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Coil Of Different Sizes - Can They Make Or Break The Experience?

Dear forum!

here goes my strange experience:
I’ve been coiling and wicking for years pretty much the same way, and it was kinda ok = I adapted to all the quirks I had.

Recently I built a new coil, but instead of 4mm I decided to make 3.5mm coil. Same wraps number.
Wicked it as I alway do - exact same material, thickness (adjusted to coil diameter of cores) trimming etc.

And wow!
No problem with TC now!
Works reliably, no leakage, I can chain wape the whole tank!

could this one Change in coil diameter choice did the trick???

Or is it a fluke? (Well I’ll find out when I’ll built next coil same way...but still)

best regards

Question About Builds

So I decided to try a 1,6 ohm coil on kayfun v4 clone Tobecco and I am using 28gauge Kanthal with a cotton
wick on a Rdna 30 and its vaping well at 15 watts I have a kanger subtank mini coming in the mail and here goes my question
So the kanger subtank states that with a .5 ohm coil i could vape up to 30 watts but the voltage comes in at like 3.8 volts
I was under the impression that the rdna 30 needs at least 4 volts to work which kinda brings me to my second question
What is the point of of sub ohms? cant i just build a 2.0 ohm coil or something like that to achieve the results as if i was subohming
I am very confused on this
thanks for the replys in advance
Oh yea is a 1.6 ohm coil at 15 watts a normal build or any recommendations for the kayfun v4 for watts and ohms thanks again  

Best Rda/pv To Start Off With?

Currently, I have a eGo One and I like it, but I want more vapor. I also use a higher VG mixture, because the PG kinda messes with my stomach, so it doesn't really taste "right" out of it. Plus the tank is very small (I run out of juice quick when I'm with my friends), the coil is very small (tried rebuilding it and I broke one and managed to open up the other), and the windows are almost useless because they're so tiny.

I'm really new to vaping in general, up until a little over a month ago I just hit my friends ecigs whenever I was bored or was out of cigs. I've looked up a little bit of info about mods and stuff, but I'm not really sure how to maintain them. I know the basics, you make a coil yourself, position it and add cotton.
But I need help with questions like:
When do I need to refill it? Do I have to replace the coils all the time, or clean them off? Does it matter what coil build you do? What kind of battery do I need?

Anyways, I could use these questions answered, and also I'd like to hear your opinion's on good/ user friendly RDA's. There's so many, I have no idea which one to pick.  

Nautilus Mini Again, Another Question

I looked in the archives and didn't find my answer. With the Aspire Mini BVC I have the option of a 1.6 or 1.8 ohm coil, which is the best and why? Kinda a newbee so forgive such a simple question.  

Burn Marks, Or Burnt Juice?

I have an LE80 with a plume veil 1.5 clone on top. My coils are at .3 ohms. Im running them between 3.7-4v a few times at 4.2. I dunno if its just the juice im using, which is very dark and kinda old. But it just doesnt taste right, kinda burnt, but im not sure if its burnning the juice or the wick, well, im pretty sure its not the wick, cus you KNOW when it burns the wick. But, what do you think?


Got A New Tank..

So I decided to get another clearomizer and the Donner by Amigo Itsuwa is what I got to replace my Aspire Atlantis.....
So here are my thoughts on it and it's just My Opinion:

Holds 4mls of juice - holds more juice so I'm not refilling my tank 2-3 times a day
.50hm Coil head is cotton & Kanthal wire & a wire mesh around the opening for better wicking ( You can use Atlantis coil in this thing and it's better in this tank then it is in the Atlantis) It comes with 2.
There's no notches or trying to center the coil head. It sits in the Clearo and just sucks juice lol
Great Flavor sub-ohm - The flavor you get from this is amazing, I was a little taken back bc I chose a sour raspberry and it really was more sour tasting then in any of the other tanks I had the same juice in
I personally like the drip tip but it's not for everybody
Adjustable air flow control is a wide slot - It's a slide around, but the draw from almost closed to full open is nice any way you wanna vape.
Vape production is great I use 10/90vg - 20/80vg

There are some things I don't like about this tank...
Priming the coil is a process - on a fresh coil the directions state to drop a few drops onto the coil, then once tank is filled let sit for 1-2 minutes prior to use. On your second fill of the clearo you have to let the coil sit for 2 minutes b4 use....I kinda wanna fill and vape, not fill and wait
Holding 4mls of juice is great, but if you can't vape 1ml of juice at the bottom of your tank it sucks. You can't vape the last ml of juice because the coil head sits to high so it can't wick the remaining juice.
I did find that when I put the Atlantis coil head in that the wicking was alot better then the coils that it came with, now this could be bc I am using a high vg juice.

So let's talk price....I bought this at a B&M so I paid A LOT more then what I've found online.
My price was $45.00
I have found these online for as little as $23.00
and for this price I would probably buy it again, not for $45.00
Iv'e been vaping on this for about a week now, I've gone through 2 coil heads in 4 days & now put the Atlantis coil head in it and am having better luck with it.
So there's my thoughts on my new clearomizer.  

Kanger Subtank Question

Does anyone know why with the original Subtank mini the coils that came with it were
a .05 ohm coil and a 1.2 ohm coil i have noticed with the new subtank it comes with a .05 ohm coil and instead of the 1.2 ohm coil it comes with a 1.5 ohm coil
does anyone know the reason for this
thank you  

I Need (food Grade) Silicone Blocks To Make Rta Plugs - Any Sources

So I got some great super clearance deals on some dual coil RTAs but I'm a single coil kinda vaper.

My thought was that surely I could buy some little blocks of food grade silicone to whittle down so I could make plugs to plug up the juice ports, air ports and take up air space on the side of the RTA chamber I won't be coiling and wicking. To do this I would need extruded blocks or sticks of silicone about 2 inches thick.

I thought this would be easy to find, but I'm at a loss. I tried ebay then google but no one sells little blocks or sticks of extruded silicone.

But maybe I'm using the wrong keywords?

Anyone know where I can find something like this?

EDITED TO ADD: I am open to other ideas. I'm not set on the idea of using silicone. It's the only thing I can think of that would work well enough to seal up air and juice ports as well as to block the air space in the chamber where the second coil will not be installed. But I am keeping an open mind.  

Dangerous Voltage For 1.6ohm Coil?

I've got a Nautilus with a 1.6ohm coil, and an iStick 50w. On the side of the coil it says 3.2v-5v, and I want to know if that's just a guideline or a limit for the coil.

I'm running it at 4.8 volts, but I get better flavor and vapor at 5.5 volts. There are no wicking issues or burnt taste at 5.5v, but I don't want to damage the battery or the coil. Any advise would be great thanks!  

Coil Turning Brown/black 1 Day Old

I've been vaping out of my new coil today and I noticed my coil is turning brown in 1 day! The flavor is tasting metallic and I make sure everything is full and don't chain vape is it possible to get a faulty coil? (pre-built coil) I also did prime it and even left it for 10 mins to fully soak.
Any help much appreciated hope everyone has a good weekend