Any 3d Printing Ideas?

Well, hello again. I know I made 3 posts in 2 days and please tell me if it is bothering you

Do you have any 3D printing vaping related ideas?

Oh by the way haha I want to share a little story with you, don't read it if you don't want to

So I woke up one day and said to myself out of nowhere;
"Ima flippin vape"
I had no experience in vaping at all at the time, but I could at least do some stuff in engineering. (I'm double licensed in electronics and mechanics)
So I lit up a cigarette and began designing the body of the box mod. I had no idea how I was going to make it but basically, I was going to print the whole thing, including the atomizer (RDA style, I didn't even know it was called an RDA haha) but I had no resistance wire. So break the hairdryer, I did.
After a hell lotta designing and stuff, wrapping the wire around a piece of cotton, (yup) hooking the battery up, but... well... it was a drill battery, I'm talking about 12 volts.
I then bought some glycerin (100% VG) from the pharmacy, and all I was looking for were them fat clouds. Oh man, fat clouds did I get. But also the first vape hit in my life was a dry hit.

After coughing my lungs out, I looked at the cotton, obliterated it was.
Instead of reducing the voltage, I just threw like 10 more windings to it and since, it was the best vape I ever had somehow, ooh I also bought some flavouring and it just tasted like I was eating the real thing.

Then the plastic melted  

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FULL DISCLOSU I currently vape on an SX Mini / Goliath @ .4 ohms and can blow some pretty good clouds, but that's not what it's all about for's about staying off the ciggies.  

New Setup

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Am I A Luddite?

Or maybe even a heretic, or a blasphemer?
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I have a nice big fancy Smok vv/vw battery. If I cut my juice in half with VG I can blow some massive clouds without knocking myself out. I found this to be mildly amusing for a short period of time. I also found out that with my regular mix when I dialed around for the "sweet spot" I ended up at 3.7 volts...

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I got my first mini pro tank from a vape shop. I just assumed it was a Kanger, but there was no mention of Kangertech anywhere on the packaging or tank. Whatever, I really liked it. I figured the real deal would be even better so I ordered one online. Kanger had discontinued the version 1, so I bought the "new, improved" version 2. It was good, but I liked the clone version 1 better. The clone tanks are polycarbonate rather than pyrex, but I don't vape plastic eating flavors, so that's a non-issue.

Now I'm not knocking all the cloud chasing, coil winding, wick trimming gear heads that seem to dominate these forums, but if there's anybody else out there who enjoys vaping with a nice, simple, inexpensive setup, I'd like to hear from you.  

Wire Safe Duration

Hi, despite all the info on the internet these days, I ve been unable to find an answer to what is the life use of a wire on a rta coil (not the cotton or liquids) before it gets exhausted and become a bad element to health, maybe to the point of releasing metal particles that could go into the lungs... I know this is highly relative and depends on what kind of wire, liquids and vaping frecuency, but if I give you a straight case, maybe I ll make a good relation between other materials and their durability. It happened that during 2020, with the pandemic on full first impact, importations were very slow and in some cases, closed for long periods of time, I was trying to get some imported wires but I didn't have enough luck to find those I needed, just very thin wire for mtl equipment, which I didn't have. All was sold out from vaping websites... I ve managed to get a Zeus X rta and with it, the included premade coils (I think these are Nichrome)... Thing is, I used the same (and only) metal coil for almost 6 months, obviously replacing the cotton when needed (I had all the other materials, bags of cotton Bacon, tools, fresh liquids, etc), the liquid I ve been using is Don Juan sweet tobbaco and reserve, from King Crest. In those six moths I didn't vape all days or weeks, since finding or importing liquids were also a problem, so confinement and the lack of products, push me to smoke again, sadly, but I didn't give up and I start to build again the coil meanwhile the purchases arrive from other countries. The metal coil doesn't seems to be exhaust in plain view, it gets datk or black, as normally should be after several days of use and when tasting a bit burnt, but once I clean up with a brush, water and some short dry burning when building again, it gets back its grey metal color, not the same shine as a new one, but close. My vaping frequency was sometimes in chain, due to anxiety, but not all day or days and I was careful to rebuilt often. Mods are one Aegis X and one Smok P3, wattage I use is between 40 and 60 because even if the coils can be auto detected and suggestion is 75w, this is always overrated and burning taste triggers in 3 days. Only thing I did notice was sort of a metal taste for a period of time, that after went away and never got back. If someone wants to drop an answer, be welcome please, thank you all...  

