Obs Engine W/ Engine S Sub-ohm Tank Review

My my, where to begin. Okay, so this is my first review outside of general observations about any gear that I've acquired. Today we'll be looking at the OBS Engine mod with the Engine S 6mL Atomizer. This was won as a giveaway here on ECF which was hosted by @Pheric from ElegoMall (Best Vape Wholesale| Electronic Cigarette Wholesale| ElegoMall - Best Vape Wholesale Supplier!).

Even though I received this for free, I will give it an unbiased review. I'm not at all a fan of misinformation or deception, so I will be critiquing this kit accordingly. I do not know or use some of the more complex jargon in regards to tank parts or mods, so this should hopefully be fairly easy to understand for anyone that isn't fully knowledgeable about the specificities of these items.

The box arrived encased in the general gift box style presentation. This box however doesn't have a cover under the outer gift box sleeve, so be careful when you're opening it or the mod will come flying out. Inside were the basics you'll find in pretty much every original mod or kit purchase:

1x Engine 100W Mod
1x Engine S Tank (6 mL)
1x 18650 Battery Adaptor (uses 18650/20700/21700 battery - battery not included)
1x E1 0.4 ohm Mesh Coil
1x E2 0.2 ohm Mesh Coil
1x Spare Bubble Glass (6 mL)
1x Spare O-rings
1x USB Type-C Cable
1x Warning Card
1x Warranty Card
1x User Manual

I'll start with the Engine S Sub-ohm Tank.

The machining of the tank is quite sharp. And when I say sharp, I mean both in looks and in actual sharpness. I will go further into that as we get down the line. While the 810 drip tip on this tank isn't proprietary, it isn't exactly universal either. On the Uwell Fancier RDTA (I didn't try all of my tanks), the inner sleeve is longer than other more universal 810s and so it sticks up creating a gap between the bottom lip of the 810 and the tank. I can imagine there are more tanks out there with this issue. I did stick it on a few GeekVape atomizers and the OXVA Arbiter just to see how it sits, and it sits nicely, but it's pretty loose. Much looser than probably preferable. Even on the tank itself, it's rather moveable/twistable, but it creates enough of a seal that you won't feel any slippage of air between the 810 and the tank. You can likely shove most 810s into the Engine S, but it's going to be tight with some of them being the seal sticks out a bit into the cap well.

The top refill area has the basic double U shaped slots that are just big enough to slide a normal 120 mL gorilla bottle tip inside of.

One of the cool things about this atomizer is that the tank housing is a single piece. In the picture above, you can see how the top and bottom seals (black o-rings) are all part of a single piece. That makes the removal of the glass very simple and easy. This also however means, you need to pretty much empty the tank of any juice before you remove the coil, or you're going to have yourself a hot mess. You can tip the tank on its side when removing the coil so that the remaining juice rests inside the bubble glass to give you a little leeway. Not a huge deal in exchange for how easy it is to remove the glass (I cannot say that for many tanks - it's usually quite a chore to get the glass off without it feeling like it's going to shatter in your hand). Just remember to empty the tank before you change coils.

After opening this tank up, I washed it in dish soap, but you can see in the pic above, the machine oil that was left inside from 12 o' clock to about 2:30. I think this is a good reminder that you should always wash out your newly purchased tanks in some sort of cleaning solution, whether it be vodka that some swear by, or soapy dish soap. Just make sure if you're using the latter, that you give it a very thorough rinse inside and out.

As I had mentioned before, this thing is machined quite sharply. This isn't just an OBS thing - I've gotten micro cuts from several tanks trying to twist it open, or removing the glass, or trying to close/open the juice valve. Parts on these tanks can be quite sharp, and this tank is no exception. The inner ring of the base piece that has the thread post is quite sharp. Same with the bottom of the tank housing piece shown above. This is a warning for all tanks really - just be aware where your fingers are when you're twisting your tanks.

