Thank You New Hampshire

Living in Mass and have been getting juice by mail for years, then the ban, very lucky to have NH nearby.
Only problem is I had to change my vaping habits, never knew things had changed so much, nobody stocks higher PG than VG, in fact the stores don’t know what I’m talking about, was using a provari with a nautilus tank for years with higher PG, now had to go sub ohm with an Ageis with Ajax and Voppoo tanks to get some sort of hit, I also noticed many juices don’t even state the PG/VG on the bottle or should I say VG/PG as that switched as well.
Love the flavors now but miss the Provari, whole new learning experience for me.
Thank you New Hampshire or I would be screwed.  

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Have Your Vaping Habits And Consumption Have Changed Over The Years?

Well, over the time all changes, even the beloved habits and hobbies, so is vaping, I do remember when I did started, a bit confused, a bit scared and with some doubts, then enjoyed a lot RDA’s, rolls, making coils and all those new things that changed out the habit… for example to switch the cigarettes pack and light on your pocket for a vape mod and maybe a juice bottle too,

so at the beginning I did used some sub-ohm tanks, then moved to RBA’s…. oh boy, the RDA’s, the coiling art and wicking, what a times on some stores, talking, vaping having great times!
Then, the need of more liquid, the hassle of dripping and there were no squonks available… so, decided to try RTA’s, oh what a wonderful land, tank capacity and dripper alike sensation, draw, flavor and vapor production..

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How have your vaping habits and hobby changed, has It been affected by new devices and new trends?


Premixed Vape Juice Shipping

With everything going on in the vaping world I was wondering if we’ll still be able to buy PG/VG premixed.
I buy premix PG/VG with nicotine already added so I’m wondering if I should buy 4 or 5 gallons to make sure I can get it.
Also I was told that if I buy a few gallons that I should freeze it or refrigerate it,is that right?
I sell mods and tanks so I have plenty to last years because I use to sell them on ebay until they ban selling them on the site.
I’m on private sights but don’t know what’s going to happen after April.
I live in New York so we already are have a juice ban so I mail it to a friend in another state and they forward it to me.
Now I’m buying premix so I can just flavor my own juice but I’m worried they might stop shipping premix PG/VG and then what will we do?
So any information on what’s ahead I’d appreciate your information. I’m new so I’m trying to learn how to find information on here.
Thank You  

Been Away A Long Time. Is There Any Market For Classic Mods?

Hey all, very few will remember me but I was one of the earlier on adopter mainstays here years ago, especially in the REO and mech mod arenas. Spent thousands on mods back then, but I don't regret it as it helped me kick a 23 year butt habit. I still have several higher end devices from about 5-8 years ago that I will never use again but enjoy looking at. I wonder if there is any market at all for 'classic' higher end devices amongst today's members?

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I may let go of them if there is a market at all for them amongst today members. Just curious if there is a renaissance yet for these things.  

Weirdest Bottom Feed Issue Ever. Long List Of Troubleshooting

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I have a boxer bf mod I have numerous Rda I am vaping mtl a juice I’ve been vaping 5+ years.
I didn’t use my boxer or any rda for a while. When I did a rebuild as usual I noticed a “bad” flavour. Like most of you I went through a series of steps to no avail

I changed atomisers did a new build and soaked (vinegar, then retainer brite, baking soda and ultimately boiled) the other one I confirmed if I drip the juice tastes as expected I changed bottles and soaked (like above) the bottle I took apart the boxer and soaked the 510 (as above)
Obviously these cleanings weren’t all at once. I tried vinegar. Then when that failed I tried retainer brite (great to remove discolouration but leaves a slightly mint flavour for a few draws),when that didn’t work I tried boiling.

At this point I’m starting to wonder if something is going on with the way the mod is activating. The only thing left I can think of is that for some reason (and I’m not sure why it would have developed) when the metal bar contacts the ring on the 510/feeding tube area there’s some kind of charge that’s happening and raining juice or melting plastic (which I don’t see). Either that or there is some mould or something deep in the 510 assembly.

