Broken Center Pin

Hello all I’m new here, but I occasionally do read post for help . Anyway I tired to pull the center pin on my morph 2 230w and I accidentally ripped the top pin off . Can this be fixed ? Atomizer can still read it,but I don’t trust that . Any help is good, thanks all  

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Hi everyone, I am searching for some info from REAL users NOT reviewers or Yihi directly as I truly do not trust them.

Here is what I am looking for. If anyone has or did have one of those SX auto squonk mods, I would like to know if that auto squonk feature did in fact work well. I thought way back I had read someone saying it never would sense the wicks getting dry, so it really didn’t function well at all. Yihi is saying they have fixed this and I would like to know if it is in fact true. I don’t trust them at all. I DO trust you all though

Thanks for any help and info  

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Thank you.  

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I busted my tank and my local store didn’t have another so I just decided to buy a whole new head/tank to go on my SMOK morph 219 mod. I asked the store clerk several times before I made the purchase if the tank I’m buying is compatible with my mod. He insisted it would work. Well now when I get it home and try to use my new tank on my mod (SMOK morph 219) it keeps asking if it’s a new coil with a different size every time. Any advice? And no I didn’t forget.... the new tank is a vaporesso cascade tank 7ml. 60.5X25MM 81g.  

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can be it used again?  

The Magic Cube Rda

Three squared off outer shells give this RDA its rhomboid look and also provide airflow control through the rotation of the center piece around four magnetic stop points. The inner body is cylindrical, with an air ported top cap sitting on a 3 post deck, and a copper adjustable 510 center pin.
Bit a a novelty item perhaps.


Will I Become An Outlaw?

Greetings from TX, fellow vapers!

I’m pretty sure this question has been asked before, and I apologize beforehand if it has.

We all know about the proposed flavor ban, that’s a given. And it’s not a matter of ‘IF’, but more a matter of ‘WHEN’.

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Please Explain To Me: Those Who Died, What Were They Vaping?

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Do we have an explanation for these cases that actually makes sense?  

Protank 2 Leaking Issue Fix

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Falconeer Gets It Well Wrong (nic Sick)!

“I’ll NOT be doing THAT again!” - the famous Taurus War Cry was heard in our house this morning!

As happens to the aged, O500 hrs this morning found me suddenly wide awake for no good reason. As usual when this happens I got up, sat in my recliner office chair, drank a pot of tea, read for a bit, and visited forums until the rest of the world came awake accompanying all that with a vape.

However that vaping ( OK chain vaping for 2-3 hours ) was done with my new Feedlink Squonk, inadvertently loaded with 18 strength liquid, fired at 4.2 volts to begin with, through a 0.6 ohm coil.

Not good. Not good at all.

Having smoked since I was very young, inhaled even pipe tobacco etc I never reckoned I could get nic sic at this late stage … but OMG suddenly I got hit with the full repertoire, the sweats, the feeling of nausea, dizziness the restlessness where I couldn’t settle but had to prowl, the racing heart etc etc.

How did I manage to do it? Carelessness coupled with the old “it’ll never happen to me” routine basically.

I had grabbed a bottle of my old 18 strength Menthol Liquid, filled the squonk bottle without looking at the juice bottle’s label and chain vaped using what is in essence a protected mech mod with a new battery on a sub ohm coil.

I’m normally a tootle puffer with 1,6 ohm coils but OMG initially at least with the squonk I enjoyed trying DTL and blowing clouds … initially!

I’m sure the rest of you reading this will have more sense than to do anything like I did this morning, but trust me - I’ll NOT be doing THAT again!