Can't Seem To Sub-ohm :(

Hi everyone, I started vaping with a vaporfi pro 650 mAh battery with an atty at 1.8- 2.0 ohm. Then I upgraded to a provari with a carto tank from IBTanked, which I LOVE!!! I tried a friends Atlantis and it was so harsh I couldn't believe how hot it was. I actually couldn't get into my lungs choked me up bad. So I bought a subtank mini the other day and tried the 1.2 ohm coil with my provari and again way too hot and harsh. I tried it at the lowest volts and not much vapor and the higher I went the more vapor but couldn't enjoy it (get it into my lungs) I really would like to blow big clouds but how the hell do you do it??? What am I doing wrong?

Second quick question, I'm thinking about buying an e-grip, I like the tank being inside of the mod and it comes with a 1.5 coil but will I still have the same problem as above. I like a warm vape but not a choking hot one!

Thanks and Happy Holidays!!!  

Cotton Wicks Making Me Sick?

I have been using an evod for two years now. Yeah, I know, minor leagues, but it gets the job done just fine for me.

For the first 18 months I was constantly buying new coils. I work from home so I can basically vape all I want and I vape A LOT. I use Swagger as my ADV and it will destroy a coil in just a couple days. It was becoming difficult to even find coils to buy and it was getting expensive, so I did some research on rebuilding my own coils. At first I tried to build them with silica wick, but I could never get them to work right. Using 1mm silica wick wrapping around a stick pin the wraps would always be too big and there was lots of leak/gurgling. So I went the cotton route and would wrap around a 1/32 drill bit and then slide the cotton through the coil. Works great, perfect ohms, great flavor. I've been doing this for the past six months. In the first 18 months of vaping I never got sick once. Since I've been using the cotton wicks I've been SEVERELY sick twice (probably a respiratory infection but never went to the Doc), and now I feel like I'm getting sick AGAIN.

I've noticed that I can see little flecks of what looks like cotton building up on the mouthpiece, and I'm assuming, going into my lungs. I think this is what is making me sick--the buildup over time. Anyone else had issues with this? I think I may have reached the end of my rope with vaping and now maybe I'll do what my original intention was (quitting altogether after vaping for a short period of time).

Anyone have any tips on rebuilding coils with silica? I've watched a million Youtube videos and replicate the process perfectly, but the wraps end up being twice the size they should be and I've been unable to slide silica wicks into the coil like I do with cotton because even at 1mm it's too big to fit through the hole. Thanks for any help.  

Very Disappointed With Sub Ohm Vaping!

I started vaping ages ago back in 2007 or thereabouts.
The only ecigs available then were either 510 or older type 801 atomizers.
We then bought the chucks and vaped on 6 volts with 5 ohm atomizers for a while. (Custom made Vivi Nova 5 ohm coils)
This "while" lasted for years, and I am a little "out of the loop".
I recently bought an IPV mini 70 watts with a few subohm tanks (Kanger, Artic, Herakles etc, 0.5~1.2 OHMS).
The internet is riddled with videos of guys blowing huge clouds of vapor with these sub ohm systems. This intrigued me.
What they do not tell you, is that it is impossible to take a mouth to lung puff, because these tanks afford too much airflow.
Personally, I feel very uneasy breathing anything directly into my lungs. My older 801 and 510 atomizers sometimes spurted out liquid.
I would like your thoughts on this one?

I find that a mouth puff gives you more taste. It's sort of wasted if it goes directly into the lungs.
Another thing I discovered is that these sub-ohm tanks vape much hotter than my previous e cigs. I cannot get a cool/cold vape no matter what wattage I use.

Thirdly, The kanger sub ohm mini coil crackles loudly, sort of Pops loudly from time to time. This greatly annoys me and adds to my lung inhale paranoia.
I'm a little stuck at the moment, and do not know what ecig/tank/coil system to transition to.