It Happened, Bring On The Antz - Ecig Mod Explodes

Leading story on my local news, "E CIG EXPLODES" I'm in the LA area so I'm sure all the local tv will have it. I saw it on ch11. Pics and all. Pieces of his mech mod stuck in the ceiling and pics of his burned hands. This is the kind of stuff the government and antz need. Let's be careful out there.  

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Vape Pen Charger Explosion

Just watched a news video... "Vape pen charger explosion"
Vape pen charger explosion causes thousands of dollars worth of damage to California woman's home
The lady was charging a vape pen and the charger "explodes" causing a nearby paint can to shoot up into the ceiling. The fire dept guy says "those lithium ion batteries..." and so on. Now wait just a minute! Technically, it wasn't a "vape charger" and they showed the vape pen looked fine. Pens don't come with a charger, just a USB cord, so it was just a universal USB charger (like for phones, ect) and the pen battery didn't explode. Also, why did she have a paint can sitting next to it? Did she leave the vape pen on (might not matter)? Was the USB cord damaged (short)? Pens use a LiPo battery not Lithium Ion. I know I'm nitpicking, but all people will really "hear" is vape pen explodes... nobody really thinks things out. Could this have happened anyway while charging a phone or something else? Right after watching this, I see an article in the local paper telling people to stop vaping immediately because of the recent events (and they don't mention ANYTHING about the real cause!) Final thought: there was also a water bottle next to where the charger was... maybe she spilled water on the charger? I'm like Peter Falk in the old TV show Columbo... "but what got me thinking was..." Maybe I overthink things, but at least I do think (and ask questions)  

Help Supporting Ecig Movement In Indonesia

Hi guys,

I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. Home of the 2nd largest smokers in the world.
Smoking is enjoyed by many under age children here. Many of them started smoking in the 6th grade.

You can watch the documentary of smoking in Indonesia here (by Vice News)

I have a couple of friends working in the media that says their boss are scared not to make positive news on ecig because it will make the tobacco company will not advertise on them anymore.

Right now, the tobacco giant is pushing hard on ecig. We can see all the negative news of ecig spreading in EVERY MEDIA NEWS in the country, on the newspaper, magazine, television, radio. The government even make an official public service advertisement on how bad ecig is and aired them everywhere.

The tobacco giant controls the media with their money. Tobacco advertising is still permittable in all media type here in Indonesia.

We have seen a lot of drop in ecig user in Indonesia since that negative movement. Many online/offline vape store here goes bankrupt because many people believe what the government are saying.

So right now, it comes to "The government want to ban ecig anytime soon", says all the media.

We would like to ask help from fellow friends here by signing the petition in as below:
Petition · Menteri Perdagangan Rachmat Gobel: Menghapus atau Membatalkan Larangan Rokok Elektrik/Vaporizer ·

Please dont write the comment in English though, we just need the supporters numbers to increase so we can bring this forward to the government.

Thank you

Note: If this thread is not where it is supposed to be, please kindly move to the appropriate sub-forum.  

How Do You Store Everything? Pics!

I don't have that much stuff yet - 4 or 5 devices, 3 tanks, some coils and under 20 bottles of pre-made juice. I've had it all in a plastic tote but that is rapidly getting too small for everything plus the boxes the tanks and devices came in - I save those.

You guys seem to have much larger collections of stuff and I just wondered how you keep everything separated/organized.

I'm thinking if I get into DIY ejuice I'm going to need a room for everything!

Pics please!


So Whats Next...

sub ohm dropping left and right... i can count on my hands around 10+ tanks already on the market

what else you think they can innovate on?

to me seems like the innovation for bigger and better has a ceiling and we are either at it or near it

a. wattage... 50-150 is "common" nowadays, 7-30w is what most people begin with
b. sub ohm tanks, the one im using has crazy airflow and uses cotton, flavor and vapor is on par with most rdas
c. rdas with multiple ways to build, airflow, color, flavor, etc..

what you think is "the next big thing" or you believe we near the ceiling in terms of innovation  

Talking About Vape Stuff Around Kids

My son told me his GF's daughter was telling everyone at school how "Gumpy" (me... my first grand daughter gave me that name) had all these wonderful tasting vape juices and even makes his own. He warned me not to talk about vape around her (she is 6) I feel like some kind of criminal and now have to be careful about saying anything vape related. Her mother (son's GF and mother of my other two grandchildren) was very upset with me. Anyone else have a similar story? How do you all feel about this? We are never going to beat this bad rap.  

I Met A Representative From Big Tobacco Today.