The coils. The preinstalled coil was the 0.2 ohm "E2" Mesh coil. The spare that comes in the box is the 0.4 ohm "E1". I have yet to use the E1 coil, but if it's anything like the E2 coil, you're in for a treat. Using the E2 coil, 45 watts was the sweet spot for me. The coil recommends 50-70, and best at 60w, but I don't see an improvement with the flavor. I do get a bit more clouds, but that isn't the main reason I vape, and I can also squeeze out more puffs from battery life. The OBS Engine mod very easily hits 100 watts and still gives off decent flavor and much more clouds, but if it isn't a short burst, you're sure to get a burnt wick flavor. Stick below the recommended wattage and it'll perform very nicely. 45 watts is giving me an absolutely stellar juice flavor. The E1 coil recommends 45-55, best being 50 watts. More on the mod below.

Last for the tank is the Airflow Control Ring which works similar to most other bottom airflow rings - about a quarter turn CW will open it, CCW will close it. You can definitely make this MTL with it being fully closed, but I'm sure there are restricted MTLers out there that would tell me this thing is like a vacuum hose fully closed. I'm regularly a Restricted Direct to Lunch vaper, and this thing gets pretty tight. The ring is grooved so that it stops at full open and completely closed.

One last note, I did drop this kit off of my desk which is probably 2.5 feet on the 810 I believe, and when I picked it up and fired it, it read check atomizer. I thought oh no, I've only had this a day... However, if you ever get the check atomizer notice on any mod with a drop in coil, try removing the coil, rotating it a bit or flip it (if able), and then reinserting it. Also when putting the coil back in, seat it but don't shove it all the way back in. Let the base press it back in when screwing it on. Try this a couple of times if you're still getting check atomizer. Also try taking the atomizer completely out of the mod, and screwing it back in slowly while firing the mod. See if any point you don't get the check atomizer reading. This is the second coil I've had to do this with, and both times it's worked. It's worth a try if this happens to you.

Onward, to the Engine!

First off, this thing is pretty tiny. It's literally the size of a 21700 battery with a chip strapped onto the side. My first impression was thinking "oh nooo, this thing isn't going to be able to use all 100 watts." Wrong. Aside the YiHi chip in power mode, the only thing this chip falls short of is the ramp up time, and it's hardly even noticeable. That fact that it can use a 21700 battery makes it even better imo. Remember though, this guy only has power/variable wattage mode. **For any TC users out there, this isn't the one for you.**

The 510 plate is ribbed for heat dispersion which is quite effective. I got the mod slightly warm testing the wattages all the way up to 100, but the tank never got so hot that I couldn't hold my hand on it comfortably. Comparing this mod to other dual battery mods, I saw no difference in performance up to 100 watts. I didn't however test this with a low battery. Vaping at 45 watts until the battery ran out, I saw no difference in performance. If you're used to vaping at or above 70 watts regularly, I think a double battery mod would be a wiser choice. It isn't that this mod can't handle the watts, it's that there's only 1 battery and 70+ watts might, just might get you through the day, depending on how often you vape. So really, this mod is limited by the battery you're using. As any veteran from ECF would recommend, use OEM batteries that Mooch recommends. If you are unfamiliar where to find this information, do a search for "recommended oem batteries" with Mooch's name in the "Posted by Member" portion.

Battery door is screw on. Be careful that you do not cross the threads. Pressing the cap in and evenly distributing pressure across it while also pressing and twisting can be a bit of a trick. Be patient though, cuz if you cross the threads, that's a done deal. The threading is pretty fine as well. Bending your index finger and using your knuckle to press on the cap while using your middle finger and thumb to twist on the cap seemed to work a treat for me.

The hard plastic 18650 battery adaptor on the left. Screw on cap signifies that it's the negative end for the battery. Molicel P42A 21700 slid in nice and smoothly.

As advertised, this mod allows you to interchange the black carbon fiber battery sleeve with various other colors - sold separately.

