Sba Asks Fda To Extend Pmta For One More Year!

"In a letter sent to the FDA on June 7, the Small Business Administration (SBA) Office of Advocacy asked the regulators to seek a court order extending for an additional year the current moratorium on enforcement actions against small vape manufacturers who submitted Premarket Tobacco Applications (PMTAs) before last year’s Sept. 9 deadline."

"The SBA letter doesn’t mean the FDA will ask Judge Grimm to extend the enforcement grace period, but it is an encouraging development."

See whole article he
SBA Urges Another Year of Sales for PMTA-Submitted Products - Vaping360  

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Pmta Enforcement..

Ok so let’s say it’s Thursday morning September 10, 2020. What type of enforcement do you think we will see across the country to our local vape shops and online retailers? Will there be vehicles with FDA printed on the side speed into their parking lots ,screeching their breaks, and men in black suits running into them with large trash bags shoving products in them?

Well I know it won’t be that extreme. I’m just curious how it will all be enforced. Will the shop owners who have no idea what pmta is still operate until the fda sends them a letter to stop? How do you guys think the enforcement part of things will play out?  

Which Popular E-cigarette Manufacturers Submit Application To Fda?

Vaping companies are required by the FDA to provide a Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA), which will include scientific data to show a product is appropriate for public consumption. Manufacturers have until Sept. 9 to submit their application, failing which their products will be pulled from the market. Once an application is submitted, companies can keep selling their products for a year from the date of deadline, without official approval, or until a negative action is taken by the FDA.

It seems juul has applied, any other brands?  

National – Fda Citizen’s Petition – Pmta Delay

I'm new and don't know if anyone posted this yet - But it is important that everyone wanting to keep on vaping sign it - Here is a link to the pro vaping association where they make it easy to sign and submit online.

Support a Citizen’s Petition to FDA for delaying the PMTA deadline for certain small vapor manufacturers!
National – FDA Citizen’s Petition – PMTA Delay - CASAA  

Best Sales?

im assuming Christmas time has the best "sales" on vape equipment, am I correct?

If so who usually has the best deals?

Is there one you wait for every year?  

History Of E-cigarettes And The Fda

Copied from another group.
With permission

I am the owner of Sapphyre Nicotine. I have been in the e-cig and vape business since 2009. This post is a little long but hopefully it is informative for some.

In 2009 the FDA started seizing shipments of electronic cigarettes under the claim that they were drug delivery devices and therefore need to pass FDA approval prior to being marketed and sold in the USA. The industry was just starting out and this was a big blow. Shipments of product were not allowed to enter the USA. Credit card companies were not allowing ecig companies to work with them. It was not looking good for ecigs. A company called Smoking Everywhere sued the FDA and made the argument that ecigs should be regulated as a tobacco product since they contained nicotine which is derived from Tobacco. Njoy joined the litigation and eventually took over when Smoking Everywhere went out of business. In 2010 Njoy won the litigation and ecigs ended up being regulated as tobacco products. This was the best outcome of two evils. The FDA appealed the decision and lost that as well. That’s when the ecig industry really started taking off. Bigger players got into the market and eventually RJR, Altria/Philip Morris, BAT and other big tobacco companies came out with ecig products. They quickly became the dominant sellers in c-stores. The tobacco companies were happy selling tobacco and menthol flavors only. That’s what they knew and that’s what they were good at.

A few years later eliquids and open systems started getting popular. These products were not very popular in c-stores. That is when vape stores started opening up. They were mainly concentrating on open system (eliquids, mods and great tasting flavors). For a short time c-stores tried to sell eliquids, but they didn’t have the know how or the time to educate customers. C-stores were good at selling closed systems and vape stores were good at open systems.

To the uninformed public we are all lumped in as one industry --- electronic cigarettes.

In reality there are 2 different industries that are somewhat related.

A) The ecig/closed system industry: In the USA as of Sep 2019 is a $6.4 billion industry. It is controlled mostly by big tobacco companies. Juul (Altria/PM), Blu (Imperial Tobacco), Vuse (British Tobacco, formerly RJR), Njoy (only independent supplier), Logic (Japan International). 75% of ecigs are sold in C-Stores, drug stores and food stores. As a comparison, regular cigarette sales in the USA are around $80 billion dollars and about 75% comes from c-stores.

While ecigs sales increased at a 40% year over year rate, regular cigarette sales dropped by 7% year over year. That is a large number that is troubling to big tobacco.

The closed system industry sells primarily tobacco and menthol/mint flavors. If flavors were banned it would not impact the industry very much. The companies selling closed systems are not going to join our fight to save flavors. They have no monetary incentive to do so. In addition all of these companies are going to apply for PMTA. They are not going to sue the FDA and risk getting PMTA approval unless it greatly impacts their business.

The vapor/open system industry: In the USA as of sep 2019 is a $2.6 billion industry. It is NOT controlled by a few large companies. There are a lot of hardware and ejuice suppliers. It is mostly sold at adult only vape stores. $1.7 Billion sold at vape stores, $350 million in c-stores and $550 million online. Lots of suppliers, distributors, small businesses are part of this industry. They mostly sell flavored eliquid as opposed to tobacco and menthol flavors.

