Does Size Matter?

my little rta now is leaking sometimes after loving them for 4-6 months.went back to the taller older rtas for now.first day now and it feels like i'm back with a 100 and want a filter king. do yo have any size preference?  

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Winter - 'tis The Season To Be Vaping Old Style???

Winter in Auld Scotia - the weather is dreich and cold, the days are short, the nights are long, Spring is a long way away … and for some reason I always find myself at this time of the year back with a preference for older technology and simpler things such as my Telecaster Guitar ( Leo Fender’s first design back in 1950 and still going strong ) my quartz Rotary watch ( from the 1980s ) and a mech mod with the same tank every day.

Is it just me, is it me age guv or does anyone else find anything similar?

Whatever - happy vaping!  

Older Folks And Vaping Front Porch - Part 5

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 5

Welcome to the ‘Front Porch’ for Older Folks and Vaping. This thread is a continuation of the original started over 4 years ago by ˇTxtumbleweed’. It grew to over 21,000 posts and the ‘part 2’ continuation thread was begun about a year ago. The ‘part 2’ thread over the next 11 month’s hit 15,000 posts. Part 3 reached its max and now it’s time for part 4.

The original and continuation threads are still around and you can find them he

Original (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping

Older Folks and Vaping

Part 2 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed - Older Folks and Vaping Part 4

Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch - Part Four

The Porch for Older Folks is dedicated to Txtumbleweed, Randal Fortenbury. He started the ball rolling and helped so many of us when we first started our vaping journey. He offered us encouragement, shared his knowledge and told us great personal stories ranging from riding the rails as a kid, working as a lineman, lumberjack and fishing the cold waters of the Bering Straits.

Randall (Tex) has since passed on and we are honored to continue the Older Folks and Vaping Front Porch in his memory.

The mods have asked us to stay on topic about vaping in this thread. Please adhere to this guideline.

Feel invited to join us in the lounge, on our Back Porch, where we can chat about vaping and any other ‘topic of the day’ that meets your fancy.

original, (closed) - Older People 55 and Up

Older People 55 and Up

Part 2 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part 2

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part 2

Part 3 (closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Three

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Three

Part 4 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Four

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Four[/QUOTE]

Part 5 (Closed) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch - Part Five

Part 6 (Active) - Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch Part Five

Older Folks and Vaping Back Porch-Part Six

Please, don’t be fooled by the old folks in the title. The range of vaping experience and gear spans a wide gap. We’ve got folks content with basic setups using carto tanks and we’ve got folks using temp control mods and the latest RDA/RBAs.

So if you’re just starting out or your more experienced this is the place to be for us older folks. You got a question - we’ve got an answer or three. (And we good at spending other people’s money - so be forewarned). So pull up a rocker and make yourself at home.

And - oh, oh, oh - there’s no age limited or checking done here. Most of us can’t see good enough to read your legal id anyway. The only age criteria is that today your a day older than yesterday.

I going to ‘prime the porch’ with a few posts from the early days. It’s fun to look back just a few years and see not only where we where but were the state of vaping was w/ respect to equipment.  

Ego-t Battery Not Screwing Into Charger

I ordered two of these batteries from FastTech. The cheap price and high capacity (without having a mod or some awkward huge battery) attracted me to them. Some two weeks later they show up...

I have two Puff King chargers that came with starter kits we bought at a B&M store. We've been using them with Tripl3 eGo batteries, one Puff King battery (and another Puff King battery, which was taken back and exchanged for another eGo-T battery, which broke), and so far no problems screwing any batteries in. These two from FT show up however and neither will screw into one Puff King charger, but they both did into the other (same charger, down to the model number and everything). Now, one battery from FT still screws in, but the other doesn't.

I took the non screwing in battery to a local B&M store and the guy there was able to screw it into one of their chargers. He handed it to me, and I unscrewed it, screwed it back in, unscrewed it again, and then neither of us could screw it in again. Now I have one battery from FT that will screw into one of my chargers, but not the other. The other battery will charge, but it has to just like sit in the charger and hope the connection stays okay for it to charge. I still have no problems screwing any of my other batteries into either charger, just these ones from FT. Also, it's worth mentioning that the FT batteries never seemed to screw in right... it always felt weird and finicky getting it to go in.

What's up with these batteries? They claim to be eGo/510 threaded, just like my other batteries. They look just like my other batteries too, except they won't screw in right...  

