Been Gone For A While , But Looking For A New Site And Liquid Suggestions

Last time I was here I had a few sites I bought from that are now gone.. locally I cannot even buy cotton for my RDA ( drop ) anymore as it seems most shops have catered to new kids who like disposables.

I want that good all in one shop online I can buy from whether it be coils , new tanks, liquids , or accessories.

I still have my revenger and smoant mods , but also need some new long lasting 18650s as they are still working great  

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Help Selecting A New Tank?

Okay, so my partner and I have used the same Aspire Triton2 tanks for about 5 years now. They were never leak proof, but lately this problem has been getting worse and I am trying to see if the market has something better to offer. Other than the leaking problems, the Triton2 has been great. Here are some desired features that I hope to find in selecting a new rig: holds at least 3ml, long lasting coils that are affordable (around $3 ea), replaceable O rings would be nice, manufacturer that is not a fly-by-night, and hopefully leak-proof. Also I should note that I currently use 0.3ohm coils @ 38w and really have no need for very high wattage vapes.
If anyone knows of some tanks that fit the description above, I would be grateful for any suggestions on what to shop for.
Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Longevity Issues With Kanger Dualcoils.

I've had the same exact set up for about a year and a half now. Itaste VTR + Aerotank with 1.5 ohm coils, and i vape at 9.0 watts. I tend to only vape one specific brand/flavor, I'm one of those weird people that just like one thing and stick with it. Up until July last year, i used a local vape shop's liquid. I liked it and it was fantastic. I'm a little fuzzy on their ratio, but I believe it was 70/30 pg/vg. Their liquid would never pool under the coil and my coils would last for over 5 weeks at a time. Then i moved. The cost of their liquid plus shipping was just too high, i was already paying 22 bucks for a 30 ml plus shipping on top of it was just killing my wallet. I found a couple other sources of liquid, one on the net being Apollo ecigs, and the other being local B&M selling VGOD liquid. Both of those i believe are 70/30 vg/pg.

Now since the switch to either of those 2 liquids, my coils are only lasting 5 days tops, and at nearly 2 dollars a pop, its killing my wallet even more than with the liquid i was having shipped here from that local store in FL. What is going on? Is that ratio of VG/PG killing my coils? Its not so much that the coils are burning out, but i just keep having to take a harder and harder draw as the days go on. When its a fresh coil, i get tons of flavor and good vapor, but towards day 4-5, flavor minimizes and vapor decreases. I've soaked them in distilled water and let them dry out, but even that the flavor/vapor tends to peter out after a day or so.


Help With Choice Of Sub Ohm Tank Plz

Hey - vaped for a LONG time. Mostly MTL tanks and I have been using the Zenith for a couple of years which I really like, but I'm too hard on it. I vape too much. Anyway, I've started using thicker liquids 70/30 and it's even more difficult for my Zenith. I do thin it out with a little menthol drops. But here's my question. I've been pondering going to a sub ohm tank but I just really don't know which to choose. As it stands, I'm thinking the falcon 2? Do their coils last long? Do the tanks leak even if liquid is thinned out a bit (not much). Anyway, if anyone has any recommendations, plz post reply. Thanks  

How Tell If Your Coils Are Duds?

Hi all,

I've recently decided to buy a Kanger Subtank Mini to test the waters out and see how it compares to the Aspire Atlantis. Unfortunately, my coils are only lasting me 6 hours at the most before the cotton is charred black and everything tastes burnt. I've heard about coils that are coming back as duds. What is a good way to tell if the coils I've bought are duds?

Thanks in advance!  

Food Coloring In Eliquid?

I've already done it, but was just making sure it was ok. I tend to mix down my liquids quite a bit, adding VG into an 18mg base to end up with a 6mg blend with light taste. I do that for my All day vaping, so I don't overpower my taste buds. The problem is, the last two colors I got were colorless, so it was hard to tell which bottle I picked up or was in which tank.