The display cover is a fingerprint magnet as seen in the picture below, but what display isn't. A couple things to note about this mod that are different than most other regulated mods I've used:

1 - it asks you what type of battery you're using when you open up the battery cap or put in a new battery and turn it on - pretty cool. I don't believe this limits your battery (actually, lemme check)... Okay, so it does limit the wattage down to 80 watts with an 18650. Not sure about the 20700 as I have none, but the 21700 unlocks the 100 watt potential of this mod.
2 - the battery meter draws down in 10% increments. 90%, 80%, 70%, etc. Not a huge deal for me.
3 - The voltage meter isn't read until you fire the mod, much like Amp readings are on mods with an Amp readout. There is no Amp readout in this UI however, so either know your Ohm's Law, or double check on a mod with an Amp readout. I would suggest the latter, as coils and coil readouts can be finnicky sometimes and be very erratic or inaccurate. Remember VOA: Voltage / Ohms = Amps. In regards to batteries, reference Mooch's list of batteries and find the *actual estimated* Maximum Discharge Rate (pretend Pulse Discharge value doesn't exist, because it doesn't), and multiply that amperage by 3 to get a wattage cap for that battery. If you don't know what I'm talking about, and you're vaping - I would highly suggest that you do some battery research. Anyway, onward with the review!

Dammit, I just reset the puff counter trying to figure out how to change the UI color. So normally, 3 quick presses of the fire button brings you to a menu of some sort. This guy doesn't have a menu. Your options are power, and then more power - all the way to 100 watts. =) 3 quick presses on the OBS Engine cycles you through the UI colors. Above, you can see on the bottom of the screen that the red circle is highlighted - everything you see in red, can be changed to any of those other 5 colors. Purple, Light Blue (aqua?), Dark Blue, Green, and White. To unlock the UI to change the wattage, you quickly press up or down 3 times consecutively on the same button and the lock icon will shift to unlocked. I just tried using a bunch of different combos between the up and down button to unlock, and it neither unlocked nor gave me 30 extra lives. Maybe on the next mod. Kudos to those that get that reference.

I haven't tried the USB-C charger yet, but I wouldn't recommend using it unless you don't have a separate battery charger with you. And if you don't, then this probably works as most of them do.

My Overall Thots Thoughts.

This guy was a game changer for me. Before now, the only drop/screw in coil atomizer that held any sort of competition to RBAs was the Freemax Fireluke 3, and this tank is head to head with it. Both have their minor bonuses or drawbacks, but in the end it's how they perform - and they're both right up there for me. I've only been vaping on this thing for 3 days now (rolling into the 4th), and I'm 60% into my second 21700. Mind you, I only charge my batteries to 80ish % (complicated, but you get more drain cycles out of your battery). I usually have probably 10 or so kits in rotation at any given moment, but I've only been vaping this to try and put some miles on it for this review. I just reset my puff counter accidentally, but the last I had checked, I was at 367. Add 6, so at least 373 puffs (hold on, lemme pull my sock off to count) - yeah, 373 puffs give or take some. No sign of wear on the coil yet. I've refilled this 6 mL tank 5 times now, and I'm halfway through the 5th. All juices have been 70/30 VG/PG. One of my fruity juices (Nude POM) was actually overbearing with this tank. I've used half of the 120 mL in other tanks and it vaped strong, but not overbearing. For whatever reason, this mod draws out some crazy flavor. The Dvarw, Kayfun 5 Squared, Brunhilde, OXVA Arbiter, Profile RDTA, Aromamizer, Uwell Fancier, Blitzen - all seemed to produce a richer flavor. Is it just me noticing that tanks taste differently on different mods? The difference is astounding to me. The size, the weight, the performance (although no TC capabilities), the price - I would highly recommend this kit.

Would I buy this again? Yes, I plan on buying a few more and would definitely replace it if it broke.
Would I recommend this to others? Defo yes.
Would I make love to this kit? Ye- hey now. What happens behind closed doors, stays behind closed doors.

To compare size against other fairly common mods. The mod to the left of the Engine is the OXVA Velocity which holds a single 21700, and same with the two to the right of the Engine - The GeekVape Max and Vandy Vape Pulse Mechanical Squonk.

I hope you enjoyed the review and that it shed some light on the OBS Engine Kit!

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A Tale Of Two Old Setups...


maybe I was bored. Maybe to much doom and gloom on all the bans of new gear and the shipping of it. I started to think - why not have some fun with some of the stuff I already have?

Cases in point - the two rigs in the picture above. I believe that all the hardware (mods and tanks) are over 5 years old. The setup on the left has a bit of a story about it.