Have any of you ever experienced this kind of flavour terrible all of a sudden? I have now tried 4 bottles with four tubes. I have cleaned every element at least five times. I have confirmed I’m not just tasting it wrong by dripping.

it’s clearly not the atomiser or build related. I have a hard time believing it’s bottle related after what I’ve done to them.

I just cannot figure this out. The next step of course is going to be to try and use the same bottles /atomiser on another mod but I thought I’d ping you all to see what your thoughts are - because in ten years of vaping I haven’t experienced this, and troubleshooting has taken hours so far.

Just a few final points
no shorting Very minor sparks as you’d expect from this mod and the way it makes contact at an angle Been vaping a very long time and building since almost day one The rda’s are authentic, stainless etc I’ve tried 3 of them at least It’s not wire or cotton
I’m stumped. Appreciate any thoughts.  

Best Type Of Juice In A Mtl Rta

I got a great number of responses on my last post, with tons of useful information, so here’s another question I have for you all. What is the best type of juice for flavor in a MTL RTA?

I’ve found that lower mg salt nic usually tastes better than its higher mg counterpart - I.E. a 30mg and a 50mg bottle of the same juice will taste better in the 30mg option.

I’ve read about people smoking 0, 3, and 6mg freebase in pod systems, so I bought some myself to try it out in my MTL RTA (the lady at the vape shop said 3mg would have a lot more flavor than Nic salts).

I’m not sure if I somehow got a bad batch of juice (I have 4 different flavors/ 2 different brands so idk the likelihood of that) or what, but it doesn't have a prominent taste.

Ive tried from .6 to 1.2ohm coils with 28ga stainless steel single round, as well as some 1ohm mtl fused claptons. Is it possible to make the juice work with my current set up or do I need to buy different gauge wire and up my watts? I’m not interested in heavy cloud production, just flavor.  

What Does This Ban Mean For The Rest Of The World?

Hey everyone! So it’s clear that things are changing for all of you who live in the USA. I truly feel for all of you, and I still can’t believe this is happening. But, what is the impact that this is going to have in all of the other countries that basically depend on the US market?

I live in Perú and in most shops, if not in all of them, most of the juice that is sold is directly imported from the USA. Does this mean that we won’t be able to purchase these items anymore either? And what about new devices? I’m aware that most of them are made in China but under American brands.

I understand that the USA has probably been one of the biggest markets in regards to vaping. How is this whole thing going to impact the rest of the world? Our vape community isn’t that big, it just started growing last year. Stores don’t really make their own e-juices, it’s hard to get good quality ingredients.

I’d really appreciate your thoughts <3  

The Old Dog And His Old Dog

Posting a picture of my set up for today got me thinking as it featured my oldest original well used, worn, scratched and faded iStick 30w which has served me so well and has far outlived its projected lifespan.

A lot changed for me back in October 2015 - my grown up daughter and her husband had switched to vaping as they couldn’t smoke even in the grounds at work and had taken to vaping.

They liked it and gave me an e-pipe, tobacco flavoured vape liquids, a couple of 18350 batteries for it and a Nitecore Charger.

I thanked them, said I’d give it a try - with my fingers crossed and the thought in my mind, “Aye that’ll be right, I’ll stick it in the drawer and phone you in a few weeks saying it broke and I’m really sad about it.”

A week later my conscience got the better of me and I tried it on a Friday morning ( the 17th of October ), was amazed that I got through a day on it without a craving, thought I’d try it over the weekend, did, and have never smoked in the four years plus since. Amazing since I had smoked for more than 50 years previous to that.

I took the e-pipe to Spain with me for the Winter and while there bought a couple of the old style Ego batteries and plastic tanks with their trailing glass fiber wicks “just in case.”

The 18350s need constant charging, the juice soon destroyed the threads of the pipe’s plastic tank and the back up devices gurgled badly and so I went down to Fuengirola where there was a big vape shop and asked could they recommend a better tank - they suggested a Nautilus Mini and when I asked about a battery for it ( I didn’t know they were actually called “Mods” then) they gave me an iStick 30w … and the rest is history.

