Its Coming To An End

Without a doubt it has been fun. But due to a mixture of health, cost and increased demand elsewhere. The Make 'N' Vape website will be coming to an end very very shortly. I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank your to all the manufactures who submitted items for review. But a special big thank you to you the readers for taking the time to visit and read my articles. I wish you all the best and keep well.

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Fda 30 Day Deadline?

Every day I scour Google News for new news articles about anything related to restricting e-cigarettes and I have probably read well over 300 articles in the past month... On a few articles (probably only 3 or so) they have spoken about a 30-day deadline for the FDA... But I cannot find any information on when that started and when it ends, if in fact it actually even exists. Does anyone have any information about this?

for example:
With the CDC no closer to identifying a sole culprit (or even culprits) behind the epidemic, and with the 30-day deadline for the FDA’s revision of its guidelines removing flavored e-cigarettes from the market rapidly approaching, here’s what we know so far about the three different tracks of the vaping health crisis, and what public health officials are doing to try to slow the trains down.
Click to expand...

There’s Not Just One Vape Crisis — There’s Three  

Fast Tech Us Scan Taking Longer?

Are items coming from FastTech taking longer to be scanned in as having arrived in the United States? I saw on my app that it left China on the 16th of March and it hasn't been scanned into the United States yet usually FastTech takes two weeks to get to my house. So I'm just wondering is that normal for right now is it taking longer for the United States actually scan things in?  

Got A Response From My State Rep And It's Not Good

So I have been coming on here and reading posts from people like say, in Washington State who are desperately trying to come up with something vapable after the flavor bans came crashing down, and I went on a pretty serious letter writing campaign in response. Here is the answer I got:

"Thank you for writing me regarding your thoughts on banning smoke-free alternatives to combustible tobacco. I appreciate you taking the time to share your concerns.

The Trump Administration recently announced plans to ban the sale of most flavored e-cigarettes as officials in Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continue to investigate more than 450 health cases, including six deaths, related to e-cigarette use. According to HHS Secretary Alex Azar, the FDA intends to introduce a policy that will remove the sale of all flavored e-cigarette flavors except tobacco, until otherwise specified.

I understand that this is an important issue for parents and consumers of e-cigarettes in our district. As your Representative, I will continue to monitor this situation as it develops and will keep your thoughts in mind if any legislative action is taken on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Again, thank you for contacting my office about this important issue. If you would like to receive regular updates on this and other matters, please visit my website ( to sign up for my e-newsletter.


Val Butler Demings
Member of Congress"

The part that instantly grabbed my attention was this:

FDA intends to introduce a policy that will remove the sale of all flavored e-cigarette flavors except tobacco, until otherwise specified.

Is this going to happen ahead of the deeming regulations? Is the FDA going to come up behind us and slip this over our heads while we aren't looking? And while vaping is coming under a full frontal assault, tobacco companies are laughing as they continue to kill 1200 people a day - because the spotlight ain't on them anymore.  

First Decent Article Re Vape Crisis

Honestly, this USA Today is one of the first articles I've read where someone is actually talking to some of the people who have experienced first hand serious health issues from the underground and worthy of a read:

Vaping illnesses: Crisis mixes teens, black market THC, no regulation  

No More Acceptance Of Paypal At Health Cabin

Just last Saturday I placed an order on Health Cabin and was able to pay via PayPal. However, last night I placed another order for items that were out of stock on Saturday. I placed my order, received the email confirmation, and info. that my order was pending payment, which has been usual since probably January. (There had always been instructions given then...about how to sort of "get around" PayPal's vape policy and still pay that way). I went back to HC to pull up my order and pay for it that same way, but found only Western Union as a payment option now. So, I contacted Support at HC. I just got the following email from them about paying for my order.

"Thank you for you big supports to HealthCabin.
Unfortunately, out of PayPal new policy to vaping related websites, we have to remove PayPal from our site now. You can see many vaping sites have removed PayPal about 1-3 months ago.

Now, we are sourcing new payment options and we will put them online in coming 2-3 weeks.

Right now, there are 2 options to process the payment:
1. Pay with Western Union, you can pay online or visit WU banks locally.
Check their website for more info:

2. Pay with deposit. For this option, you may send us money via bank wire transfer. We require minimum $200USD per transaction. Once payment received, we will add them to your account deposit, and you can use them to pay for future orders. We will show all detailed info about your deposit updates and happy to send you a receipt with our company official seal.

Let me know your thoughts, thank you."

I responded and definitely let him/her know my thoughts about it.

So, our options are steadily dwindling even more.  

Cloumix Feedback

@Pod_Vaper if I understand correctly, I should use this forum for further questions about vendor reviews. I read your review and am interested in more info. I have items I would like to purchase from them and I am a first time buyer.

