Vaping Collectors

Many items that have caught the attention of the general public have turned into highly prized collectibles as time wore on. I wonder if in the not so distant future early (today's) vaping devices will fetch high prices in a collecting environment? I think it will take about 10 years. Don't throw away those boxes and directions! Any thoughts?  

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Collectible Vapes And Devices

Did you know that some old computers are worth a small fortune?

Almost any old Dunhill smoking pipe is collectible and some are very valuable.

The original inventor of vaping supposedly got almost nothing for it because nobody really wanted to use it {back then} and by the time they started to become popular the patents expired {or is that an urban myth?}

Got one of those early vaping devices ???

And the big question, has a collectible market yet developed for early vape devices ??? Are these devices yet to appear on the collectibles market and what kind of money are they bringing ???  

Vaping Documentary Anyone...

Someone needs to produce a detailed documentary about the documented research about how safe vaping is. Hopefully that will give the general public as well as potential new vapers some education about what is safe and what isn't.

The contaminated products that are circulating on the black market are what's killing people.

Something of this magnitude needs to be put out in the media otherwise I'm afraid that this industry will die out and a lot of shops will go out of business. It's time to take action, the media has demonized vaping. It's come to a point where most folks can't vape in public in peace.

What are your thoughts on how to combat this issue? It's terrible what has happened to everyone that has been sickened or died as a result of vaping bad products. The CDC and FDA can't seem to get a handle on what's really the culprit and the media isn't giving us any details.

I feel perfectly fine as I've been vaping for almost 10 years now and I feel great in fact never better since I quit smoking cigarettes. Now I'm a bit paranoid and wonder if I should just give up vaping. This whole this is getting to me and I can't even vape around my family in peace now.  

Already I Can't Deal With High Nicotine.

Tomorrow I will be entering my fourth smoke-free week. I started out with 12mg Green Smokes which at the time seemed mild even though I had been of 1 PAD light tobacco smoker for many many years. Since then I have moved to mvps and tanks using mainly 6mg liquid, bought or made. Last night I found a box of the 12mg Green Smokes lying around and on a whim thought I would try one. I very nearly choked!! The 12mg hit my throat like an atom bomb and I was hacking for half an hour straight.

It's amazing isn't it. I rarely inhale while vaping - don't feel the need to. And yet I am satisfied and I feel I am pretty much getting over my nicotine addiction without even trying. I shall probably go on being addicted to the vaping because it is a pleasurable activity in itself but I can see myself going nicotine free in the not too distant future.

So my advice to anyone just starting on this journey - get yourself some good equipment and some nice liquid. You'll forget all about analogues in no time.  

Stigma Around Nicotine Is Destroying Public Perception Of E-cigarettes

If you’re from the United States or probably any Western country, you will know how quickly our culture can go from one extreme position to the next on just about any issue. Around 25-30 years ago, nicotine went somewhat suddenly from being a socially acceptable vice that could be done in nearly every public place by almost anyone to a highly stigmatized addiction that turned millions of smokers into second-class citizens. Unfortunately, since the most common delivery of nicotine had been through traditional cigarettes that have been lethal for so many people including both my grandfathers, the stigma behind nicotine has persisted into the era of vaping. And it doesn’t help that the practice “looks like” smoking.

However, in and of itself nicotine is not dangerous. It occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables, and does not cause lung cancer. It’s a drug, just like any substance or activity that releases dopamine in the brain. I’m personally much more concerned about the consumption of highly-caffeinated, high-sugar drinks, which are not age restricted, “flavor” restricted, and aren’t taxed to death. I’m also much more concerned about the proliferation of flavored beer and spirits in the last couple decades, which have minimal restriction on advertising and haven’t been scrutinized by the FDA to any degree comparable to JUUL or the e-cigarette industry in general. And while those substances can be very addictive, they are often encouraged in social settings, can be “enjoyed in moderation”, and aren’t considered an epidemic. Without getting too political, I’m entirely convinced that progressives would rather have 400,000 smokers continue to die each year because they didn’t switch to vaping than a new generation take up a significantly less harmful habit.  

Been Away A Long Time. Is There Any Market For Classic Mods?

Hey all, very few will remember me but I was one of the earlier on adopter mainstays here years ago, especially in the REO and mech mod arenas. Spent thousands on mods back then, but I don't regret it as it helped me kick a 23 year butt habit. I still have several higher end devices from about 5-8 years ago that I will never use again but enjoy looking at. I wonder if there is any market at all for 'classic' higher end devices amongst today's members?

I am talking about REO Woodvilles and REO Grands, Bogger Boxes, SUPER T ELA, Atom mechs, Provari Minis, carto tanks and carts and a couple others that I don't even remember the name of but were THE THING back in the day LoL.

I may let go of them if there is a market at all for them amongst today members. Just curious if there is a renaissance yet for these things.  

