Aspire Nautilus Coil Atomizers Are Terrible!!

I have been using these coils with my tank for years. But the last shipment I got must have gotten skipped on quality control. We have been going through these like underwear. They start to turn black really quick and then lack no flavor after a week of mild/moderate use. We have not changed liquids, have been using the same liquid with these brand of heads for years. Is there another alternative??? Please help!  

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Why Am I Coughing So Much Now? I'm Not New To This...

Recently, I developed a pretty nasty cough, and I suspect vaping, since it usually happens right after I exhale, and at night when I'm in bed, it's a LOT worse. The problem seemed to start shortly after I got my Kanger SubTank Mini, which was about 4 months ago or so. I've been using 50/50 liquid for the past year or two and haven't changed the flavor in a couple years. I've also been using the same brand for about 4 years. The cough is brutal, and sometimes it hurts and makes me feel like I have to throw up. It's a lot like that tickle in your throat you get when you have a cold.

Things I've tried to remedy this:
- Gone all the way down to 20% PG, suspecting this may be a culprit.
- Tried many different coil lengths. I've built everything from 0.3 - 1.5 ohm.
- Tried using the OCC heads that are built for the subtank mini
- Changing airflow on the tank
- Building "looser" coils
- Building coils with different diameters

None of these have fixed the cough. The last step I guess I could try is a new tank or something, but I don't really want to do that.

Also worth noting, sometimes it's completely fine. No coughs.

Any ideas?  

Why Do My Coils Die So Quick?

Hello everyone,

I'm vaping with a Vaporesso Swag and have tested the GT2, GT4, Mesh and Ccell coils so far. I'm vaping 50/50 VG/PG liquid with 3ml/mg nicotine. I always use the coils at the lowest recommended wattage, airflow fully open and my puffs are usually 2 seconds long at max.
Now my problem, I'm going through coils faster than others change their underwear. I'm on my third coil now for 10ml (!) of liquid.
I prime my coils and I let them sit in the tank for at least 30 minutes before I use them. I get muted flavor after maybe 5ml of liquid and it tastes burnt after 10ml of liquid. I've also tried different liquid brands and at least 20 different flavors.
So what am I doing wrong? I'm about to quit vaping because of the immense cost of coils I go through. I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.  

Zenith Tank And Coils

So my husband and I bought two zenith II tanks and inokin 1.6 ohm heads. My husband has not been impressed with the lack of flavor that it produces. Mine has been ok but I’m wondering if I need to clean the coil often? I usually use a nautilus tank and coil that I would clean each time I added liquid. Any help is appreciated as we bought 13 packs of these coils  

Need Help Finding An Apv That Works With Nautilus Tank

Hi, folks. I've been vaping since 2009 and certainly went through years of trying new devices (Anybody remember the Screwdriver?) But I stopped keeping up with new products and technology once I found a set-up that worked for me.
I use an original Aspire Nautilus 5ml tank with BVC 1.8 or 1.6 coils and flavorless liquid that I mix myself. I've been powering the tank with variable voltage batteries such as the Spinner 2 or, more recently, the Kangor Evod VV 1600 mah. Both the tanks and those batteries have become increasingly harder to find.
Have to say, after the Screwdriver, I was never interested in getting another device with an external battery. But as we all prepare for the (senseless) demise of the on-line vaping industry, I've been trying to quickly learn about regulated mods. I need something safe and reliable that will take an external rechargeable 18650 battery and will also fit my Nautilus tank.
I know the technology has advanced light years. Frankly, all the info out there is pretty overwhelming.
I don't need a lot of power or tons of vapor. I tend to stay between 3.2-3.4 volts with the airflow on the tank wide open. I'm most concerned about quality since buying mistakes will soon be harder to remedy. (Some of the worst products I've purchased-- with the highest price tags-- were from local vape shops.)
Any suggestions for an APV from folks who also use the larger Aspire tank?

Different Nautilus Bvc Coils Floating Around..picture Included

Hey all,

So, I've been really happy with my new setup (iStick 50w and 30w, Nautilus and Mini Nautilus). Everything has been working smoothly, but I have a problem with the replacement coils I purchased (and cannot return).

Went to go change out the coil in one of my tanks this evening. Filled the tank up as usual, made sure the air shaft and drip tip were clean, screwed on my new coil, filled the tank, and let it sit and wick up for half an hour. Took some pulls without firing, dropped it to 8w (to "step up" and prime the new coil), and immediately got a nasty burnt hit that I can still taste an hour later. Unscrewed the tank to see what was wrong, and noticed the wicking material was bone dry.

For the longest time, I could not figure out what happened, why it wasn't wicking...until I looked closer. The e-liquid holes on the replacement coil I have are TINY! The coils that came with the tanks have holes that are at least twice, maybe three times the diameter. The holes are so small that my e-liquid will not even enter them to soak the wicking material. I checked the serial number scratch off on Aspire's site and both boxes of replacement coils I have came up as authentic.

I'm displeased. $22 down the drain, now I have to rush and find a dealer who has the "correct" coils. I cannot use these coils whatsoever, and the dealer I purchased from does not accepted returns on atomizers.

On the left is the coil that came with the tank (both of my tanks came with this exact same coil, and two replacements that look exactly like it, but I've used them up and am on the new ones). On the right, the coil I purchased in a replacement pack of 5. You can see they look nearly identical, except for the size of the wicking holes. Also, the piece at the bottom seems a bit more flimsy, as you can see in the picture, it's not exactly straight with the rest of the atomizer.

So, can anyone point me to a dealer that has the coils I need? I'm afraid of ordering from somewhere and getting the ones on the right, which are useless and do not soak up any e-liquid whatsoever.  

