Been Away A Long Time. Is There Any Market For Classic Mods?

Hey all, very few will remember me but I was one of the earlier on adopter mainstays here years ago, especially in the REO and mech mod arenas. Spent thousands on mods back then, but I don't regret it as it helped me kick a 23 year butt habit. I still have several higher end devices from about 5-8 years ago that I will never use again but enjoy looking at. I wonder if there is any market at all for 'classic' higher end devices amongst today's members?

I am talking about REO Woodvilles and REO Grands, Bogger Boxes, SUPER T ELA, Atom mechs, Provari Minis, carto tanks and carts and a couple others that I don't even remember the name of but were THE THING back in the day LoL.

I may let go of them if there is a market at all for them amongst today members. Just curious if there is a renaissance yet for these things.  

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I Remember Back In The Day...

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--I remember when new members would be struggling constantly trying to find the path to a satisfying vape
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And I look at that the New Members sub-forum these days, and find very few struggling at first vape anymore.
Success, now, is nearly guaranteed.

That's progress.

What do you all remember?  

Collectible Vapes And Devices

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Almost any old Dunhill smoking pipe is collectible and some are very valuable.

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Got one of those early vaping devices ???

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Getting New Hardware This Week...don't Know What To Go With. Halp!

So I currently have an ipv mini that goes to 30 watts, a couple mech mods I never use anymore, and a Hana knockoff (didn't know, or wouldn't have bought. Got it back when I was a clueless noob).

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Fda Grandfather Date 4/14

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Thank You New Hampshire

Living in Mass and have been getting juice by mail for years, then the ban, very lucky to have NH nearby.
Only problem is I had to change my vaping habits, never knew things had changed so much, nobody stocks higher PG than VG, in fact the stores don’t know what I’m talking about, was using a provari with a nautilus tank for years with higher PG, now had to go sub ohm with an Ageis with Ajax and Voppoo tanks to get some sort of hit, I also noticed many juices don’t even state the PG/VG on the bottle or should I say VG/PG as that switched as well.
Love the flavors now but miss the Provari, whole new learning experience for me.
Thank you New Hampshire or I would be screwed.  

Pissed. - My Turtleship V3 Firing Pin Broke And The Store Wont Find A Replacement. Please Help

I paid $250 bux for a full set up a while back, and the little inner copper firing pin contact broke, right where the thread screw into the bottom button. I got the broken piece out of the button threads, but I need a new copper contact pin. I went to the store and they said they don't have it, and they cant contact the manufacturer.

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Thanks a lot for any help you guys can offer as far as being able to get my mech mod fixed. Id have to just throw 200 bux in the trash.

Help! :/  

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Is High Wattage A Fad?

Hey guys. I've been into vaping since 2009 originally, but really got into it around 2013. From 2013 to 2015 alone, I've seen a tremendous change in the community. Some of this change is extremely positive. For instance, the race to create better technology and new types of devices. From that race has come many awesome companies, with new devices, and new types of devices popping up literally overnight.

Competition is a GOOD thing, for the consumer.

However, I am wondering about the wattage race. The companies who make bats competing to make a higher wattage device. I remember when the DNA20 first came out. I remember thinking, that's awesome, but will anyone ever need 20 watts? Then the dna30 came out. It wasn't long after, that we saw our first 50watt box mod. When a 100watt box mod came out, I thought they were NUTS. Surely no one would EVER need 100watts.

Now, we have what? 150watt devices. 200watt devices. Where does it stop?

At some point, the higher wattages won't keep equaling better quality vape. In fact, I think we already reached that point a while back. I would say 100watts would be a reasonable cut off point, but then again, who am I to say?

At what point does vaping cease to be a smoking alternative, and become a hobby? At what point does vaping cease to be a hobby, and become a SPORT?

I get with any technology ,there will always be a small group within the community that wishes to take things to the extreme. These are the people who take vaping from a simple hobby, to literally a "sport".

For me, vaping isn't a sport. It is a hobby. I don't see the appeal of vaping as a sport, but I have no desire to limit other people's imaginations, so long as they are careful, safe, and don't expose themselves or others to unnecessary harm.

I will say this so. For those of us who vape as a hobby. What does higher wattages do for you? I have a Sigelei 100watt box mod.....and I run kayfuns, RBAs, an Atlantis, and an arctic on it. Even running at my arctic at 0.2ohms , I never need to go past 50watts.

Also, I don't even buy 0.2 ohm coils anymore. For me personally, I find flavor to really come out at HIGHER ohms than that. I find the BEST flavor comes in at 0.5-1ohm. So what is the point of going past that? Just to increase the amount of vapor?

I'm just trying to understand why the vape community is going the way its going. What is the fascination with higher wattages outside of the tiny SPORT vaping sub-group?