Some Of The More Influential Vaping Org Should Publish Simple Pamphlet To Be Handed Out By B&m And Other Vaping Outlet.

it seems like lot of information regarding how to use mod safely is not available to general public. i keep hearing people blowing up their mod and getting hurt. i'm sure pamphlet with safe use of mod and other information won't completely prevent accidents, but it should cut down on the problems.

when i started thinking about vaping, it was almost impossible to find simple information to use the mod. nothing really out there unless you start digging into forums and other resources to get the idea of what need to be done.

lot of general public who are interested in vaping won't try to dig into what will need to be done. they will buy stuff, put them together in some sort of fashion and will be disappointed or blow themselves up.

why not make some simple tri-fold pamphlet and have the B&M and online outlet to send out with every order? with big warning "READ THIS FIRST OR YOU MIGHT LOSE FINGER OR TWO OR AN EYE OR TWO".  

The Scarlet V

With all the bad press regarding vaping i've found myself really self-conscience about vaping in public lately. been vaping for 6 years solid and i haven't felt like this since i was a smoker. where once i was enjoying the freedom of blowing billowing blue-white clouds while waltzing down the avenue, now i feel like i'm the harlot in the midnight choir wearing a scarlet letter.

to top it off is my frustration of the talking heads in the media not telling the full truth about those who are falling ill or dying from vaping due to vaping things other than just nicotine. it seems easier for them to just lump everyone in a general vaping category without specifying the underlying cause.

i get that parents have been in a tizzy over their kids treating vaping like it's candy time at the O.K. Corral, but deal with that issue specifically. it's socially irresponsible to go after all vapors, many of whom might be tempted to pick up smoking again because, at least right now, it seems like it might become a more socially acceptable stigma than vaping ... imagine that ... despite the fact that smoking is many times more dangerous. of course there's always good 'ol Chantix ... if you don't mind the possible psychopathic side-effects.

anyway i don't know what the point of this is. i'm just frustrated and needed to vent.  

I Think I'm Dumb (or Maybe Just Happy)

So I need to make sure right off the bat that no one misunderstands this post as somehow an attack on any vaper of any kind. I'm posting this because I have become genuinely curious and feel I may be missing out on my vaping experience. I've had an APV of some kind or another for the last 2 years or so, nothing ever real fancy or expensive (I just got an istick 50W and love it) but APVs none the less. I have found that I only really vape at very low Watts/Volts compared to many on this (as we speak I'm vaping The Virus in an old original model protank with a 2.2ohm coil in it at 3.8V--6.5W). Now it's not because I don't own a device that can reach the Watt levels I want, any of them can; in fact, I purchase higher resistance coils so I have a bigger range to vape at. My first VV battery was an ego style twist, and I have always kept with the same mentality (again, I'm not suggesting this is the right way, or better than others at all)-- I start at a low voltage, hit it, and continue to raise it .1V at a time until I get a burnt hit. I dial it one down, and there I am. Now I always use the Variable Voltage setting, and where I vape usually works out to be in the 5.5-7.5W range. Now, I have noticed that this is astoundingly low for the devices I use. My question is: when vaping at such high Watt levels, how can you taste the juice at all? I mean, at home (obviously not out in public) I would love to be getting even more satisfying vapor from these devices, which is clearly possible. So what am I doing wrong? What am I missing? Why is it that in the 6-7W range even my hits taste so burnt and dry I would never dream of continuing? All of your information/advice is greatly appreciated. Vape On.  

Lung Hit Tips?????

To bring you up to speed on my vaping. I started in mid 09 and went 2+ years with out an analog np, Then kinda dropped it for bar hopping and I really dont know why. Kept vaping but only when smoking was prohibited.

I come back, and I have always been a mod whore. So pickin up where I left off. But now we got all the sub tanks and sub ohm mods, ect. I find myself in the odd position that my desire to be a mod whore, and my ability to vape these new powerful devices is leaving me,,,,,,,,unfulfilled. Worse yet I think TC or some form of that will be the future of vaping.

So today with my new MiniM and new Kanger subtank mini Ni coils. I begin to try lung hits. Doing pretty good for being at it less than an hour. I brings me back to a time in my misspent youth.

But I immediately noticed some differences in what works and what. More specifically I used to hit the button slightly before I would take a mouth hit. If I didnt it would cause me to cough. With lung hitting the opposite seems to be the only way, (Hit as I press).

I really want to get my brain around this. Is their any other "Lung Hit" tips anyone cares to share??

A problem I anticipate is I probably have $300 worth of 24mg juice laying about. So I suppose I will really be reliving my glory days.

Looking for lung hit tips?????  

Throw Up Feeling

Does anyone else get this weird throw up feeling after a session of vaping when you get up? I do sometimes and i don't know why. Its happened quite a few times now, the last time it happened I went to have a vape before my Karate training (I was ready and everything) then i felt like I was going to throw up and if i move too fast i probably would have.

Any ideas?