Sitting on my desk is a few old tube mods that I wonder what it would be like to use again. I found a old (I think KFv3) tank laying around, built a very low mass 2ohm coil in it, filled it up and went and tried it out on my old 15W tube mods. Sadly not a one of them liked the KFv3 and would register the 2ohm coil. So what to do? I had a old Evic that surely could be put into power mode. While I was not to surprised that it all works (I've actually refilled the tank a few times and replaced the battery once) the vape is more restrictive than I tend to like and be it the build (or the 10W power mode) I don't really like the flavor of the unflavored juice with this. Another negative is that while it is top fill, there is no juice flow control so the atomizer get flooded each time the tank is refilled. While I could (and have) used it in a pinch, I can get 1-2 tank fills on a single 3000mah battery.

The setup on the right represents some historical firsts for me. Years ago when I first got into rebuilding a Lemo2 was one of three tanks I bought when I started. It was also my first top fill tank. Sitting under it is my first ever Dicodes mod (a #6). This mod is setup in TC mode with 380F temperature setting and 23W.

Be it the better tank or the use of TC mode, the setup on the right provides a good vape. The 26650 has enough mah to easily allow me to vape the tank dry (takes me most of the day) and since years ago I got Dicodes very over priced charger, I just drop the mod in the charger at the end of the day and its ready for more vaping in a few hours.

So, anyone else putting to use or having some fun with +5 year old vaping gear? How do you like it?


Am I A Luddite?

Or maybe even a heretic, or a blasphemer?
I like mini tanks and small batteries. My favorite setups are mini protank version 1 clones with 650mah basic ego style batteries. Stainless steel finish, no funky colors or designs. Single bottom coil on the tanks, no air flow controls. Standard voltage batteries, no twisty things on the bottom, no usb passthrough, no digital displays, just a battery. I like the ego style because the protruding button is easier to find and helps keep them from rolling around. The lack of features I don't need means the batteries are small. I like small, sleek, simple.

I have a nice big fancy Smok vv/vw battery. If I cut my juice in half with VG I can blow some massive clouds without knocking myself out. I found this to be mildly amusing for a short period of time. I also found out that with my regular mix when I dialed around for the "sweet spot" I ended up at 3.7 volts...

The mini tanks don't hold a day's worth of juice, and the 650mah batteries don't last all day. So what? Tank gets low, twist it off and pop another on. Battery light flashes, same thing. I've got a battered old EGO case from my first starter kit, it holds four tanks and batteries and a bottle of juice with room to spare.

I got my first mini pro tank from a vape shop. I just assumed it was a Kanger, but there was no mention of Kangertech anywhere on the packaging or tank. Whatever, I really liked it. I figured the real deal would be even better so I ordered one online. Kanger had discontinued the version 1, so I bought the "new, improved" version 2. It was good, but I liked the clone version 1 better. The clone tanks are polycarbonate rather than pyrex, but I don't vape plastic eating flavors, so that's a non-issue.

Now I'm not knocking all the cloud chasing, coil winding, wick trimming gear heads that seem to dominate these forums, but if there's anybody else out there who enjoys vaping with a nice, simple, inexpensive setup, I'd like to hear from you.  

Evolution Of A Vape (sort Of)

It all started as I was bored one day and decided to drop by the local vape shop and see what they had for sell. Silly me I bought a "pod mod" to see what all the fuss with the devices was about.

Enter the mod on the far left. A "pod mod". I don't recall what it cost me but it was small and light and not very expensive and the sales person claimed "it won't leak" so I figured - what the heck, I'll get it and make up some 'salts' juice and try it out.

While it was fairly easy to fill and the sales person was right, it did not leak. It did suffer from a number of 'issues'. Namely dismal output, battery life and juice capacity. Did I mention that the "flap" to get at the microUSB connection for charging was challenging? While I tried to make use of it while I enjoyed my morning coffee after a few weeks of ether running out of juice or battery at just the wrong time I started looking else where. However now that I had 30ml of 50mg juice mixed up I though I'd 'upgrade' my "salts dispenser".

