Modz Pack 40 - Not Very Encouraging Pic

judging by this pic, I wouldn't trust this mod

makes ya wonder what else they got wrong

aha! the got this one right.... i hope

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Hana Modz Dna 50 Clone Voltage?

For all you brainiacs and problem solvers out there. I've just recieved my Hcigar DNA 50 Hana Modz Clone from our friends at Fasttech. Overall it seems like a niece piece for the price. I've only really one issues with it which is as follows. The voltage read out is fairly accurate up to 40w but can't seem to go higher than 6.4v all the way up to 50w. 50w should read at 7.07v given the below build.

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Cheers folks!  

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I did it before so I can do it again.  

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"We will continue to carry many of the products you have come to know and love, however e-liquid will soon be a thing of the past, and batteries are likely to be absent as well."

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China Online Sale Ban

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