Vapers Are Fed Up

So, I think there has been a lot of back and forth as to whether vaping is really safer than cigarettes. We as Vapers know that it is safer because we have done the research. But I think in the eyes of smokers and non-smokers, they really don't know if it is safer. Sometimes it even has me questioning whether vaping is healthier. But then my sanity takes over.

This post was sparked by watching a video from Grimm Green just now. The first person I've ever seen to finally say that vaping is 95% safer than smoking. And quit with all the Bull Shi it, listening to anyone who tells you otherwise.

It's a shame that only vapers know it's safer. Everyone else can't be bothered to do the research. They just listen to all the mainstream BS! "Yea, vaping is just as bad, people are dying cause of vaping." "Yea, they're banning vape mail because it's the same thing as tobacco."  

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Here In Taiwan The News Is Too Biased And Keeps Misinforming The Public.

News here said, E-Cigarrette is TEN (10) times more danerous/Hazardous than smoking traditional Cigarrette !

My translation is: It is SAFER to smoke a Traditional cigarrette "Analogs" than E-Cigs/Vaping.

But the Smoking ban here is almost everywhere.. even in you OWN PRIVATE Car.. you'll get fined.

Even in your own porch when the smokes drifts to you neighbor... if they compalined to the police you'll get fined.

while the news in europe/England Vaping is LEGAL and SAFER than Analogs... I would love to show them (Taiwanese) the u-tubes and the news abroad...

BUT IT'S their fault ! THEY CAN'T understand English... Just' pathetic...

So my wife is still complaining and asking me to quit vaping too.

I Said, I already swift to a SAFER Alternative already and that is Vaping... This one I'm taking with me to the Grave.

They understand chinese, so THEY ONLY TRUST Chinese... SQUARE people.  

Vaping Demystified, Through Research And Interviews With Experts, We Explore The Truth

I think the following video from the UK should be of interest to all who vape for all reasons including the safer alterative to smoking.
Includes a short history of vaping and the anti-vape movement.

Vaping Demystified

This short investigative film tackles the myths and misconceptions surrounding vaping and provides smokers with the information needed to make an informed decision about using vape products.


Do You Consider Philip Morris Iqos Smoking Or Vaping?

They mention that the do use tobacco but heated them at a consistent rate of 350 Celsius. Recently I went to the iqos store nearby my house and the staff told me that you do not need iqos if vaping is working for you,I ended up buying one just to experience and it tastes close to cigarette but milder taste and hit.I heard that vaping heat not more then 315 Celsius,and assume it is totally safer then IQOS.

I find that I am more satisfy with vaping,mod ones as I drank more water.Comparing IQOS vs Sub ohm vaping where there is lots of cloud which one is safer to health,and which one to pick if I were to quit nic?


How To Cut Down On Vaping?

I love vaping and its much safer than real cigs also sometimes I actually think its not bad for me at all. Problem is I vape way way too much. I dont want to quit but just want to cut down by around half the amount I vape. I swear I vape constantly and I think this is the main issue a lot of vapers have when it comes to vaping. Might as well get a oxygen like mask and just vape through that 24/7. What's a good way to cut down on vaping? I don't think it even has anything to do with nicotine but rather there isn't much indication for when you should put the ecig down. With a cig once you smoke it thats the indication you're done and dont need for like another hour. Could also be some sort of OCD towards vaping.  

Ex Smokers. Do You Plan To Keep Vaping?

I used to smoke half a pack a day and now I'm quit. I'm vaping 12mg now. I used to do 24. Granted I do sub ohm now. My main question is do you ex smokers ever plan on cutting down to zero nic if you haven't already. Do you ever plan on quitting altogether? Vaping for me has become a hobby and here's second part of my question. Do you consider vaping a successful quit of smoking? Many say not enough studies to say whether it's safe. But I think it's like saying if you smoke it's like souping up sports cars and street racing. Sure it's fun but super dangerous. Vaping is like souping up your car but instead going to car shows and drives. Much safer and a healthy hobby.  

