Vape Dominos

Often there is a photo posted of someone's collection showing 10, 15, or 20 kits lined up on a desk or a shelf. Right now I have 11 of them lined up behind my keyboard, with the juice bottle behind each one. Every once in a while I go to grab something on the desk and they all go down like dominoes. It's infuriating and hilarious. So far no breakage. I need to build a rack or something. Has this happened to you?  

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Lost My Subtank Mini Rebuildable Rba Deck

Was happily vaping with a 1.2 ohm build on the RBA with istick 20w. Today I finally got my 30w mod, so exited to try sub ohm, switch to the 0.5 ohm occ coil and wrap the deck with tissue paper and leave it on my table, go out enjoy the Vape than come back to my desk continue work and forgot about the deck.

by the time I finish all my work, I plan to switch back to the 1.2ohm RBA deck, by that time I realize that the tissue on my desk missing. Search for some time than remember before I go out Vape i clean my desk, than turn and look, dustbin has been empty......I'm so sad.

i wonder is it posible to get only that section? I have contacted kanger, hope they reply soon.

i love that RBA.  

Time To Venture Into Sub Ohming... Kinda

So I've had a few various egos here and there, and I've loved them. My favorite has been the Aspire CF mod I currently have with the nautilus mini. I feel like it's about time to step my game up. Kinda.

I want to get into sub ohming. It looks fun and the vapor is impressive. I'm not normally one to vape in public, but at my desk at home it'll add some more fun to vaping I think.

I just don't know where to start. I don't really want to build coils or anything like that. I'd rather go with a tank that can sub ohm. Down the line I'll start building my coils, but now I don't want too. I want to see if it's really for me first.

So my question of the topic. What are some good kits that are basically starter kits for this? I've been looking at the ego one, and the aspire cf variant. The aspire is a tad too big, so I don't really want that. And to be honest I want more of a box mod.

I'm looking to spend around 70 for everything. Anyone want to suggest me a good box mod and tank kit that'll help me sub ohm? Thanks for any help!  

Mistakes You Have Made As A Newbie Or A Veteran Of Vaping.

Thought this would a fun thread to get going here in ECF.

Well,i'll start with something that just happened to me.

So yesterday i got my order in from the spanish website i use for my vaping needs,got some DIY materials and a couple of coils for my Innokin Zlide.

The vape shop was kind enough to send me as a gift a bottle of peach flavoured hand sanitizer.

I kept that hand sanitzer on my desk but stupidily enough i kept it close to my bottles with e-liquid.
So i refilled my Innokin Zlide with what i thought was my popcorn flavoured e-liquid when in reality i just refilled it with the peach scented sanitizer.

Lucky for me when i closed it i could tell by the smell that something was wrong so yeah...that happened.
Tossed the coil to the garbage (only used it like 2 days) and proceeded to wash and clean the tank,but in my defense the bottles look the same (except for the colour that is)

Common mistake,lights were turned off and i was watching a movie so yeah that happened hehe

p.s. hand sanitizer is the bottle on the right  

New Gear Box

Rescued this at work, they were getting rid of it. It's some sort of media storage case. Felt lined drawers with a few dividers. I'm thinking this is a new home for my juices and misc vape stuff.


How Much Stuff Do You Carry?

Just curious if I am in the minority here. I hope this doesn't come off as condescending - different strokes, and I am truly curious.

I usually just carry a mod and tank with me when I leave the house. Generally I don't travel a lot, mainly my commute to work, or out running errands or shopping with my wife. I don't really venture far from the house, typically. I don't go to bars, and eat out a few times per week. Visit friends on occasion. Pretty boring right?

I see people posting their vape kits here, and really wonder if all that is necessary. Certainly not for me, as I don't want to lug all that stuff around. Like today - I grabbed my iStick30 with Subtank Mini, fully charged and full tank, and went to work which is a 25 minute drive. The iStick/Kanger combo is tiny and fits well in my pocket. It's perfect for traveling. Once at work I have that plus an MVP2 with a IBTanked carto tank and a spare bottle of juice on my desk though it is rarely used since my employer outlawed indoor vaping.

