Travel Cases For Cruise

Hi all. I am going on a cruise next month and am looking for recommendations for a good travel case for my vape stuff. Also I haven't been on a cruise since I started vaping, so wondering does anyone know if I will be relegated to the regular smoking section of the ship?  

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Vaping On A Cruise

I'm going on a cruise soon and I'm wondering if I'm going to have a problem getting on the boat and Vaping on it I have a mech mod and a a box mod and I use rdas so do you think I'll have a problem getting on with my juice battery and mods  

Vaping On A Cruise Questions.

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My Parents Don't Like Me Vaping

So I'm a 19 year old guy, started smoking when I was 14 and finally quit cigarettes 3 months ago. My parents like that I quit smoking but they think vaping some sort of gateway drug that will make me want to, and I quote, "smoke {OTHER STUFF}". What I don't understand is that both of my parents both smoke a pack a day. I even tried to convince them to switch to vaping but they said they don't want to smoke that "{OTHER STUFF} device". Even when I vape in my room, they come in and get pissed off because they're tired of smelling my "fruity {MODERATED}". How can I convince them to get a better understanding of vaping and potentially start them on it too?  

What To Buy Next?

A quick back story to start. I was a 1-2 PAD smoker for about 5 years. I found vapes and quit smoking. I was able to stop vaping and smoking for 18 months until I picked up smoking again for a few years. I have once again been able to stop smoking and started vaping again. Simple transition, some willpower for sure, but I have kicked the habit completely. When I started vaping again I purchased an Istick 50w and a troll. Have been using 3mg liquid only. It's been about six weeks smoke free again and I want to, not only upgrade, but reward myself. I read and read and watch reviews non stop, my head hurts from all of the stuff out now. I use my mod consistently at 45 to 50 watts. I have a 0.4 dual coil build and a chuff top. The heat from the vape is less than perfect, but I like the vapor production. I am interested in temperature control as well. If I need to buy two mods to have everything I want, so be it. Not that money isn't an issue, but right now it isn't a factor. I have been looking at IPV3, Sigeli 150, IPV4, Mech Mods, you name it I have looked and can probably tell you the specs off the top of my head. I just can't decide! I need your help ECF! I know I want at least dual 18650, as my Istick lasts maybe half a day until I need to charge. Good flavor and large vapor production atty, temp control, and good ergonomics. Thanks in advance for all input and help.  

Why Do I Cough When Vaping? Please Help!

I have been vaping for a month with a pod kit (voopoo argus air) using pnp coil .8 ohm for MTL. I was smoking for more than 10 years and I want to quit but everytime I vape I feel a tightness on my chest and it induces me to cough. When I am smoking an analog it is so smooth I don't even cough. I really want to quit smoking but with this unpleasant experience on vaping it is hard to leave smoking. My juice is a salt nic with 24mg/ml nicotine strength.  

Any Vape Compamies Ship To Ny?

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Low Budget Shinyitis

"Cheap is small and not to steep, but best of all, cheap is cheap...
I'm on a low budget!
I'm on a low budget!
I'm not cheap, you'll understand;
I'm just a cut-price person in low-budget land"
--Ray Davies, "Low Budget"--

A few months ago, I got back into vaping after a two year absence. I figured that I wouldn't really need to buy much more gear than what I already had from 2014-2017.

Well, a lot that old gear still works and I use much of it frequently. I was using it, doing just fine, when I decided to get a new high power mod to replace the ailing eVic-VT, whose built-in battery is dying a slow and agonizing death. Can't run subohm coils on a Provari.

So I decided to buy a mod...

I'm good at finding closeouts, liquidations, etc. It's one of the ways I keep costs low for my guitar business. Much of which comes from China. With vaping, we have a whole industry located almost entirely in China. Most of the major manufacturers seem to introduce new gear and discontinue "old" gear on an almost weekly basis.

"Who still wants that old piece of junk mod we were making last month with a measly 95 watt output. Now, for just $5 more, you can have the new totally badass mod that looks almost the same as the old one, but in new colors and...get this...105 watt output!"

So for low power me, there was all kinds of cool stuff. I don't care about TC, 'cause I vape too cool for it to work. Just give me variable wattage or even VV. Last month's model is OK.

So I'm finding all sorts of cool stuff, and started seeing a lot of good stuff for under $50. A lot of good stuff under $35. Some really cool stuff for under $ of course I can buy that mod. Doesn't cost half as much as that carton of cigarettes that I didn't buy this week.