Having been involved with both the ecig business and the vape business, I can say that they are completely different. The vape industry is getting punished for crimes committed by the ecig industry. Unfortunately we are being lumped in as one. We are the easier one to target. We need to do a much better job getting this message out.

I would also like to make a point regarding zero nicotine flavors being regulated by the FDA. The reason our industry is regulated by the FDA as a tobacco product is because the eliquid contains nicotine. This is the only reason the FDA has authority over these products. Because zero nicotine ejuice does not contain nicotine, it is no longer a tobacco product. While the FDA is going to try and enforce regulation of zero nicotine ejuice as a tobacco product by using the “intent to use” rationale, that argument is simply not valid. The FDA will also not be able to regulate zero nicotine ejuice as a drug/drug device combination either. Ejuice with no nicotine does not cause a change in the body and therefore will not be classified as a drug. This is only my educated opinion. I am not an attorney and am not making any legal claims.

I hope this was somewhat informative to people that have not been involved with ecigs and vapes as long as I have. Feel free to add, correct if you have information that I missed.

Feel free to share  

The Hypocracy Of Ebay.

No wonder they breed potential politicians at ebay. This is a snippet of the text contained in a email a friend of mine got over the weekend:

Due to strict government regulations, eBay doesn't allow the sale of most tobacco products. This includes cigarettes, cigars, herbal cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco. E-cigarettes also aren’t allowed on eBay. We realize e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco. But due to a lack of globally consistent or clearly established regulations for the sale of these items, eBay has made the decision to not allow the sale of e-cigarettes or their components.

So, since its NOT regulated as of yet, they`ll regulate it for us??? And yet the "other stuff" paraphernalia runs rampant on ebay. That and other things you would`nt want to try and explain to your 6 year old. Like that knitted sweater for a pickle.
God Bless ebay, they`ll be the Vaping Heroes for us all and help make our decisions for us, cause we are just too slow to understand or comprehend the nature of our actions.
Also, you can buy ANY flavor of juice (especially the "other stuff" flavor) you want on ebay, as long as it is zero nic. But what are you going to vape it with? You can buy the juice, but you cant buy the vaporizer. HOW is this LOGIC agreeable to anyone?

The most scandalous entity on Ebay, is Ebay itself.  

Epilogue Of Sorts

Howdy folks. I haven’t been a good community member over the passed year or so. Not much contribution. Sorry for that.

It strikes me as odd where I have landed. I did a lot of experiments, started with a mig vapor cig alike, and what I’ve landed on after about 5 years is a Pico 21700 with a profile rda. I rock home brewed unflavored liquid, and this setup has done me well. Probably about 3 cigs in that 5 year span, and that was only due to curiosity and/or lack of vape-ables. Vapor products are absolutely a powerful tool in the kit for “harm reduction”. My nic is so low, that if it weren’t for the fact that my significant other still smokes, I’d either be totally done with nicotine or totally done with the pathology.

I was disturbed to receive an email from Nude Nicotine that said they would no longer be able to ship to individuals (though I preempted my states ban by purchasing a 3 year supply). I thought the attacks were done, but I suppose I haven’t been paying close enough attention.

Adam Curry of the No Agenda podcast outlined the nature of the offensive by big tobacco deftly about a year ago (I wish I had a link, but I’d if you are interested, you will be able to find the content). It was accurate and it looks like the attack had greater follow through than I thought.
I am saddened that this continues even through these tumultuous times. Wishing you all luck; this works!  

Ugh. Granddaughter Got Caught With A Vape.

Our daughter said that she found a vape in her 13-year old daugher's room. I can hear it now: "Well PopPop vapes." If it had been cigarettes, it would be "Well mom, you smoke." I don't know who she would have blamed if it was alcohol.

You hate to play the Age Card with teenagers, but sometimes that's all you got.  

Chinese Retro Ecig Manufacturers That Sell Direct Retail?

Hi, all.

I already know about Trueman and BestEcig, but I was hoping some of you can let me know of other ecig manufacturers that sell retro gear like cigalikes (808, 801, 901, etc) and even eGo style batts, 11mm and 14mm, clearos, etc. These types of manufacturers usually sell the products they make unbranded - and therefore their prices are usually extremely low even though their are selling retail. I guess you can kinda call them "factory outlets".

I'm not interested in Alibaba, DHGate, etc sellers even if they are manufacturers. Has to be real manufacturers who have their own retail websites you can order from like the above mentioned companies.

Companies like Aspire, Kanger, iSmoka, etc don't count because they don't sell older stuff besides some small clearomizers.


After A Full Year I Can Vape Again!!!! Yay!!!!!

its been a year since i had a allergic reaction to a juice (banana suicide) and i haven't been able to vape... i just choked...and i had to resort back to smoking... i know .. i know... and ive had a sinus cold the last few days so i went to the local vape shop bought a small bottle of juice since i didn't want to smoke while sick and tried it..yesterday....and what do you know...... IM SO EXCITED i can vape!!