So, I came up with the idea... put one drop of food coloring in one bottle (30ml). I chose blue. I filled 1/3rd with my juice choice, filled the rest of the bottle with VG, and added one drop of blue food coloring. One drop went a long way and turned it quite blue.

Besides coloring the cotton, is there any adverse affects of doing this? I don't think one drop of food coloring over a half a weeks time to vape the bottle is enough to worry, but I just wanted to run across this to you guys. I know it will discolor the cotton, but I rewick it myself anyways. I color it for identification, so there is a reason to do it, and It seems it's easier to tell the liquid level as well. It doesn't color the vape or my mouth, but the only thing I'd be afraid of, is if ejuice leaked, it would dye whatever it got on.

Any input?  

Wire Safe Duration

Hi, despite all the info on the internet these days, I ve been unable to find an answer to what is the life use of a wire on a rta coil (not the cotton or liquids) before it gets exhausted and become a bad element to health, maybe to the point of releasing metal particles that could go into the lungs... I know this is highly relative and depends on what kind of wire, liquids and vaping frecuency, but if I give you a straight case, maybe I ll make a good relation between other materials and their durability. It happened that during 2020, with the pandemic on full first impact, importations were very slow and in some cases, closed for long periods of time, I was trying to get some imported wires but I didn't have enough luck to find those I needed, just very thin wire for mtl equipment, which I didn't have. All was sold out from vaping websites... I ve managed to get a Zeus X rta and with it, the included premade coils (I think these are Nichrome)... Thing is, I used the same (and only) metal coil for almost 6 months, obviously replacing the cotton when needed (I had all the other materials, bags of cotton Bacon, tools, fresh liquids, etc), the liquid I ve been using is Don Juan sweet tobbaco and reserve, from King Crest. In those six moths I didn't vape all days or weeks, since finding or importing liquids were also a problem, so confinement and the lack of products, push me to smoke again, sadly, but I didn't give up and I start to build again the coil meanwhile the purchases arrive from other countries. The metal coil doesn't seems to be exhaust in plain view, it gets datk or black, as normally should be after several days of use and when tasting a bit burnt, but once I clean up with a brush, water and some short dry burning when building again, it gets back its grey metal color, not the same shine as a new one, but close. My vaping frequency was sometimes in chain, due to anxiety, but not all day or days and I was careful to rebuilt often. Mods are one Aegis X and one Smok P3, wattage I use is between 40 and 60 because even if the coils can be auto detected and suggestion is 75w, this is always overrated and burning taste triggers in 3 days. Only thing I did notice was sort of a metal taste for a period of time, that after went away and never got back. If someone wants to drop an answer, be welcome please, thank you all...  

Best E-cigarette Stores In Switzerland

E-Cigarettes have become very popular in Switzerland, but due to high costs and difficulty finding a good place to get them I have decided to make a list of the top online sites for getting them.
(Sorry if this is in the wrong sub-forum)

Accueil - Cigarettes électroniques en Suisse

Vape offers a great variety of products for hobbiest and just normal vapers or starters, it offers many different flavours from France, Switzerland and some from America.
I have purchased from this site a few times and the service is good and fast. It's also cheaper than stores.

Cigarette Electronique Suisse - e liquide avec nicotine - - Freevap

I have ordered many e-juices and accessories from this site and I know it is also very good with a good vairety and also good prices for Switzerland.
Not too sure about other websites but this is one of the only ones in Switzerland where you can choose different amounts of nicoine as inside of Switzerland it is elegal to buy them from stores.

Die grösste Auswahl an E-Zigaretten und Zubehör von Red-Vape - E-Zigaretten und Zubehör von Red Vape

I haven't bought too many times from this shop but the times that I did the service was quick and easy, a lot of variety and a clean easy website to find what you need.