Quitting Tobacco (again)

I was doing so well for many months then I slipped back into smoking. First (because of stress) had two each morning, then had other "excuses" and it was 3, 4, 5... some days 6. I hate myself! One day my RTAs leaked, another day my new drop-in was bogus... lots of handy excuses but that's all they were. Smoked my last one this morning... might have to "vape like hell" for a few days but I've got to do this. I could use some support, but what I really need is some "tough love"... tell me I'm an idiot, a fool, how I did so good for so long and screwed it up (don't hold back... put a boot on and kick away) I guess a little emotional support would help too.  

File Size > Flash Size Error

Hello, currently having trouble updating "Cold Steel 100." It seems the chip is not able to update as I keep getting error "file size > flash size" even though I have tried multiple cables, with multiple operating systems, and multiple computers. It seems only a handful of people have ever even had this problem. Do you guys have a solution to this problem?  

Once You Sub You Can't Stop

Does anybody else on here feels once they start their new journeys with sub vaping they can't stop and find it hard jumping back to their old tanks set ups ? I'm just wondering what people views are on the subject.

I mean i have 2 set ups my Nautilus on my Vamo 5 which i been vaping with for 6 months now, it was good the Nautilus was my baby to the Alantis came a long. If i vape on the Nautilus these days it feels like i'm smoking a weak roll up ciggie.

The Alantis gives a great nice vape but the downside is you always filling the tank up, i mean i can get a night out the Alantis before having to refil. But the experience is far more advanced then anything the Nautilus set up can give me.  

My First Anniversary Of Being Tobacco Free!

I smoked my last cigarette at 8:05am on May 5, 2014 . I didn't know then if it would really be the day I finally quit, but I told myself to really try to go 24 hours without smoking, a goal I had never achieved. And I made it! So then I told myself, if I could go a day, I could truly make it.

I started smoking at a very young age, and smoked 35 years. I made numerous attempts to quit going back to my college years. I tried cold turkey, cutting back, the patch, gum, a nicotine inhaler, Wellbutrin and Chantix. No matter what, I couldn't break that 24 hour goal. I would go through ashtrays and light up every disgusting butt for 1 or 2 nasty drags.

My last few years of smoking I was under a PAD, but only due to financial reasons. I just wouldn't let myself have more than 1 cigarette per hour, but I certainly smoked the heck out of each one. The filter would be collapsed by the time I was finished.

Thank you, ECF. I was so clueless when I started vaping. I didn't know which was 510 and which was ego threading on my batteries. I didn't know an atomizer from a clearomizer. I didn't know what rebuildables were, or that the ones I saw online were clones. I kept googling different things, and kept ending up here to read. Finally after 3 months of lurking, I joined.

The journey has been amazing! The technology changes alone in the 14 months I've been vaping are mind boggling. And I've met some truly kind and generous folks here, from those who give their time all day to help others, to those who give hardware and juice to those in a financial crunch. Thank you, all  

Why Are The Juice Channels On Rtas Always On The Bottom ?

Just look at this pic :

I will probably do that to mine too . Im pretty sure this is will be better than the orig RBA . So why do you think RTAs dont have that , RTAs like the Subtank , Lemo , Orchid etc. , even kayfuns ?  

Measuring And Buying Orings

I need orings as my Crown 2 tank is leaking. I have a digital caliper but I am wondering how do you measure them without distorting the perfect circle? Also since they are worn the size will be off a little. How do you compensate for that?

Also wheres the best place to order and what material like silicone is best?

Subtank With No Spit Back

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a tank and battery combo that subohm at . 5 but the tank has absolutely no juice spit back. I do know my atlantis and atlantis v2 have tiny droplets of juice that hit the tounge. So small that I don't notice it until I had someone point it out to me. I run 70pg, 30vg juice.

I'm looking for a setup for a friend with a tank that is small like the atlantis v1 or subtank mini with a small frame mod.

They currently have a I stick 30 so ideally I'd like a tank that works with that.

I will say thru personal testing the atlantis v2 will give me absolutely no spit back at 50 watts, but the I stick 30 cannot get to 50 watts.

If a new mod is needed, they will go with the new Kanger 50 box but my big concern is spit back. I'm talking I need a tank that has no spit back.

I'm looking at doing this in the smallest package I can. Ml capacity isn't a issue. Size and weight is the issue here too.

Rba tanks are out of question. Need something with replacement wicks.

Any ideas?

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