Nautilus Mini Gurgling - Tried Everything I Can Think Of

Starting from a clean - authentic nautilus mini - with a brand new 1.6 (or 1.8 it makes no difference) coil (coils also verified as authentic).

1. Turn tank upside down - with tip removed and fill with juice.
2. Take base unit and set so no air holes are open.
3. Put a tiny bit of juice around the o ring of the base unit (i get the issues if I do this or not)
4. Put 2 small drops of juice into the coil (I get the issues if do this or not)
5. Screw the coil into the base unit (as tight as you can comfortably get it without going past the obvious stop point and damaging something)
6. Screw the coil/base unit into the tank.
7. Turn nautilus mini correct way up.
8. Move air hole to a middle setting.
9. Take some primer puffs with no power.
10. Leave standing for 5-10 mins.
11. Begin vaping gently at 6 watts - moving up slowly to 10.

Ive tried all types of juice - both high VG and high PG and in-between. Invariably at some point i start to get the gurgle. Ive tried the following fixes:

1. Using a paper towel blow gently out of the air hole to get rid of juice - doesn't work - if i kept on blowing id blow the whole tank of juice out.
2. Take the unit apart - most times there will be juice in the base unit underneath where the coil sits - dry this out - dry the coil off and repeat from step 2 above missing out steps 3 and 4. - this sometimes works but its a temporary fix.

There seems to be no pattern to the problem. Sometimes the gurgle starts as soon as ive changed the coil - sometimes its ok for a week. I have 2 units and 2 spare tanks and have rotated them all using the above method - still get the issues.

I have actually never experienced the burnt taste or reduced draw because Ive always got sick and binned the coil before that point.

I am vaping generally at 9.2 watts - but have tried as low as 7 and as high as 13 - it makes no difference.

I don't draw hard - I cannot understand why I keep getting juice in the air chamber - its not a problem with a "dud coil" unless they are all intermittently dud coils - they are all authentic aspire and I've bought them from different places - so its not a dodgy batch issue - the rings are all the correct way up - I have spent hours and hours researching to try to fix these issues - and cannot for the life of me maintain a stable nautilus mini.

Can anyone save me from madness and tell me what Im doing wrong - Im tending towards a conclusion of all nautilus mini components are junk at the moment.

Many thanks in advance  

Longevity Issues With Kanger Dualcoils.

I've had the same exact set up for about a year and a half now. Itaste VTR + Aerotank with 1.5 ohm coils, and i vape at 9.0 watts. I tend to only vape one specific brand/flavor, I'm one of those weird people that just like one thing and stick with it. Up until July last year, i used a local vape shop's liquid. I liked it and it was fantastic. I'm a little fuzzy on their ratio, but I believe it was 70/30 pg/vg. Their liquid would never pool under the coil and my coils would last for over 5 weeks at a time. Then i moved. The cost of their liquid plus shipping was just too high, i was already paying 22 bucks for a 30 ml plus shipping on top of it was just killing my wallet. I found a couple other sources of liquid, one on the net being Apollo ecigs, and the other being local B&M selling VGOD liquid. Both of those i believe are 70/30 vg/pg.

Now since the switch to either of those 2 liquids, my coils are only lasting 5 days tops, and at nearly 2 dollars a pop, its killing my wallet even more than with the liquid i was having shipped here from that local store in FL. What is going on? Is that ratio of VG/PG killing my coils? Its not so much that the coils are burning out, but i just keep having to take a harder and harder draw as the days go on. When its a fresh coil, i get tons of flavor and good vapor, but towards day 4-5, flavor minimizes and vapor decreases. I've soaked them in distilled water and let them dry out, but even that the flavor/vapor tends to peter out after a day or so.


Aspire Nautilus Tank Works On Mvp 20w?

Hi all. I've been thinking of trying the Aspire Nautilus tank on my MVP 20w since I've read so many good things about it here. I'm doing mouth to lung vaping and I have an iStick 30 on the way too.

I just want to confirm the Nautilus tank will work on both mods? And what replaceable coils should I get for the Nautilus? Thanks!  

Increasing Ohm's On Coils

Hello everyone!

I did this pretty interesting experiment on using a set of coils for years.
I own a Digiflavor DROP RDA, on which I installed dual "Flat Alien Clapton" coils, each running 0.45ohm's on paper, and when measured, it was 0.21~ ohm's together.

Almost everyone says, when a coil turns black, trash it. But you can also burn the excess gunk, wash them, and reuse them a couple of times!
But what if I were to clean them all the time and vape further?

Well, after around 2 to 3 years of vaping, cleaning, and reusing the same coils, I can finally answer.

The coils are always on some kind of a flavour, even if you didn't drip a flavoured e-liquid. I ran through 20ml of pure sweetener mix juice, you still get a previous flavour, in my case which was chocolate.
The Ohm's over these years increased from 0.21~ to 0.24~ (Measured today).
The coils are always black or dark brown. Never to be cleaned like new. Each drip is full of taste, even after cleaning/burning excess off.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask!

That's all for today!  

How In The World Am I Supposed To Get This Flavor Out Of My Tank?

Hey all, I have just upgraded to the Nautilus tank and my first choice of juice was a peppermint candy cane that I made. It's very good however I am getting burned out on it but when i tried to clean everything and put in a new coil it still tastes and smells like peppermint. I have tried everything, grain alcohol, hot water soak nothing seems to work!!! I love my tank and want to use different flavors but this is really starting to pee me off! I am half tempted to use a mild solution of bleach just get the flavor out!! but that I think would not be a wise decision

anyone got a solution to try?