I joined this Forum about five weeks after I switched to vaping. In those days MTL was THE thing, the setup I’d bought was “flavour of the month” along with the GS Air Tank and one by Kanger. I learned a lot on ECF in a very short time, and I’ll always be grateful for that.

I tend to be a bit of a stick in the mud when I find something I like and my motto tends to be “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” I’ve experimented with mechs, squonkers, drippers, and coil building over the years but always come back to my old faithful Nautis and iSticks - simply because for me they work and they work well.

Having found kits that worked, I dropped out of the Forum for a few years until in Spain over the Winter gone I thought my Nautis were failing me or giving up the ghost ( in actual fact as I discovered when I got back to the UK I had had a batch of really really bad coils ) and started reading ECF again and found that the new best thing for MTL was the Zenith, so I gave it a whirl.

I was slow to take to the Zenith I have to admit - while it made my batteries last longer for some reason and was super easy to refill on the go, at first it vaped too dry for me, seemed too airy and the drip tip didn’t initially suit me at all but I persevered with it ( them) and now keep a set of seven for use outdoors or for when travelling or for when I simply feel like a change.

Here’s the Old Soldier!

Anyone else still using old kit?


Experience Using Different Vapes

Hi. I have a question that I'd love some feedback on, but it's not really conducive to googling. I started a trial run years ago with Blu, Vuse, and NJoy refillables. I participated in market research on the Juul cartridges, and switched to a refillable AIO unit (Aspire Breeze) a couple of years ago. I just finally made the plunge into box kits with a Smok Mag Grip.

Problem is, my experience so far is a bad one. I'm getting an almost overwhelming taste of the vape juice, which I initially thought might be due to higher wattage than I'm used to. I *seem* to be getting juice in the mouth though (strangely, it's somewhat tough to tell) - not hot pops of it, it just seems to be coating my tongue (and making me feel sick). I'm using 70/30 PG/VG, btw.

Does anyone else have experience with this happening, or with having a totally different experience between smaller wattage AIOs and more customizable setups?  

Congratulations Are In Order, My Cherry’s Been Popped

So I’ve been vaping for around 7-8 years and in all that time I’ve never broken the glass on any of my tanks even though they have all been dropped several times on many different surfaces. Well that all changed today when I dropped the bulb glass on my Uforce T2 while cleaning it during a coil change. Sadly I only have one and the extra is a straight wall glass that reduces the capacity. So I’ve ordered a three pack of bulb glass in case it happens again. I haven’t started a thread in awhile and thought this was the perfect subject to share with my fellow vapers. My diary entry says...”Today I became a man” I know it’s kinda B.S. that in order for us guys to be considered a man in today’s society we cannot have an intact cherry. I don’t make the rules, I just follow them, and although I don’t agree completely, I do feel a little different afterwards. Dare I say, more like a man. Anyway for you ladies thinking of breaking your first glass tank, here is some musical inspiration courtesy of Neil Diamond.

This is what happens when I’ve been locked up in my house for too long, scared of the world around me. Things get weird man...
Cabin fever  

Can't Seem To Sub-ohm :(

Hi everyone, I started vaping with a vaporfi pro 650 mAh battery with an atty at 1.8- 2.0 ohm. Then I upgraded to a provari with a carto tank from IBTanked, which I LOVE!!! I tried a friends Atlantis and it was so harsh I couldn't believe how hot it was. I actually couldn't get into my lungs choked me up bad. So I bought a subtank mini the other day and tried the 1.2 ohm coil with my provari and again way too hot and harsh. I tried it at the lowest volts and not much vapor and the higher I went the more vapor but couldn't enjoy it (get it into my lungs) I really would like to blow big clouds but how the hell do you do it??? What am I doing wrong?

Second quick question, I'm thinking about buying an e-grip, I like the tank being inside of the mod and it comes with a 1.5 coil but will I still have the same problem as above. I like a warm vape but not a choking hot one!

Thanks and Happy Holidays!!!