I do know the virus has caused delays for many China vendors due to a skeleton staff but I am concerned about the "snarky" remark. If it is inappropriate to post publicly would you be kind enough to PM me with the details. I really want to know who I'm dealing with before handing over my money.

That said, they have communicated with me via email almost immediately after my inquiry about partial preorder items. The exchange was professional and timely. Still, I have my concerns according to your experience. Thank you.  

Where Is This Gunk Coming From?

I just noticed that my clearomizers (eGo thread) are getting a buildup of black residue on the threads and I am trying to figure out where it is coming from. Is It from dried leaked juice or from the metal corroding?  

Kids Are Not My Problem, Who Will Think Of The Adults?

If people under a certain age are not allowed to purchase vape items, then what's the issue?

Just don't sell to any minors, and handle it like alcohol and tobacco. Go after any stores or vendors that break these rules and that sells to any minor and hit them with hefty fines or prosecution. Problem solved.

I reject the idiotic, false and unscientific argument that certain types of flavors are only suitable for kids. An adult is not allowed to like fruit flavors or desert flavors or any other type of flavor?

Do adults suddenly lose their sense of taste when they age, and they'll be content vaping poor tobacco imitation flavors and menthol for the rest of their lives?

I'm an adult, and my favorite flavors are custard type flavors. Just because I used to smoke, that doesn't mean that I should have to vape and like tobacco flavors. You don't ban all sorts of flavors and deny adults who are ex-smokers the opportunity to continue to be smoke free, just because they were lucky enough to have found and switched to vaping.

Sorry if I sound cynical, but so what if a handful of people have reportedly died because they were foolish enough to use blackmarket counterfeit items? Items that have zero to do with nic based vaping I should add.

How many millions of people die from tobacco related diseases?

Millions is a lot more than a handful last I checked, and the only thing that banning vaping and vaping related items will accomplish is to ensure that many more people will be added to the list of the dead as many will return to cigs and many current cig smokers will never make the switch to vaping, as the politicians seek to deny people the opportunity to stay off of cigs.

If they ever find a cure for cancer, I wouldn't be surprised if they ban that too, because 7 people happened to get some ill side effects from it.  

Disgusted, Wth Is Wrong With Some Suppliers?

So I see Todd do a mod review on a nice little 18350 hybrid, he really likes it, I really like it. I need another mod like I need another hole in my head. But I know this is a small upstart and they have a cool idea, it's half stolen idea and the other half all been done before, but it's a nice combo, I LOVE hybrid mods and I LOVE 18350's, so I decide I'll spend the $200 or whatever it is and get one.

I do some research, CRAP, they only have a Facebook page and some Google list they sell them through. The old Google list from the first batch is now closed and no new list available. When you sold it your first 100 or 1000 or whatever run, wouldn't it make sense to put up another list and take deposits so you could at least gauge the demand for your second production run? Or maybe you could use some of the money you made to get a small one page website... What do I know?

So I Facebook Message them to please let me know when they have them ready for sale I want one, AND post right in the thread on THEIR Facebook page announcing they will soon have a new batch ready for shipment, that I want one. Please let me know when you are ready to sell. In both places someone answers and says they will let me know.

Fast forward 35 days, I've heard nothing from them.

So I message them again and ask any of the new Hybryds available? Someone answers me back yeah we have them, sorry I wasn't able to message you back. NO LINK FOR THE LIST. NO PRICE. NO LINK TO A WEBSITE. NOTHING ELSE. End of message.

I don't know what economy these idiots live in but here in Virginia where I live and ran my own business for 13 years, when someone is slapping me in the face with their hard earned cash I promise you, if I have to work 20 hours a day I'm going to answer every e mail, every Facebook post, every Facebook messenger post, every phone call and every thread here as kindly and as politely as possible and take ALL the money I can get my hands on, till every grubby little mod is sold.

But that's just me.

And before some of you start defending them with this and that excuse....I know EXACTLY what it takes to design, source materials, production cost's, percentage of scrap, pay electric bills, taxes and employee payroll, insurance, shipping costs and get business loans. There is no good excuse except they just dropped the ball.

If you're going to submit your mod to Todd for review AND he raves about it shouldn't you be ramping your production up so you can meet the demand.

Blah, blah, blah......  

Gonna Make A Video Review! :d

So I'm thinking tomorrow I'm going to do my first video review for a box mod

After posting my long AF review about the Sigelei 30watt mini the other day I realized I could have said so much more in half the time it took me to type it. So going to go ahead and try it out. So my question is to all my fellow vapers, for those of you that watch review videos, what are you're least favorite/most favorite part of the videos? What info do you look forward too most when watching a review? Give me input so I can focus on curtain thinags and leave the annoying crap out
When I post it I'll be looking for constructive criticism from everyone