Move to the setup in the middle, a Nautilus mini clone (with aftermarket RBA) and a iStick40. While the RBA is downright painful to build on I left the 1.4 ohm Kanthal build on it and filled the 2ml tank with the 50mg juice. The iStick40 is said to have a 2700mah battery (and optional TC with NI coils). The iSticks have their USB ports on the bottom. So with the tank filled up and the iStick charged up I again went about my business. This setup was a vast improvement over the 'pod mod'. Better (but not great, after all it is a Nautilus mini) output, longer battery life and more juice. It felt good to be able to grab some gear out of my stash and put it to use. The setup did have its downsides, namely the filling of the tank. Tanks of this era are filled by unscrewing the bottom+coil/atomizer out of it and squeezing juice directly into the upside down tank and then screwing it back together. While I had a dozen or more of this style of tank in use in my early vaping days, I've grown accustomed to easy top fill tanks so started thinking that I could do better so back to the stash I looked.

Enter the setup on the right. While the mod itself is fairly new (Dicodes 21700) the tank is a eLeaf "Lemo2" (only slightly newer vintage then the Nautilus). This setup gives me 3.2ml of tank, even higher output, top fill ease, longer battery life and TC of the coil. The three drawbacks of this setup are that its MUCH larger and heavier than the pod mod that I started out with and the only way to get new energy into the mod is swap batteries. Last and importantly (for those that like to use coil wrecking flavors) is that the only way to service the coil is complete disassembly of the entire tank to gain access to the coil. (not much of a worry when vaping pure unflavored juice).

This is the setup I've been using while enjoying my morning cup of coffee though. Just all part of a evolution.  

New Vaping Gear, Pretty Happy

I'm almost two years into vaping and it has been great.

I've been using a VW Ehuge 35 watt 26650 mod with a Kanger Subtank. Its huge and heavy but the battery lasts a long time. Also been using an Innokin Coolfire 2 with a Gladius tank.

Figured it was time to upgrade. Been watching several review videos to see whats out there. A lot of new sub ohm tanks and they all seem pretty good.

I've never had a box mod and figured it was time. Bought a Cloupor T6 recently to put my Subtank on. The T6 is supposed to be a 100 watt device. The Kanger coil only goes to 30 watts so no big deal there.

I really like the T6. Pretty small for a 26650 mod. Surface is slippery though, need to get a wrap for it. Butons are nice any clicky. The battery cover has magnets which is nice, no screw driver needed. Feels solid and the internals are clean. Its thick and the 25mm Subtank fits nicely on it.

Recently after watching some videos, I came across a new kinda unknown Sub Ohm Clearo. Its the Freemax Starre Sub Ohm. .5ohm or .25ohm coils. Mine came with the .5ohm. The .5ohm is rated 20-60 watts and the .25ohm is rated 20-100 watts. Reviewers were all impressed with the vapor and taste of this device. So I ordered one.

Wow, OMG, this Freemax Starre rocks. Blows away my Kanger Sub Tank in vapor production and flavor. Holds 5ml and the air holes are huge. Surgical Stainless Steel and Surgical Cotton used in the coil. Amazing.

After some more research, I discovered the Cloupor T6 really doesn't put out 100 watts. Well, that makes sense as its only a single battery device.

So went to the local vape shop today and bought a Sigelei 150 watt to put the Freemax Starre on. Will order some .25ohm coils soon.

Lovin the Sigelei so far. Magnets on battery cover, comes with a silicone gel case, nice clicky buttons, takes 2 18650. Its taller and wider than the T6 but not as thick. One thing it lacks that the T6 has is a USB charging port.

The Freemax Starre fits perfectly on it. The Kanger Sub Tank is wider than the Sigelei but fits perfect on the T6.

Really enjoying both of these box mods.

