Glad My Sweetie Loves Me!

Sure am glad my sweetie loves me. Now I got 2 Hcigar Vt inbox’s.  

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Temperature Control. Have I Been Missing Something In My Life?

I just discovered that my Hcigar VT Inbox has a temperature control setting. Question is why. Is this why I haven’t been sleeping good at night. Why my clothes don’t fit right. Why I don’t know the answer to all the questions. (Being sarcastic).
Really though, curious minds want to know.  

Having A Hard Time Adjusting.

I’ve been away from vaping for about 7 yrs. I don’t have any of my old equipment, which now I miss very much. I’ve been trying to get back to vaping for health reasons, and having to learn all over again. Everything is dual coil. I NEVER used dual coil, but I’m trying to learn. I got a Vaporesso PM40, a Drag S a hcigar vt inbox and a POS squonker that I’m using for a dripper (reviews said they leak and short out causing me to fire by their self. I joy cappo squonk box).
Do I figure dual coil watts and amps like I did my single coil builds. I never got into the low sub-ohm thing. Maybe 0.9-1 ohm.
It’s good to be back in ECF again.  

Istick 20w With Subtank Nano?

Hi all

So I'm currently set up with an iStick 50w and a SubTank (big un) all thanks to you guys im in Vape Heaven.

want i want to ask is this -

My Girlfriend is now getting more into Vaping and hasnt touched a Cigarette in quite some time. she has an iStick 20w and loves it (cos its pink -_- )

but she's not liking the tanks (aspire Viva Nova, one with a cross on it (completely forgot the name) and a protank 3 mini)

Shes tried my subtank AND LOVES IT! she's liking the airy draw and the ultimate flavour.

My question is she likes to vape at around 3.0-3.3V. Will the Istick 20w be able to SAFELY handle the protank nano with the 1.2ohm coil in?

I've told her she may have to up the power abit but other than that she should be fine right?  

I'm Back!!!

Hey guys and gals!! I've been a member here for a long time but I ended up going back to analogs for a while but now I'm back and very glad to see how the vaping community has grown so much.

When I left, RDAs were just getting popular but most rebuildable fans used genesis attys and hybrids. The community was no where near where it is today!

My brother just gave me a Sigelei 100w and a couple panasonic 18650's to get me off analogs and I dusted off my Opus D (DNA20). Also, just got a Kanger Subtank Nano in the mail.

I'm amazed, actually. When I went back to analogs the newest tank out was the protank 2 (I think). I'm glad to see how far we, as a community, have come.

I'm ordering supplies to start a custom Mod build so keep an eye out in the modders forum!!

Vape on!

Jokes, Starting With A Bad One

Is that an e-cig in your pocket or are you just glad to see me.....

Told you it was bad, but not as bad as the comeback.
No it's a mod...

Which sounded a bit creepy.  

Hcigar Clones No Longer Branding Logos?

Stopped into my local B&M a couple months back and noticed they had some Hcigar RDA clones, namely the Plume Veil. Thought that was cool and figured I would pick one up sooner or later. Today was that day so I stopped by to buy one. To my surprise, most of the Hcigar stuff no longer have etched logos, including the Plume Veil. Bought one anyways for the functionality.

I have other stuff such as the Hcigar Nemesis and Hammer. Part of their intrigue comes from the etched design artwork... I was kind of bummed.

On a side note, it's my first RDA. Wound a .8 ohm coil on my first attempt with a screwdriver. Not bad for a newbie, right?  

Closest To Subtank Without Being A Sub Ohm..

Hi all

A friend of mine is after a new tank, he Loves my subtank but doenst have a mod to run it properly.

He DOES NOT want to buy a new mod, but wants something thats similar in airflow and ability.

What would you suggest? Kanger aerotank maybe?


Does anyone know the width of the aerotank series? mini, giant, mega? his mod is 23mm wide strangely and he wants it to look as good as it performance. ​

A New Convert!!

So the other day my wife says that she is interested in trying vapeing cause she really loves the smell it puts out,I tell her that it has nic in it don't think its a good idea but we will go to the shop and try some zero and see what you think and find you a flavor.Today we went and she had a ball trying different flavors she said "its like the chocolate factory just guilt free"lol yes it is.we got her flavor and got her setup on some of my old hardware and now I can't pry the thing out of her hands.Ha ha I created a monster I love it!!!  

1000'th Post, And A Thank You!

This message will be my 1000'th post. I wanted it to be a thank you to all of ECF.. from the Lurking stage, to the helping others, it has all been a great experience. I'm not one for forums, but something about the vaping community kept me coming back here. I am proud to be a part of it, and glad I can help people in return.

To all that read this.. (unless you're a spammer)..... thank you.  

High Wattage High Ohms

I just got my first drippers in the mail today Doge competition and vertex v2 and I built a 1ohm micro using 28 gauge and a 0.3 ohm at 24gauge and at 50 watts(max for my mod) I find the 1.0 ohm build is way more satisfying. This is not a subohm bashing thread I loves them clouds but I have to say the performance of the 1 ohm coil is waay better... Am I just crazy or is there really no other reason to use sub ohm coils other than a mech mod or trying to get max wattage out of a 100+ watt device?