Are There Any Carriers Who Deliver?

I used to have all my vape supplies delivered to my house due to difficulties getting out. With the new laws banning USPS from delivering who can I turn to?  

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Vape Mail Bill Ban

So with the latest news banning vapes from being mailed by USPS and Fed Ex on board in the spring , also I am sure it won’t be long for UPS to jump on board , I am just wondering what people think of the vaping world coming soon ? I for one rely on all my vape supplies thru online vendors it certainly feels like this is the end or will there be a way that vape goods will still be able to be purchased and mailed ? Just wondering what some of the folks here are thinking  

Vape Ban

I would like to know what everyone's thought is about UPS USPS UPS Etc and so forth no longer being able to deliver Vape mail. Static we can no longer get juices coils Etc? How is this going to work out?  

Traditional Tobacco Vendors Appear Unaffected By New Record Keeping For Vape Supplies

My understanding of UPS and FEDEX decision not to carry Nicotine supplies to 'the Public' is their 'reluctance' to be burdened with record keeping requirements of signatures of Adults receiving Nicotine products under the new law. USPS decision is easy to understand as they are a 'Pseudo Government Agency'.

Just an 'observation'. Gas Stations, Convenience stores, tobacconists, and other vendors of actual tobacco products are NOT being 'burdened' with the same record keeping requirements at point of sale...and this appears to be a gap in the legislation violating the 'Equal Protection' philosophy the US has seemed to distance itself of late when making laws to 'save us from ourselves'...

I understand Business to Business shipments remain unaffected...its only business to end-users being burdened by this BS regulation.

Am I wrong in my observation?  

Usps Package Intercept

Has anyone ever used the USPS Package Intercept feature? I was thinking about trying it to get my package delivered at my work because I'll be there during my usual delivery time. It seems a little too good to be true and it is non-refundable if the intercept fails. Also, if anyone has used it, does the intercept still get processed even if you havent paid for it? My tracking hasnt updated in a day and I filled out the intercept form last night, but didnt submit it. I wasnt sure if it would still go through. I know USPS is slow when it comes to scanning so I'm not too worried about the tracking not updating.  

Us Vape Mail Ban - Usps/fedex/ups/dhl

Thanks to @440BB for starting the first thread, but it got out of hand and was closed.

But this is an important topic and I believe we should have an active thread about it as it is still currently underway. And as events unfold (and possibly change) we should be discussing it.

Lets try this again without so much emotion and political beliefs such that it changes the thread's topic and deters other from participation. And maybe "reptilian shape shifters" might be better-off discussed on some other forum or in the "Outside" section of ECF.

And remember, this is a shipping ban, nothing to do with the FDA deeming regulations - there's a thread for that.

Effective dates for the following major carriers...

FedEx - March 1, 2021
DHL - March 1, 2021 (unclear)
UPS - April 5, 2021
USPS - after March 22, on the date the final rule is published, no later than April 26, 2021. There seems to be some major conflict among what various sources believe as to when this effective date will occur. However, it is for sure, as @440BB stated in the original thread, after March 22 and no later than April 26.

Note that all carriers accept USPS are not actually disallowed by law from transporting vape supplies, they volunteered not to, most likely for a combination of reasons - requirements are strict and probably not profitable (but politics most likely plays a role, too).

Here is a link to the legislation that was passed that made this shipping ban possible.
Text - S.1253 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Preventing Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Children Act
Notice that all vape is being banned for shipment by USPS as it states "any other substance", not just nicotine vape.

All online retailers that have sent notice about this seem to be saying they will refuse to take new orders after March 22. The dates each retailer has set range from March 23 to March 27 from what I have seen, so time is running out fast to order supplies online.

There is talk by some of the larger retailers that they have secured a new carrier that will be focusing on major urban areas. It remains to be seen if it will fly and if it will be a viable solution.

After this, barring some other major nail in the coffin, where B&M stores cannot get inventory, the only way to get anything will be in a local B&M storefront, where selection will be limited and priced high, and it will be rare to find nic base stocked for DIY.

As @440BB said in the original thread... "Time is near to get creative or be fully stocked up!".