A few pics

New Setup Review

Well I did a quick search and couldn't find a review for the Sigelei 30watt mini and figured I'd make one now that I received mine. I have no clue how to post vids through my phone so I apologize for the primitive text review haha. So here we go my review of the Sigelei 30watt mini:

Sigelei 30watt mini
Micro usb charger cable (located inside battery slot)

The 30watt box mod is yet another great mod from Sigelei. Standing a little over 3 inches tall and an inch deep it is definitely a stealthy little device. This device comes with the standards of all sigeleis. A fire button, 2 function buttons and a display screen. And of course it's loaded with the standard safety functions:
Low voltage protection
High voltage warning
Reverse polarity protection
Low resistance protection
Short circuit protection
It also includes 5 memory banks for quick wattage changes. Wattage range from 5-30 watts in .1 increments.
PWM mode and DC-DC mode. 5 click power on-power off. Voltage display and ohm display aswell. The device requires 1 18650 lithium ion battery which inserts to the back of the device via magnetic battery door, that's right! MAGNETIC! Now here are some pros and cons I've found for the mod.

Clicky buttons, gotta love the click.

The magnetic battery door

Size, this thing feels great in hand and fits nicely in pocket with a Kanger subtank on it.

It's made of a nice solid aluminum alloy without any goofy etching or screws.(except for on the top and bottom)

Extremely easy interface. As this is my first box mod I found it nice and easy to navigate the modes and memory banks.

Most tanks and rdas sit nice and flush on the box. I'm using a 22 mm subtank mini and there is no over hang. And even with a 25 mm tank there isn't much at all.

Now these aren't necessarily cons but just things I personally didn't find great.

It comes with a silicon sleeve, and I don't feel it necessary. And with it on the buttons become flush and harder to press.

Small screen. I am far sighted so having to squint all the time blows. You 20/20 people will have no problem though haha.

Doesn't include a battery. For something that is definitely targeting newer vapers, not hobbyists, I felt it probably should have had one with it.

The fact that it changes wattage at .1 increments is pointless honestly. I can't tell the difference between 15.3 watts and 16 watts, so what's the point?

For everything it does and everything the device comes with, it's definitely a good choice of beginners or seasoned vapers looking for another nice mod. Price varies from vendor to vendor but is pretty on point. I received mine from VapeHappy.com for 36 bucks. It also comes with a 3 month warranty from Sigelei.
I highly recommend this for just about anyone and give it a 8.5/10 due to the fact it doesn't come with a battery.

Again sorry for no video and no pics but I can't figure that crap out on my phone. I hope you enjoyed my review on the sigelei 30watt mini.  

Some Advice Please :)

Hey there!
I have been vaping for a little over a year now and have gone through several different set ups but am fairly happy with what I'm using atm-- I have one of those Aspire Sub Ohm batteries and have been using a Nautilus tank with it. It seems that the coils in the tank burn out super quickly because the battery is too strong for it I guess? Any way the other day my battery and tank (the whole shebang) fell right into the toilet. The only good thing was that the toilet was recently flushed so yeah... I am now in need of a new battery and was interested in one of those lil box mods that everyone in the world seems to be using lol. The tanks I have and would be using with it are my two Nautilus tanks (one is a mini) and sometimes an Innokin iClear thingy (the one with the cool rotating tip). I vape mostly very sweet caramel, cookie and cereal juices at .6 nic and am mostly in love with flavor versus cloud making if that makes any sense. I'm not at all good with any of the technical stuff so have no desire to use any rebuild-able stuffs. Oh and I have an Aspire vv battery but it loses the charge so quickly I am kinda wanting something new...

Any one have any great advice on a new battery for me?  

Can I Get Some Help Getting Setup Please?

Haven't vaped in like 8 years? So most of everything is new to me now..
But I did a little reading and I figured out a few things I need in a vape, but really there is so much, it's kinda hard to know what is good and what is not for brands and styles, so I'm hoping I can get some help by experienced vapers here.

I'm looking to quit smoking and here's what I'm looking for in a vape setup.

MTL Mouth to Lung setup so I can draw in and then inhale like a cigarette, but I would like a decent cloud. Not looking for huge, just good and maybe be able to slightly adjust what gets produced with using only 50/50 juice blends.

RTA setup? I need a rebuildable coil tank system.
I need to keep my maintenance cost low, so I need to be able to rebuild new coils.

No leak tank is a must. Needs to lay down on side on table and keep in pocket.

1 battery or 2. Doesn't matter much.

