Got Some New Wraps Today


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New Mod Wraps Today!

Just got my wraps for my three favorite mods in vapemail from Vapor Skins, and I was very impressed with the exact fit, quality, fit and finish of all three. I got a Carbon Fiber for my IPV Mini 70W, an Exotic Wood for the Sigelei 150, and a Textured Wood for the VS rDNA 40. I've attached a pic (pease ignore the messy Tugboat). We'll see how they hold up, but for now I'm a happy customer!


J-wraps Or Vapor Skinz Vs The Cheaper Ebay Wraps ... Big Difference In Quality?

I have an iPV Mini that the finish is starting to look a little bad in certain areas on the mod.

I am going to cover it with a vinyl wrap, but can't decide what to buy.

Pricewise, the J-Wrap and Vapor Skinz are at least double the price or more than the wraps you can buy off of Ebay from companies such as "MightySkinsDecals1"

Are these Ebay wraps in the $7.00 - $8.00 price range of much poorer quality than the expensive J-Wraps, Vapor Skinz, etc?


Steam Engine Question

When calculating builds on Steam Engine for parallel builds, is the wrap count the total of wraps counting each strand, or total wraps for the unit of strands?

Example: I want build X using 2 parallel strands of 28g Kanthal, and for my given resistance, SE says use 14 wraps. Is that 7 wraps with parallel wires, or 14 wraps counting the parallel wires as a single wire?

Thanks in advance, guys. I'm trying to experiment with some creative builds and I want to waste as little wire as I can on missed resistance.  

Battery Wraps

Best online place in the U.S. to buy 18650 wraps? I don't want to order from China ect, I want to get quickly.  

Q: Steam Engine - # Wraps Indicator Bar?

So what does the # of wraps indicator bar in steam engine signify. It seems that the more wraps that are calculated, the longer the indicator becomes and will, at some point, turn from green to yellow (but I've never seen it turn red).

What is it signifying? Is it just trying to tell you, "Hey dude, that coil is way too long for any atomizer!", or is it saying something else. The site doesn't mention it.


Ipv4 Wraps Now Available

For those of you with a IPV4, Jwraps now has wraps for the device. Enclosed is a pic. They are 18.50 but when you choose IPV4 depending on the wrap it will subtract $3 to $6  

I Was Feeling "retro" Today

just for fun I tossed this together. (anyone remember these?)

KF clone with 6 wraps of 30AWG Kanthal A1 @ 1.7 ohms @ 12W with 18mg 100% VG juice and one 18650 battery.

Expectation is that I should be able to get more than a few hours out of the setup before ether the tank or battery run dry.


What Differences Do You Noticed Between Touching And Non Touching Coils?

I'm a single coil guy (laziness) :

After the huge push and trend of having only extremely close and tight wraps I see a few more people doing some non touching coils:

What are the performance differences anyone has noticed in these different style wraps assuming gauge and diameter the same ?

(Cotton wicks)

Second question


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Coil Builds

I'm about to venture into doing my own builds and I had a silly question. I have watched dozens of videos on how to do builds and have even done a couple builds on some of my friends attys. I have one friend who on all his dual builds he uses two coils with different wraps. For example one coil with 7 wraps and one with 5. Does anyone else build this way? I have never asked him why he does this and in all the videos I've watched I've never seen anyone else do it. Is there a specific reason? Just curious  

First Experience With Rdas - Some Advice Please

I got my first Derringer today. Wanted to try it immediately although I bought it with the DAY AFTER (May 2106) in mind... but you know how it goes, you get a new toy and you want to try it out.

I'm really not into very low ohms so first I went for a single coil - 26 AWG Kanthal, 9 wraps for around 1.3 ohms. But I didn't like the way that could be wicked in an rda. So then I put in two 28 guage coils which I had previously coiled for my other atties. Together they gave me .8 ohms which is sort of ok. But I still am not quite happy with the wicking. These coils are 2mm internal diameter and there's not a lot of cotton you can put in there. The taste is good but my wicking is nowhere as fat as I see in some pics online.

Any advice?