These are my top three but also I will recommend this store called which is my regular store and close to where I live and where I usually get all my stuff, the website is not up right now but it will be up soon and it is 100% incredible service as I know the guy well and he knows what he's doing.
Big variety also and a lot of stuff for begginers and intermidiets.
If you're close to Vevey come check out the store!

Thanks and I hope this helps

Vape Safe  

4 Vape Shops Within Walking Distance Of Me

I live on the East Coast USA.

Walking down the street, it's hard to notice that vaping is taking off in any meaningful way, because most people that I see still smoke analogs, that includes both young people and older people too. I'm not going to judge them, because it wasn't that long ago that I was still puffing on an analog, and I had failed to see the awesomeness of vaping.

Besides myself, I don't really see too many people vaping outside on sidewalks. I vape outside in the same way that I'd smoke analogs before, so that means practically all of the time, and especially when I'm walking outside. I'm using a thin e-cig, so I don't usually get too many strange looks. I can imagine what kind of looks somebody walking down the sidewalk must get if they're using one of those big, fancy and shiny looking mods to vape with.

Just 6 months ago, there were no vape shops at all in the immediate local area where I live, and now there are 4 that have opened up, all within a very short walking distance of me (10 minutes or less). I'm pretty sure that a lot of non vapers who live here are walking past those stores every day and wondering, what the hell kind of store is that and why are so many of them opening up in this neighborhood?

One of those four stores will probably fail though, because their sign says tobacco/vape store, while the other 3 are dedicated to vaping only. A store can't be both in my opinion. That's a bit of a contradiction and a stupid combination to put it bluntly.

I've been to a couple of the vape stores so far, and in the short time that I was in those stores there were always new customers there who were smokers who were looking to start vaping.

So while I might not notice how popular vaping is by walking on the sidewalks, I think that it's safe to say that vaping is taking off big time with so many small vape shops opening up, and the amount of people vaping will only increase, because there's still a lot of smelly smokers out there who haven't yet given up on their cancer sticks.

And if this is happening where I live, then I bet that similar things are happening all across the country. Every small town should have at least one dedicated vape shop! I like the quick and easy access to all sorts of liquids and brands.

Just today, I was reading online about some premium liquids, and instead of ordering it online (I didn't want to wait), I had acquired a bottle of that exact liquid five minutes later, after sampling it quickly, and I was already at home and vaping it 10 minutes later.  

Caliburn 1.2 Ohm Vs 1.4 Ohm Coils - 1.2 Makes Sweet Liquids Too Sweet?

Hmmm... So the 1.4 is good. But the 1.2 is GOOOOOOD.

But a caramel tobacco liquid seems way too sweet in the 1.2 pod. The flavour is great, just ay too intense in sweetness.

Would it make sense that sweeter liquids would be better in the 1.4...? I have both  

Looking To Get A Good New Setup, Been Out Of Vaping For A Long Time. Please Point Me The Way.

I've been out of vaping since about 2011. I'm looking to get a good setup to start up again, I might be starting a job which requires a nicotine hit now and again to keep me alert. What is going on these days? It looks like the laws have all gone stupid and I hear about people saying they only have tobacco flavors now and other lame stuff I'm hearing. I thought technology would have improved, not regressed. So back before I quit I was considering a custom titanium or otherwise setup with aftermarket batteries.

I'm very familiar with this type of stuff having been a flashlight collector and electronics hobbyist for over twenty years, but I don't understand what is going on out there these days with the laws and all the proprietary systems I see out there nowadays with the proprietary batteries. I have a lot of spare lithium ion batteries setting around, so I'd be happy to use them in custom setups. For reference the last vape setup I had was an Ego-T with the refillable tanks and that had an internal proprietary rechargeable battery. And I used to purchase my vape juice separate from custom online shops like Mom and Pop's Vape Shop. Could someone point me in the right direction so I can get a decent new setup? I'm taking it they don't have flavors like cotton candy or /pineapple-watermelon anymore? I guess that's only reserved for marijuana these days.