Don't really know why im sharing this, guess im just wondering if anyone else has had this experience or not. The other day I was at the local B&M and a minivan pulls into the parking lot, im friends with the shop owner so I hangout with him regularly and noticed the minivan as soon as it pulls up, the guy sits there for about 10 minutes just sitting there and writing things down, our conversation goes "Are you expecting a delivery or something?" "no why" "This dudes been sitting here for about 10 minutes just writing away" "Maybe its my first audit or something" the dude finally gets out of the van and comes in "How long have you guys been operating here?" Jon the owner says "about 7 months now, what can i help you with?" "My name is Chris with the National Tobacco (i forget exactly what he said) and I cover everywhere from statesville to asheville, im from asheville but was across the street getting some food and seen your shop, i'd never noticed it before." We live about 2 hours from asheville, I dont actually think he just stumbled upon the shop but who knows. Then he says "We're trying to get into the electronic cigarette market and have started making a brand called V2, ever heard of them?" I said, "I've seen them in gas stations a couple times, but other then that I've had no experience with them" He then says "what about the zig zag kits? Ever tried them?" "never tried one, but i've seen them once or twice" "Well that was one of our lines, the v2 is our next level model to kind of keep up with the new stuff thats coming out, I have a box of them out in my van that i can bring in to give you an idea" the dude then walks out to his van, we just kind of wait on him until he gets back then he returns with this big v2 display box "We're selling these retail for 450.00 but we can sell you three for 150 each, thats around 900 dollars of profit if you buy today" Jon says" Well i've never heard of the brand so i'd have to look into it more first" "Alright thats fine but..." then he gave this super long sales pitch about how it will be better then anything else on the market and ahead of its time with the magnetic tanks and blah blah blah, then Jon went behind the counter and pulled out this huge box and says "This takes three batteries and goes up to 240 watts, starter kits are great and all, but they will never really be ahead of the times unless you can build a sub ohm starter kit and thats not cheap" the sales rep dude then says "Alright, well im just going to leave my card, just give me a call if you decide you need any of our products" And he left, I guess the best thing that comes out of this is i can ask, has anyone ever dealt with any v2 products? How are they with reliability, battery life ect. I'd like to get back to Jon with some reviews, maybe they could be better then the regular egos and this is a good deal for the local shop.  

Where To Get 510 Nuts?

I need some 510 nuts (long story but it would really help to have them) Local hardware stores have "5-08" but not 510 (I assume they have finer threads) Where can I find these?  

So I Finally Saw It Happen...

A few days ago I noticed a new co-worker of mine was a vaper. He had some kind of old, ratty looking mech with some kind of tank I'm unfamiliar with on top. This guy doesn't strike me as the type of person who would be responsible with a mechanical, but trying not to be judgmental, I kept quiet. So yesterday a friend of mine says "look at that guy, what's he doing?" I look over and see this guy dancing around, frantically pulling everything out of his pocket. Out comes an 18650 battery, with a key WELDED to the end of it, still throwing arcs! By this time, his pants were actually SMOKING!!! We go over there to investigate, and he had put a fully charged battery without any kind of case or covering in his pocket with a bunch of change and his keys. The old ratty battery no longer even had the plastic shrink wrap sleeve on it, just a silver cylinder. When it was cool enough to touch, we examined it, and the positive terminal had completely burned away, and it had burned a hole in his pocket about the size of a half-dollar. After lecturing him about using a battery case, we asked to see the battery in his mod. He pulled it out and it was in worse shape than the one that shorted out in his pocked. No insulated wrap, big gouges in the side, burnt spots on the positive end. All we could do was warn him to get new batteries and go about our business. I have a feeling our warnings fell on deaf ears. I even showed him my little $0.99 battery case. I can understand someone not being completely knowledgeable about all the technical stuff, but isn't this just common sense? Sigh.  

My Juice Leaked

Thought I might share a funny story.

If I have to leave my office building, I will grab a little bottle of liquid and place it in my pocket just for safe measure. This set of events happened today. My meeting took a break and I went into the men's room and decided this would be good place to do a quick fill of my subtank mini. Just as I finished filling it, my phone rings. I finish my call and everyone is returning to the meeting so I grab my stuff off the counter, just put it in my pockets and go back in to the conference room. At the end of the meeting I stood to leave when a woman noticed a stain on my gray suit pants. Note: when gray gets wet it becomes dark gray. Now I don't always remember that others don't vape so I simply said "Oh, I guess my juice leaked" and left. I got a call about an hour after I returned to my office when the gentleman that invited me to the meeting asked "Did you tell some woman that your juiced your pants!?" I said "yes, it was a little embarrassing but nothing to worry about". Turns out this woman rushed out of the room and grabbed a phone to call 20 people and tell them. I took calls for 2 hours with people asking me if I was "ok" and wondering what kind of juice I am leaking. The moral of the story is, make sure you put the cap on your bottle tight.  

Be Aware And Careful.

Happened today. Smoktech xpro m80 plus bit the dust.

The "ghost fire mode got me" 510 is currently a direct power output, on or off it will constantly fire atomizer's.

I have reset the mod, turned it on and off. Only solution is to screw off my RDA.

I understand safety, ohms law. And make sure everything is operating properly. I have taken good care of it. Really no fault of my own to be honest.

Be careful, just if you own one watch it. If i would have had it in my pocket and it started firing and i had the radio playing and not heard it? Thats pretty serious IMO. Just figured I'd let you guys know.

Vape on vape SAFE!