Would like a smaller mouthpiece compared to the larger style so I can get a good MTL draw.

Not sure what my options are for tanks and box mods or pen style? I think I need some kind of box mod? So i can slightly fine tune watts, volts to my coils if it just doesn't feel right and needs minor adjustments? Also like the option showing how many seconds used or draws.

There's so many tanks out there, but it's hard to tell what is really good.
The battery side, I really have no idea what I would need... watts, ohms, voltage.. with all the combinations, I can figure out what I really need..

Not looking to just be easy simple. I want good quality and I can only buy once.. I can't really afford it as it is, but I need to stop smoking..
But I want to buy once and be good for long time and not wish I bought something else. I just don't have the money to play around like that..

So I hope I can get some help here or suggestions to get me looking in the right direction for tank and battery side system.

Quality brands?
Brands to pass on because there is better options?  

Got A New Tank..

So I decided to get another clearomizer and the Donner by Amigo Itsuwa is what I got to replace my Aspire Atlantis.....
So here are my thoughts on it and it's just My Opinion:

Holds 4mls of juice - holds more juice so I'm not refilling my tank 2-3 times a day
.50hm Coil head is cotton & Kanthal wire & a wire mesh around the opening for better wicking ( You can use Atlantis coil in this thing and it's better in this tank then it is in the Atlantis) It comes with 2.
There's no notches or trying to center the coil head. It sits in the Clearo and just sucks juice lol
Great Flavor sub-ohm - The flavor you get from this is amazing, I was a little taken back bc I chose a sour raspberry and it really was more sour tasting then in any of the other tanks I had the same juice in
I personally like the drip tip but it's not for everybody
Adjustable air flow control is a wide slot - It's a slide around, but the draw from almost closed to full open is nice any way you wanna vape.
Vape production is great I use 10/90vg - 20/80vg

There are some things I don't like about this tank...
Priming the coil is a process - on a fresh coil the directions state to drop a few drops onto the coil, then once tank is filled let sit for 1-2 minutes prior to use. On your second fill of the clearo you have to let the coil sit for 2 minutes b4 use....I kinda wanna fill and vape, not fill and wait
Holding 4mls of juice is great, but if you can't vape 1ml of juice at the bottom of your tank it sucks. You can't vape the last ml of juice because the coil head sits to high so it can't wick the remaining juice.
I did find that when I put the Atlantis coil head in that the wicking was alot better then the coils that it came with, now this could be bc I am using a high vg juice.

So let's talk price....I bought this at a B&M so I paid A LOT more then what I've found online.
My price was $45.00
I have found these online for as little as $23.00
and for this price I would probably buy it again, not for $45.00
Iv'e been vaping on this for about a week now, I've gone through 2 coil heads in 4 days & now put the Atlantis coil head in it and am having better luck with it.
So there's my thoughts on my new clearomizer.  

Mods Wear Out?

I’ve been vaping the same 2 mods for over a year and 1/2. They are Geekvape Aegis 100watt with Cerberus tanks. I use a couple of tank fulls per day. Lately I’ve been getting short battery charge life regardless of new coil or not, old batteries or new. I recently changed from .3 to .2 ohm coils, does that make a difference? Do these things wear out? I thought the only thing that ever needed replacing was the coil. I have 6 of the same unit in stock. Is it time to replace and pitch?  

About Suggestions To New Vapors

the little cig bats just dont last long and at the time i started was really weak but that what made me look

for an up grade and thats how i found this place and learned every thing from reading videos and what not

and im using the orchid v3 great tank and the nemesis clones and dont touch my other stuff. every ones

different and sense you have batteries now that have VV/ vw and that cost about the same as a blue start up kit
Electronic Cigarette Kits | E Cigarette Kit | Rechargeable Kits well really its alot cheaper. and a tank that has

adjustable air flow now days for 6 bucks. why would you suggest a njoy or blue ecig. thats why 90 % of us are

here because we waisted money on them and needed something stronger. with the adjustabilty of some of

these cheap but great batteries/mods and airflow tanks i cant in good faith point some one to a item that

just didnt do the trick

that is a waist of cash. pointing some one to a mod that has adjustments makes alot more sense and

increases there chances of quiting and staying quit and spend less money. some of us where not that lucky

but we started when vaping was a baby its growing fast and like computers theres a upgrade every day. so i

do not see the point it pushing some one to a blu or some random stuff like that when there are alot off really

good options out there with adjustments so the user can suite there needs. save you money in the long run.

