in the store).
I have no dry hits - at all, it’s just perfect. It’s like having on the fly automatically adjusted curve!

I do have one small problem- 1 out of 10 mod firing - (almost) nothing happens.
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So far I have a feeling that it was done exclusively in stores interest:
- because they know it’s harder to built, so they didn’t want to have a complaining customer “it does not work”, because the mods for tc probably cost more so it’s tougher sell, and they wanted to sell me more coils, wick, juice...

are there other reasons against TC? (Safety, medical reasons (idk - SS wire releases particles or something - seems unlikely (I know with Ti and Ni you should be causious)), else?

I continue to research this topic as well, online, YouTube, etc, but so far I found nothing against, except what I already mentioned (mainly it’s a bit harder to build the coils).

Would appreciate your opinions!


ps. I use EHPRO Cold Steel 100 mod, Siren 2 MTL RTA.  

Looking For A New Vape - Suggestions?

I have been out of the game for a while and have just been using old mods/RTA's.

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Be Careful When Charging, Use Common Sense...

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Just a little reminder for you guys.  

Getting New Hardware This Week...don't Know What To Go With. Halp!

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I am insanely jealous of, and constantly use, my friend's Sig 150watt. What I like about it is just that, the wattage. I love vaping at 65-70 watts. Sometimes higher. So I know m just for the sake of saving money later, I want something that gets AT LEAST 100 watts.

But now these tempature regulated mods have hit the market and I have heard wonderful things about the flavor. But is there any that go above 100 watts worth knowing about?

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Curious About Box Mods

Just got back from my local vape shop, i still ask questions 6 months into vaping. Not too mention they have various gear you can try out. So was curious what various box mods vape like compared to my Vamo 5 Nautilus/ Alantis sub ohm CF sub setups. Also got a ZNA 50 watt APV mod which i don't use much as it does drain the batteries really fast. I tend to use the ZNA 50 when my CF is on charge. I been vaping a lot on my Nautilus Vamo 5 set up a lot recently due to it being a lot kinder on my juice. Sub ohm vaping does love drinking juice like anything.

So my visit to the vape shop as made me curious about box mods in general as there some nice small compact ones out there. Was looking at box mods that can go up to 80 watts.

If and when i take the plunge as i'm just rolling it around in my mind at the moment. I'm not keen on the dripper's tanks so i would most be thinking about a box mod that i could attach a sub ohm tank on and one you could charge on it's own.

Any recommendations anyone ?

PS i love the new look of the forums! a major improvement.  

What Do You 'crave' The Most About Vaping?

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Whats your favourite part of vaping?