Question About Tank Not Working

I bought some nautulus mini tanks. One of them won't work on any of my batteries. I've only used it a couple of days. So us it always the coil if a tank doesn't work? Or are some tanks just duds?  

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My Tanks Won't Sit Tight On My Gen Mod

Recently my 2 Tobecco Super Tank Mini tanks won't sit tight on my Vaporesso Gen Mod. It doesn't spin, when it's all the way tight but they both wobble a little while on the mod. It's kinda annoying & I try my best to keep my thumb against the tank just to make sure it won't move while firing but just wanna make sure I'm safe to continue vaping as I can't afford a new tank, definitely not a new Mod right now. On the other hand, I have a daughter to take care of. Just trying to figure out if it's fixable & tanks or mod? I hope I explained it well enough?!  

Am I A Luddite?

Or maybe even a heretic, or a blasphemer?
I like mini tanks and small batteries. My favorite setups are mini protank version 1 clones with 650mah basic ego style batteries. Stainless steel finish, no funky colors or designs. Single bottom coil on the tanks, no air flow controls. Standard voltage batteries, no twisty things on the bottom, no usb passthrough, no digital displays, just a battery. I like the ego style because the protruding button is easier to find and helps keep them from rolling around. The lack of features I don't need means the batteries are small. I like small, sleek, simple.

I have a nice big fancy Smok vv/vw battery. If I cut my juice in half with VG I can blow some massive clouds without knocking myself out. I found this to be mildly amusing for a short period of time. I also found out that with my regular mix when I dialed around for the "sweet spot" I ended up at 3.7 volts...

The mini tanks don't hold a day's worth of juice, and the 650mah batteries don't last all day. So what? Tank gets low, twist it off and pop another on. Battery light flashes, same thing. I've got a battered old EGO case from my first starter kit, it holds four tanks and batteries and a bottle of juice with room to spare.

I got my first mini pro tank from a vape shop. I just assumed it was a Kanger, but there was no mention of Kangertech anywhere on the packaging or tank. Whatever, I really liked it. I figured the real deal would be even better so I ordered one online. Kanger had discontinued the version 1, so I bought the "new, improved" version 2. It was good, but I liked the clone version 1 better. The clone tanks are polycarbonate rather than pyrex, but I don't vape plastic eating flavors, so that's a non-issue.

Now I'm not knocking all the cloud chasing, coil winding, wick trimming gear heads that seem to dominate these forums, but if there's anybody else out there who enjoys vaping with a nice, simple, inexpensive setup, I'd like to hear from you.  

Clumsy Me.. Broke All My Aspire Tanks.. Vari.. Whats Next?

So I'm on the fence with my latest stint using the aspire vivi nova and mini tanks.. I break and loose them so fast I refuse to spend over $20 on a new tank. And Iv also had mixed results with the coils. I use a provari which has out survived all the tanks.. well, that's another story..

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Using A Different Coil For Aegis Mini Kit With Cerberus Tank

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Thank you in advance!  

Non Sub Ohm Tank Recomendations

Looking for a new non sub ohm tank. I have a few sub ohm tanks and just can't get into it. It's just not for me. I enjoy a flavorful, cooler mouth hit rather than huge low flavor lung hits. I am currently vaping my old nautilus mini and still like it but I am starting to get some chest pains. It may be my juice or just me but something about the coil fill material just makes me uneasy. I'd like to get a tank that performs like the natilus mini but has a better more pure coil fill material. Any suggestions or am I looking for a unicorn?  

Wanting New Hardware

I currently use Halo's Triton batteries and I like the batteries but I do not like the tanks. I have been having issues with them wicking and it's annoying. I use the batteries now with the regular cartomizers because the cartos always work and I don't have to fiddle with them. The problem is they are a regular carto and don't hold much juice so I'm always topping them off. I've always like the streamlined look of the triton and ego style batteries and the battery life is ok on them but I'm tired of having to fiddle with crap. I just want to pour in some juice and be able to vape for a while without worrying about anything.

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If someone could please give some advise on a tank, there are so many new things out there and I'm lost. I have been vaping off and on for several years but have never found anything to keep me off cigs for more than 6 months at a time because of all the fidgiting thats involved. Also any thoughts about going from an ego style battery to a Istick.

Thanks for any and all help. This stuff is so confusing to me.  

Help With Choice Of Sub Ohm Tank Plz

Hey - vaped for a LONG time. Mostly MTL tanks and I have been using the Zenith for a couple of years which I really like, but I'm too hard on it. I vape too much. Anyway, I've started using thicker liquids 70/30 and it's even more difficult for my Zenith. I do thin it out with a little menthol drops. But here's my question. I've been pondering going to a sub ohm tank but I just really don't know which to choose. As it stands, I'm thinking the falcon 2? Do their coils last long? Do the tanks leak even if liquid is thinned out a bit (not much). Anyway, if anyone has any recommendations, plz post reply. Thanks  

Will A Kanger Evod Tank Last Forever?

I've been using disposable clearomizers since I started vaping, with an 808 kit, and that's been working fine for me, but I came across a super cheap deal recently for a Kanger Evod starter kit, so I bought one. I paid about $14, so it was a no brainer.

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So far I'm pretty happy with the Kanger Evod, and I like the vape from it.  

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Carto Tanks

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