So here's a cool starter kit (mod with tank) for under $25. About half of the list price that nobody paid in the first place:

The Sigelei Sobra is a cool looking, long lasting, 200W monster. I love the Moonshot tank it came with. I added the heat sink all by myself. But it has a fatal flaw for tootle-puffing me. Minimum output is 10W! I frequently vape at 7W, so this setup just won't work for me all of the time.

So I really needed to get another mod, this time a high ouput device with a minimum output of no more than 5W...

I can't deny it--I quickly developed a bad case of low budget shinyitis. Not too hard to click on "Buy" when it's so cheap--such a good deal--and what's another $25, anyway? If it's less than $15, I swear, sometimes the "Add To Cart" button clicks itself.

Here's a bunch of low budget gear that looks cool, works well, and none of it cost more than $35. I also bought all of it in the last 3 months:
Low budget shinyitis is a common affliction. Some folks collect different pod systems in all of the available colors. Some folks just can't resist a good $20 RTA. Some people start collecting mech clones...
HCigar "Turtle Ship" clone with a custom built Subtank. Good quality, really. The only thing that gives it away as a clone is the engraving, which was left rough. Of course, I sanded and polished it, and now it's much smoother.

So low budget shinyitis is real, it's dangerous (to your wallet), and is perhaps a far more widespread affliction than previously thought. Now somebody please show off your low budget (under $50) shinies, so I know I'm not alone!  

Vaping And Running Vs Smoking And Running

So I started running again. I can say from experience that vaping has to be better for your lungs than smoking ! I was up to running 5 or more miles a day and up to 10 miles while smoking a pack a day. (I'm a former Marine so I tend to do things to the extreme.) When I was smoking in the beginning of a run I would feel a tightness in my chest and I used to attribute to having to get into an aerobic heartbeat. Breathing would be hard for a while. But I would always push myself to do the run. I would finish a run and stop and hack a bit then light a ciggarette. (..... I am lol) I always wondered how it would feel to run if I wasn't smoking. So I haven't run in quite some time (Old Man Winter) and I have been quit smoking for a while. So I started out with a short 2 mile run today. Guess what ? No tightness in the chest, no hard breathing and no hacking ! Can't wait to get back up into the big mile range again ! So if vaping actually had an effect on your lungs would I have not felt it ? In contrary vaping has greatly improved my lungs. So I don't need any scientific studies I just completed my own study ! Hey if anyone else has noticed the same thing let me know I'm interested in your opinion.  

Please Explain To Me: Those Who Died, What Were They Vaping?

I apologize in advance if this is a question that has been discussed a lot, but the problem is that what I’ve read doesn’t seem to make sense: We know from experience that vaping PG/VG based juices are safe to vape, so I don’t wanna talk about that. However, when I read (in articles as well as here in the forum) that they have been vaping THC , I have to say that this kind of stuff has been consumed in vaporized form for quite a while now, probably since before people started vaping PG/VG. So it doesn’t make sense to me that all of sudden, vaping THC is killing people.
Do we have an explanation for these cases that actually makes sense?  

9 Days Down, Forever To Go (& Bf Steals My Vape)

I've tried to quit smoking using vape stuff many times over the last two years or so. I've made it two weeks twice and otherwise have not made it long enough to remember. I had a dream last night that I was vaping. When I woke up I got excited about that (that I wasn't smoking in the dream). I went back to bed and woke up this morning in the middle of a dream that I was smoking. Ahk!

I know that I cannot ever have another puff if I want this to work. There is a thread about how gross smoking tastes after vaping. It's true that for me, smoking is sort of gross and leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, but clearly I like it no matter how disgusting it is.

Around February, my boyfriend said he wanted to quit smoking in the spring. We quit on the same day (last Monday). He uses nicotine gum and I have my vaping. He enjoys taking a puff off my equipment. But a "puff" has turned into about as much as I use it. Last Saturday he said he only had one piece of nicotine gum because he vaped most of the time. I'm trying not to be annoyed, but it kind of irritates me a little. Mostly because I chain-vape and don't want him to take it from me. A few days ago, I noticed he kept adjusting the voltage and handing it back to me without changing it back to where I had it! I made sure he stopped doing that.

Last night he asked me what stuff I buy (the battery, clearomizers and liquid- sorry, I don't know the correct terminology for everything). He was reading up on vaping. I am hoping he's considering buying his own stuff.

I'm thrilled that he quit smoking and want to be supportive of him regardless of how he does it but I sort of want to say, "get your own!"