Cleaning Coils With Surgical Spirit - How Do You Reuse Your Coils?

Hi there,

so I got this idea to reuse coils. My coils are expensive and some people on Youtube reuse successfully because it saves money and works.

If you reuse your coils, HOW do you do it?

Can I use surgical spirit (and water later of course) to clean them?  

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Increasing Ohm's On Coils

Hello everyone!

I did this pretty interesting experiment on using a set of coils for years.
I own a Digiflavor DROP RDA, on which I installed dual "Flat Alien Clapton" coils, each running 0.45ohm's on paper, and when measured, it was 0.21~ ohm's together.

Almost everyone says, when a coil turns black, trash it. But you can also burn the excess gunk, wash them, and reuse them a couple of times!
But what if I were to clean them all the time and vape further?

Well, after around 2 to 3 years of vaping, cleaning, and reusing the same coils, I can finally answer.

The coils are always on some kind of a flavour, even if you didn't drip a flavoured e-liquid. I ran through 20ml of pure sweetener mix juice, you still get a previous flavour, in my case which was chocolate.
The Ohm's over these years increased from 0.21~ to 0.24~ (Measured today).
The coils are always black or dark brown. Never to be cleaned like new. Each drip is full of taste, even after cleaning/burning excess off.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask!

That's all for today!  

Please Help Me, I Am Out Of Date.

I have been vaping for 4 years now. I am using the baby beast tank. I have 3 of them.
I have never used anything else because,, well, it works fine for me. My problem is that I am having a hard time finding coils. I used to by clone coils on ebay for dirt cheap. There are no longer any coils on ebay. I cant find any coils online. They are either out of stock; or very expensive. What do people do nowadays? Do people still use the baby beast or has everyone
changed to something cheaper/better? I always use Q2 .4 Ohm coils. I only found 1 place online that has them and they are $20 for 5 of them (including shipping). What would you guys do? I was so happy with the clone coils. They were inconsistent but cheap. Some would last 3 days and some would last 10 days; but for $1.35/each I was happy.
Thank you for any advice you can give.

Ni 200 Coils

Everything that I have read so far says that you want to use spaced coils when working with Ni200. Will the coils not work as well if you use contact coils? I am asking because I have a Goblin RTA and it has a small build deck and Im not sure if I will be able to fit spaced coils in it (also, I have never made a spaced coil lol)

Thanks for your help guys!  

Coils: Is Cleaning Really Worth It?

Whenever I clean my coils and pop it back in, I always get a very bad muted taste. Worse then it was when it was "dirty".... so my question is, is cleaning really worth it? Its never once paid off for me  

Ultrasonic Cleaners, Pure Grain Alcohol And Coils

I remember seeing a few threads some time back saying that ultrasonic cleaners are awesome for almost unlimited use of stock coil heads. My question is, why hasn't this gotten more popular with the advent of expensive coils? Does it not work as well? I'm curious. I might pick one up if it's awesome for stock coils. It'll pay for itself in 2 packs of coils. Thoughts?  

Cleaning And Re-using Aspire Bvc Coils Without Dry Buning

I've read many of the hysterical posts about the wick material in Aspire BVC coils. But I've gotten used to all the chicken little hysterical threads on ECF over the years. In the case of Aspire BVC coils I believe the hysteria to be unwarranted. If you believe it then read no further.

I've been using a Nautilus and Naut mini for a few months now. I can afford the BVC coil replacement cost but decided as an old school vaper to try to recycle them rather than just tossing them. I realize that some have managed to rebuild them but I decided to attempt simply re-using them in stock condition. I certainly don't expect many people to adopt my method but here it is for those who might. You'll need an ultrasonic cleaner.

In retrospect my first step was likely overkill but I'll find out with the next batch. My first step was to force warm water through each coil assembly with a dental water pik. I then placed all the rinsed assemblies in a small ultrasonic cleaner having filled the tank with hot tap water. The ultrasonic cleaner was purchased a few years ago in an attempt to recycle cartos. That attempt was doomed to failure.

My inexpensive ultrasonic cleaner runs three minute cycles and shuts off. Given that I probably went through enough cycles to equal 60 minutes total cleaning cycles with 4 or 5 water changes. When the tank water started to remain clear the coils were allowed to air dry for ~48 hours.

The result is that I am vaping one of these recycled coils and the performance is identical to a factory fresh coil. The first 10 or 12 hits carried a somewhat off taste but then cleared completely. This is FWIW. YMMV.  

Confused On Kanger Coils

Ok so I know that kanger subtank .5 ohm coils are good for up to like fifty watts and the subtank 1.2 coils are good for up to 26 watts, my question is this kanger has released vocc coils pretty much the same coils they have for the aero tank , genitank ,etc except now they have organic cotton like the subtank coils. Is it safe to think that the 1,2 and 1.5 ohm vocc coils will be safe as the 1.2 and 1.5 subtank coils at the 26 or so watt range, if not how many watts are safe so I don't burn them to hell  

Destroying Atlantis Coils, What Am I Doing Wrong?

To keep it short, my coils are lasting a day on average. I vape a 12mg store bought Skittles flavor and occasionally mix it with 18mg Menthol juice between 25-30 watts. The coils taste burnt and get clogged with some black crud. I'm priming the coils with juice, doing the dry hits that's recommended, essentially everything by the book but I can't get any decent lifespan out of these coils. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  

Sigelie Coils Taste Like Ebay Knock Offs

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Vapeonly Atlantis Ni200 Coils...

I was strolling through sweet vapes website and seen they had these Atlantis coils made by aspire.I plan on ordering a temp control mod this week and wanted some nickel coils to go with it I have the maganus/starre tank...well I seen that the vapor shark nickel coils are twice the price so I was wondering if any one had any experience with these. I heard the Atlantis coils would fit in the Maganus but didn't know if these would and I see the vapor sharks ni200 coils are 0.15 and the vapeonly coils are 0.25 would that be noticeable or have any effect such as having to use more watts or temperature? Here's a link VapeOnly vAir-T Atlantis Nickel OCC - Aspire Coils - Aspire - Clearomizers Tanks