So Attached To Vaping... After The Ban Is In Effect... I Dunno

So I heard that the ban in New York will take effect even after the small delay. I'm wondering how I will be able to cope soon. Vaping for me does great things as it keeps me off cigarettes. But one major thing it also does for me is that it lowers my stress level and it relaxes me. Being that I have vaping I have no need to try other things that can be complicated. Someone once told me that my vape is like my pacifier because I always have it in my mouth and I turn to it whenever I am stressed and have anxiety. Truthfully it's terrible that I will be forced to use my pods because Juul couldn't keep their products out of corner stores and leave them for vape shops. When these kids have health issues they blame it on vaping when their parents ask them how it happened and they wanted a high out of school. Even though there is something called deep breathing and vaping isn't done that way I know it cools me off. Many times I was stressed and sweating because, I started to vape and it had it that I was finally able to feel the temperature of the air outside. People need to understand that going with this ban is All Or Nothing thinking, things one is told in therapy to avoid. Now that "it affected a minority" people take it away completely from those who are benefiting from it. Those who are banning - please use common sense - vaping is a lot safer than cigarettes and people are constantly dying from smoke. Vaping was the best thing that has possibly happened in a really long time. Tobbaco plants had a misconception that it was supposed to be smoked until technology introduced a safe method. If it was vaped from the beginning of time people would have lived much longer lives and more people would be born. Those who are cracking down please take this into account.  

What Is The 5% Bad In Vaping If It's 95% Safer Than Smoking?

I think we are all here because we are addicted to nicotine in one way or another and found that vaping helped us quit smoking. So in many ways we are trying to be healthy. Vaping should be no different.  

Vaping Cant Be Stoped

I was thinking the whole situation in many countries that vaping is straight up banned or illegal....and also countries like USA that is not that extreme but still many regulations going on and anyways we all know the big tobacco companies and what they try to do.

I am sure tho that vaping won't be stoped...u can't stop vaping and all the big tobacco do is to try buy some more time for them cause they know that cigarettes are in their end..

I don't know how long this will last but I am sure vaping will make cigarette smoking obselete and it will go very big...

Europe claims they have a plan to end tobacco use until 2032 or something like that for example....maybe that happens and it would be good cause it's for everyone's good.... but u can't just fight vaping and let smoking still exist...

Vaping will be back and for good....the people slowly start accept it and learn it cause honestly imagine how many smokers are out there and how many vapers...while vaping is much more enjoyable objectively...

We the people didn't support vaping enough...
ok maybe we the vapers did but I mean the majority out there don't......people are scared and they don't like to change their habits easy....even if it's for their own good.

I know politics are corrupted and all that....but some of us live in democracies maybe not perfect but still....if all people wanted to stop smoking and switch into vaping to make their life better then they couldn't stop us...
Worst case they would do it to get votes like they usually do with everything they do... not that they care for us...

So yeah vaping will go very big the next year's..

Are You Happy About Your Transition From Traditional Smoking To Vaping? And Why?

I am happy,

1. I Still CAN enjoy the throat hits... but with the SAFER alternative.
2. I CAN still smoke (as my wife put it... and said I'm still smoking and she does not like it... still) I use cuban cigar flavor... but with safer alternative...
3. saves money. (I own ONLY 2 set ups) [VIvi Nova 3.5ml + Vamo6 and Aspire Nautilus 5ml + Cloupor 30W. I'm not planning to go Sub-Ohming and rebuildables... just a casual Vaper.
4. Not into too much clouds... just plain simple smoke (vapor) satisfies me.
5. No second hand smoke so my family ignores my Vaping even in doors while playing the computer.
6. back to one rinse and repeat.  

The Invisible Vaping Community

With so many debates about public vaping raging here, I started to wonder how many people around us are stealthy vapers?

People who vape at home and in their cars, but not out in public.
People that vape with a stealthy setup indoors - around the corner, in the rest room.
People that go outside and vape with the smokers.
People that use small devices with less vapor.

It was common to see posts here about people never having seen another vaper out and about only a short time ago. Now that vaping is much more mainstream and available, I wonder how many people around us are stealth vapers, getting their nic fix right under our noses? Thousands of ego and evod setups are being sold every day, yet very rarely do I see another vaper, unless I'm in a vape shop.

My guess is that stealthy vapers make up more than 75% of all vapers. They just go unnoticed. They might be standing right next to you.

The Invisible Majority?