Brand New Coil Tastes Burnt?

I just got a brand new 1.5 ohm coil for my mini protank 3 and it tastes burnt how could this be? Are some coils bad when you open the package?  

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any idea why this is happening ? the device gets quite hot too...
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Why Do My Coils Die So Quick?

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Burnt Taste idk what it is,tasting burnt no matter what ,new coils ...two different rba pieces for subtank mini...guys at local vape shop didn't taste it but I notice a flavor of burnt n not juice...tht was hours ago,just tried again few mins ago and not burnt,but why would it be like tht? If a bit more cotton would it b better? But then I get juice...less cotton I get odd taste...I can't win lol idea on y it's like tht? Rba's r both fine.  

Kanger Subtank - Occ Heads Problem

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What's going on? I thought I was supposed to be able to hit a .5 coil up to 30 watts ... Is sucking up hot particles from the coil normal? Should I just keep it at 12 to 15 watts and that's it, taking 1 to 2 second drags and that's it? Is it just a string of bad coils?


EDIT: Thought I should mention that the juice I used for both coils was 50/50 watermelon. I hear it's better to use higher VG liquids with sub ohm tanks. But can that be part of the reason why the coils are being fried so quickly?  

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Advice On Keeping Your Gear In Tip Top Condition

Think i might of burnt out a Alantis coil yesterday, still not sure. I stuck my tank in cup of hot water for 20 mins with 1 or 2 drops of washing up liquid. Then i dried burn the coil.

When assembling my tank and topping up with new juice i got a horrible burnt taste so i just swapped it out and put a new coil in. At the moment i only got 1 sub ohm tank and i i got a selection of juices. I do intend to get another sub set up waiting on ZNA 50 as i type this. But this going to take time as i went for the cheapest option ie Fast Tech.

Does anyone know how long the coils for Alantis tanks are suppose to last ? and the best way to keep them clean when swapping out juices ?

Any advice would be really helpful.