wish you guys would think about that a little bit

it took us years to learn what we know now why make a new guy go through what we had no choice to go through

why not suggest something with adjustable airflow like the
$9.58 Authentic KangerTech GeniTank Bottom Dual Coil BDC Clearomizer - 2.4ml / 1.8ohm at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping


$21.96 Authentic Aspire Nautilus Mini BVC Clearomizer - 2.0ml / 1.8ohm at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

its a great tank and super cheap adjustable air flow and easy to replace parts

and batteries like the

$25.96 Authentic Innokin iTaste VV V3.0 VV / VW 800mAh Rechargeable Battery - w/ charging cable at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping
Variable Voltage: voltage can be adjusted from 3.3 – 5.0 volts in .1 volt increments Variable Wattage: Wattage can be adjusted from 6.0 – 11.0 W in .5 watts increments Ohms meter: Resistive Load Detection Puff Counter: The puff counter will record how many puffs you have taken. The records will be cleared when the device is turned off Short Circuit/Atomizer Protection: Helps protect the iTaste VV against faulty atomizers Over-Discharge Protection: The iTaste VV monitors the battery voltage and will automatically turn off when the battery is discharged LED Battery Indicator: The iTaste VV battery utilizes an advanced capacity display via green, yellow and red LED lights. Users will know the battery’s capacity via the color of the LED Button The LED lights will show green, yellow or red to indicate full battery life, half capacity or charging needed Superior Battery Life: The iTaste VV e-cigarette features a built-in 800 mAh polymer Li-Ion rechargeable battery 510 Threaded: The iTaste VV is threaded to accept 510 accessories, including the iClear10,iClear16 and iClear30 clearomizers ON/OFF Battery Switch: Quickly clicking three times will power the device on or off. Once the device is on, holding down the button will activate the battery. This safety feature prevents the atomizer from turning on while it's in your pocket or bag, as well as inadvertent settings changes 10-Second Cutoff: If the button is held down for 10 seconds or longer, the iTaste VV will shut itself off until the button is released Passthrough: The iTaste VV is charged through a Micro USB Port. You can recharge it with any standard MicroUSB cable. It can also work as a pass-through device for simultaneous vaping and charging Settings Retention: The device remembers the last voltage or wattage used when switching batteries Display Information: The bright display shows resistance (ohms), voltage, wattage, atomizer voltage output, puff count, and last-used settings

$25.36 Authentic Innokin iTaste CLK 1280 VV 1280mAh Rechargeable Battery - w/ charging cable / brass + stainless steel at FastTech - Worldwide Free Shipping

Variable voltage: The rotational wheel adjusts voltage in the increamens (3.5V, 3.8V, 4.0V, 4.3V, 4.5V, 4.8V, 5.0V) To set your desired voltage turn the rotational wheel to the left or right until you hear an audible click Press quickly 5 times to turn ON/OFF The battery capacity is displayed via green, yellow and red LED lights Green = fully charged Yellow = half charged Red = low power (please charge) 10s cut off protection Short circuit/atomizer protection Over-discharge protection Low voltage warning (lower than 3.3V, red LED blinking for eight seconds and then automatically power off) Compatible with eGo/510 connection With micro-USB charging port Standby current: 50uA max Maximum output current: 3.5A Maximum output wattage: 15W Clearomizer resistance: 1.2ohm (minimum), recommendation 2.5ohm Short circuit protection: 0.6 +/- 0.2ohm something in that sense that can run a dual coil tank like the kangertech at 1.2-2.4 ohms easy

vs something like a spinner that was really made for single coils at the time

and pointing them to new items that havent had the test of time like some of these mods do. seems like people are using them like ginne pigs to see how it works. thats not right

should be pointing them to items that have proven there selfs so they dont have to go through what we had to when we started.