Messed Myself Up Vaping Wrong?

Hey E-Cigarrete community, I recently started vaping THC with a friend about 6 months ago, never had a problem until we got a new cartridge about 4 days ago, i vaped with him and it was fine however i brought a pen home with me with my new cartridge which i verified online to make sure it was legit, but i believe i might have vaped wrong as i hit it 3 times which i've never done before, i spent the entire day feeling good, this was on monday but on tuesday i woke up with a slight discomfort in my chest and pretty bad acid reflux, i wasn't in pain but definitely in discomfort, the discomfort just went away today my lungs are fine and i didn't experience any difficulties breathing, i read online that it's possible i got a heartburn from it, any recommendations, opinions on this? i have to mention the THC concentration on the previous cartridge was of 63% this one is 87% i'm not sure if this would be the cause of it, but any advice would be great as i'm a bit worried because of what i experienced.  

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Extremely Sore Throat From Too Much Vape?

I'm going through a ton of stress at my job and recently began vaping ALOT more than I normally would, in two days I went through a 30mL bottle (not sure if that's a lot for some of you, but for me it is!)

about five days ago I woke up and my throat was EXTREMELY sore, extreme strep throat sore. For several days I could hardly talk and had excessive coughing spurts every 15-30 minutes. It's finally calmed down, last night I smoked a few cigarettes and had no discomfort in my throat, but I picked up my vape and tried to take a hit and the pain cannot be described. Today the same thing, I had a cigarette and was fine but when I go to hit my vape it's just unreal how bad the pain is in the back of my throat.

I know some people can have a bad reaction to the PG but I've been vaping for three + years and never had this type of problem. Has anyone else had this experience? Should i let my throat heal a little more before vaping? I just don't understand how a cigarette can be fine and the pain from the vape be so much.  

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Trouble Vaping After 4 Years

Hi all-
I haven't posted in a long while. I am in need of some suggestions as to what could be going in with me all of the sudden with my vaping.

Within the past two months I have a very hard time breathing when vaping. I was just thinking at first that I was getting sick or something. Then, I stopped for a few days completely and I felt better so I started again. The evening of the first day back to vaping, I laid in bed trying to go to sleep feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest and that my throat was closing up. It was very scary. So scary that I have now been to the pulmonologist as well as the cardiologist (because the chest heaviness was bad). My lungs are clear and heart is in good condition. Soooooo....I went and purchased a ZERO nicotine juice thinking that maybe it was the nicotine. NOPE.....that didn't work either, I have used my e-cig only on the past two Saturdays and it has zero nicotine liquid in it and I still have the same problem after the day of vaping. I feel like I am struggling to breath. It is horrible. It takes a day or so to subside. I really enjoy my vape. I quit analogs on April 9, 2011 and have been vaping every since. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could possibly be? Maybe I should try just VG Juices....would that make a difference? Please help....any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!  

Vaping And Running Vs Smoking And Running

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My Vape Cartridge Went Through The Washer

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Day 6!

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Day 2 : more heartburn, still feeling buzzed and lethargic. Few times during the day had shortness of breath and a tight chest feeling

Day 3: woke up coughing like a ******. Not feeling so lazy and slow anymore. Some chest tightness comes and goes.

Day 4: still coughing in the morning, but not feeling slow or lethargic anymore

Day 5: feeling amazing. No cough, no heart burns, no tight chest feeling.

Day 6: great till now !!!  

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Journey of a Tainted Vape Cartridge: From China’s Labs to Your Lungs  

My Update After 5 Months Of Vaping

Hi all, it's been 5 months I quit smoking and switched to vaping, I want to thank you all for helping with my questions during my early days and suggesting me a good kit. Here is how I feel now.

As we are hearing lot of vaping related sickness issues I was in a dilemma for last 2 months if this is really gonna hurt me or I am fine. I get small pain on left front rib cage side when I vape recently. I am not sure if I am over thinking about news and that's causing me doubts.

And also i used to sleep fine for first 4 months of vaping, for last 1 month I did not get a good sound sleep. Is this anything to do with vaping or am I stressed about some job/other issues.

As always thanks for your suggestions.  

Ear Pains. Clogged Ears. Pressure. Titunitis

Hello all.

2 years ago I tried vaping and it was a miracle life saver. Thing went great. I was feeling amazing. Energized. Started hitting the gym lost a lot of weight and was healthier. But then I developed this killer ear pain. Ears feeling clogged and pressure. Went to see a ENT he couldnt find anything wrong. I figured it was vaping. I did some reading online and turns out PG is toxic for your ear.

If you didnt know. Ears throat and nose are all connected. The PG enters your eustachian tubes and that's when the pain starts.

I have given vaping another try. This time 100% VG e liquid with organic flavoring.

You can try kind juice, kai virgin vapors and others.

But be carefull some claim to be organic and MAX VG, but still contain some pg.

If you have this issue, I strongly suggest you give this a try. It's working for me at the moment. Will update this post if ear aches come back.