Plume Veil V1.5 Or V2?!

So I can't figure out were to order an authentic plume veil, or what a good website to order one from, but Iv been hearing things were the machining on them has been very poor and that's not good, but if you guys have an opinion on the best clone they have that would be great too, but I do like authentics thanks guys!  

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Melted Insulator Cap On Plume Veil?

So no mine didn't melt haha but I was wondering what the best build would be for a plume so I could prevent this? I normally go with a .3 ohm build 24 gauge 7 wrap so yeah thanks guys!  

Hcigar Clones No Longer Branding Logos?

Stopped into my local B&M a couple months back and noticed they had some Hcigar RDA clones, namely the Plume Veil. Thought that was cool and figured I would pick one up sooner or later. Today was that day so I stopped by to buy one. To my surprise, most of the Hcigar stuff no longer have etched logos, including the Plume Veil. Bought one anyways for the functionality.

I have other stuff such as the Hcigar Nemesis and Hammer. Part of their intrigue comes from the etched design artwork... I was kind of bummed.

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Hana Modz Dna 50 Clone Voltage?

For all you brainiacs and problem solvers out there. I've just recieved my Hcigar DNA 50 Hana Modz Clone from our friends at Fasttech. Overall it seems like a niece piece for the price. I've only really one issues with it which is as follows. The voltage read out is fairly accurate up to 40w but can't seem to go higher than 6.4v all the way up to 50w. 50w should read at 7.07v given the below build.

I'm currently using purple efest 3100mah batts with a 1ohm dual coil on a plume veil.

Is it that the display is faulty, (doubt this), I need higher drain batts (probably not as not pushing the amp limit here), or simply just that it's a clone and the chip isn't all the way up to the job?

I'm leaning towards the last one but can't complain, as an (essentially) 40w mod for the price is pretty flippin good!

Any ideas or suggestions would be great.

Cheers folks!  

Off-the-grid-vaping... What Kit Do You Backpack With?

Hi guys!

I hope everyone is having a great Mothers' Day!

As I plan my outings for the warmer weather, I'm thinking about how I'll get my vape on while off-the-grid. I've been vaping almost a year. Last season, I hit the trails with a few EGO twists, a VV v3, a couple of EVODS and a Protank2 w/AFC; all powered by a 6000mAh solar power bank. I've been rebuilding the Kanger heads almost since day one. Since moving to RTAs & RDAs, the idea of living with EVODS & a PT2 is not exciting.

Here are my choices for kit thus far:

6000 mAh Solar Power Bank
20W iStick
30W iStick
2 30W Hana Clones
iTaste VTR
VAMO v5 7.4v box mod
1:1 Erlk Clone (my favorite)
1:1 KFL+v2 Clone
Various EVODS and a PT2 w/AFC
Veritas clone
Plume Veil clone

With the goal of keeping things simple, compact and light; I'm thinking the solar power bank and 2 iSticks will be the foundation for my kit. I don't want to deal with builds gone bad while on the trail, so my RTAs & RDAs will remain home. That leaves me looking for a couple of new atomizers.

I'm told Eleaf's GS Air series are quite good for standard clearos and their heads don't seem any more difficult to rebuild than Kanger's. The GS Air M and/or MS seem to be ideal for this use. They're also <$10 each, so I wouldn't be thoroughly pissed if disaster would strike.

What do you guys think? What are YOU using for off-the-grid trailblazing?

I'm just glad I wasn't vaping 20 years ago when I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail. What a nightmare that would have been...


Burn Marks, Or Burnt Juice?

I have an LE80 with a plume veil 1.5 clone on top. My coils are at .3 ohms. Im running them between 3.7-4v a few times at 4.2. I dunno if its just the juice im using, which is very dark and kinda old. But it just doesnt taste right, kinda burnt, but im not sure if its burnning the juice or the wick, well, im pretty sure its not the wick, cus you KNOW when it burns the wick. But, what do you think?


2nd Build

Okay so not sure if this is the right section or not but its the only relevant place I could find. .

My first build was okay coils turned out fine but the wicking and position of the coils where terrible. So I decided to have another go.

Opinions appreciated.

Using smok xpro m80
Plume veil v1.5 clone
26gauge kanthal
Wrapped around a 2mil precision screwdriver.
8 or 9 wraps can't remember.
And reading at .46 ohms

P.s don't know why the coils look like there glowing purple but I promise their not haha.

Magma Still The Best????

I've been seriously testing out all my drippers over the last 6weeks or so.
I have the marquis and the vertex v2 and the aeolus and the Veritas and plume veil.
Considering the magma is so old now compared to most of the others imo its still the best for flavour.
the vertex pushes it close as do some of the others but can any rda beat it?
would be interested in what other people think cos I'm pretty sure some people on here will think I'm insane!  

First Rda

Hello im looking for a RDA, I have had a shop around and I have narrowed it down to a few, the tobh atty, plume veil, magma and the dark horse dripper. I am more leaning towards the tobh atty as personally it looks the more simple to build on. I will be trying to build .5 ohm coils as that's what im using at the moment (aspire Atlantis) could you give me any advice/recommendations  

Looking To Get A New Box Mod In The Future.

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