But we are getting too close now that you don't have much, if any, time to make an informed decision on what hardware to buy and stocks are running out. As far as atomizers go, rebuildable atomizers WILL be your salvation as we enter into the vapocalypse.

But if you have enough gear and/or if money is tight, you should focus on nicotine base so you can DIY your own juice, unless you prefer store bought juice and are willing to vape whatever your local vape shop has in stock at any given moment. A list of nicotine base and glass bottle suppliers can be found here...
List of US Retailers Still Shipping 100mg Nicotine Base | E-Cigarette Forum

Please keep in mind that person to person (consumer to consumer aka C2C) shipments are still allowed but the current postal regulations severely restrict it. A summary of the C2C tobacco products postal regulations (well actually, only cigarettes and smokeless tobacco) (as I understand them) are as follows, but this could possibly change.

- Total package weight must be no more than 10 oz.

- Must be shipped using face-to-face service. In other words, must present package to postal worker at USPS counter. No pickups allowed. Proof of age and identity of sender must be verified with govt issued photo ID.

- Must be sent with "Express Mail" (I take this to mean Priority Express? - expensive, minimum $25 but more if Adult 21+ Signature service is required to be purchased - not clear on that. You will be paying retail rates since you have to buy this postage at the post office, so it might even be closer to $30+ all tolled just to ship one small package).

- Shipping label must bear real, full names of both shipper and recipient.

- Outside of package must be labeled with wording "PERMITTED TOBACCO MAILING – DELIVER ONLY TO AGE-VERIFIED ADULT OF LEGAL AGE"

- USPS will not deliver package to recipient. Package will be held at local post office for pickup and successful pickup will require proof of age and identity of recipient, verified with govt issued photo ID. Recipient must sign PS Form 3849.

- One person cannot mail more than 10 such shipments a 30-day period (meaning, you will likely be put in a database in order to track your identity and how many C2C tobacco product shipments you made in the last 30-days, which is why you have to ship it via a trip to the post office).

DMM Revision: Treatment of Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco as Nonmailable Matter​

Vape Mail And Lazy Postman!

I am tracking junkie when I see my vape mail is out for delivery. So I was excited when I seen my package was delivered early!

But after walking all the way to the mailbox there was nothing! I have heard that some mail carriers will scan their packages early so I am hoping that is what has happened. Just hoping somebody else didn't get my mail...but this has happened before when I received packages so Im pretty sure it just early scanning!


Shipping Alternatives To Usps, Ups, Fed Ex, Dhl ?

Hello all.
1). Wondering if anyone knows if any online ejuice distributors have found and are using any shipping alternatives from the all those who have complied to the corrupt U.S. governments illegitimate vape mail ban to residential addresses ?

2). Has vape manufacturers in China found a way to deliver hardware to U.S. residential customers?  

Last Vape Mail

Kind of sad really. I got my last package today. Finally hit the end of my list of long term supplies, a box of loose Kanger head parts and insulators, Lemo gaskets, and a big reel of kanthal. I'll miss hitting refresh on the USPS tracking page and sitting by the kitchen window waiting for the mail truck.

Although, I could get some more nic just in case I live past 90. Maybe a mech mod or two. And batteries. An ohm tester. Some more bottles. Maybe a Nautilus, got to try one of them last week and it was the best vape I ever had. If I get the Nautilus I would need spare glass, and other parts, and a second Nautilus in case I lose the first one. Yeah, I'll be OK.

It's probably coming for all of us though, that last vape mail.  

Webinar: Commenting On The Usps Vape Mail Restrictions

Join us on Tuesday, March 9th at 2 pm Eastern for a free webinar

With UPS, FedEx, and DHL all abandoning vaping businesses and consumers, it is extremely important that you submit comments to the USPS during the current comment period, which closes on March 22nd.


Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Commenting on the USPS Vape Mail Restrictions. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.  

"heads Up" Avoid Usps For A Bit.

Something is up with USPS lately. Ive never had any problem with them until lately. Right now I have a few packages stuck in transit and way past there delivery date. Just thought I would let everyone know.

If this is not the right place for this just move it but I think this needs to be front and center cause vape mail is important.