If I am going shopping or to dinner I usually carry the same, or something similar - nothing bigger than a single 18650 regulated box with a tank or maybe my Reo Grand. I've never had the need to carry any more than that, so I'm wondering why folks carry wick, wire juice, batteries, tools etc...and curious how many do. I'm not knocking it, just don't get it. I can see if I was traveling away from home for days, as in vacation, but otherwise...

I prefer to pack light, and already have enough junk in my pockets, especially if I'm also CCW. I don't want to carry a man-bag or briefcase full of vape gear. Even a small box or pouch is an encumbrance to me. Never carried a smoking kit either.

So, where do I fall in the vape gear spectrum?...what do you carry?  

My Juice Leaked

Thought I might share a funny story.

If I have to leave my office building, I will grab a little bottle of liquid and place it in my pocket just for safe measure. This set of events happened today. My meeting took a break and I went into the men's room and decided this would be good place to do a quick fill of my subtank mini. Just as I finished filling it, my phone rings. I finish my call and everyone is returning to the meeting so I grab my stuff off the counter, just put it in my pockets and go back in to the conference room. At the end of the meeting I stood to leave when a woman noticed a stain on my gray suit pants. Note: when gray gets wet it becomes dark gray. Now I don't always remember that others don't vape so I simply said "Oh, I guess my juice leaked" and left. I got a call about an hour after I returned to my office when the gentleman that invited me to the meeting asked "Did you tell some woman that your juiced your pants!?" I said "yes, it was a little embarrassing but nothing to worry about". Turns out this woman rushed out of the room and grabbed a phone to call 20 people and tell them. I took calls for 2 hours with people asking me if I was "ok" and wondering what kind of juice I am leaking. The moral of the story is, make sure you put the cap on your bottle tight.  

A Smpl Explosion.

DSC_0137_resize by Papillon61 posted May 31, 2015 at 3:30 PM

This could have been my face this morning - luckily it was my thigh! I'm still shaking. Also luckily I was wearing thick cotton slacks - don't know what would have happened if I had been wearing something synthetic because there was fire.

DSC_0128_resize by Papillon61 posted May 31, 2015 at 3:28 PM

This is the result of what I suppose you would call venting of and IMR supposedly perfectly good Efest battery which exploded inside my SMPL mech mod. This was a battery I had been happily using for the past 10 days or so on a mod that I received yesterday and which worked perfectly fine all day yesterday using the same battery or its twin since I got a pack of two.

This is the state of my desk right after the explosion.

I'm having trouble adding pictures but there are more.... I need to figure it out and I'll be back.  

E-juice Surfing

Am I the only one who has half a dozen tanks on my desk and could start e-juice surfing anytime in the evening?

Let me be a little more precise: Each tank has a different juice in it. Some are RBA's, some are Nautilus tanks, some are standard Aspire or Kanger tanks. Sometimes I just switch between tanks (therefore juice) every few minutes, just like channel surfing, but with e-juice.

As an example: After eating, I might go for a tobacco juice with high nic content, then switch to a tea flavor with little nic, then to a menthol with a nic content that's in between. I might end it with one of my ADV juice that's lower in nic content so my setup is also ready for the morning...

Anyone else does this?  

Oh Crap!!! Set Off Hotel Smoke Alarm.

I stay in hotels almost weekly and this has never happened before. I think the ac fan blew the vape at the smoke alarm. Call from front desk, hotel security at the door the whole 9 yards. According to them it's smoking and I'll get a fee. In 2 years of vaping this is a first. I had no clue I would set off the alarm. Wish me luck. I really don't think my company will pay an acting stupid fee. The funny part is I'm not a cloud chaser. I'm using a Kayfun v4 at 12 watts.  

Still Going Strong. Can I See Your Vape Collection?

It's me again Margaret!

I've been gone for awhile due to a new job and new hours, not enough free time but i'm back.

I started on an Ego-T, and a tank you couldn't tilt over without spilling juice.
Since November, I have dove head first into the deepest realms of vaping.

Now I vape using a Sigelei 150w set on 80w usually on .4-.6 builds, dual, single, quad, parallel, twisted, ranging on a few different RDA's, (Authentic Pollux, Dark Horse, Little Boy, Magma, Doge, and Enigma).

If I get 10 replies, with pictures of your vape box or vape collection, I will post mine!

I want this to catch on!